

词条 Sing Up For The Champions

《Sing Up For The Champions》为曼联第三首队歌,是欢庆球队夺冠的歌曲,歌曲创作于上世纪90年代中后段曼联鼎盛时期。旋律欢快激昂,令人兴奋不已。尤其是当高歌出几位当家球星的名字,那种油然而生的自豪感无可言语。


1. 《Sing Up For The Champions》Lyric I: Ryan Giggs - Prince of Old Trafford

《Sing Up For The Champions》中有这样的一段:

Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Running down the wing

Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Running down the wing

Feared by the Blues, loved by the Reds

Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs

不过,最早是Nottingham Forest的球迷在球场上使用的,而这个旋律来自50年代中期一部成功的电视连续剧《The Adventures of Robin Hood》中的主题曲,歌词是:

Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding through the glen,

Robin Hood, Robin Hood, with his band of men,

Feared by the bad, loved by the good,

Robin Hood! Robin Hood! Robin Hood!

不难理解为什么Nottingham Forest的球迷会把这首歌改歌词在球场上唱,反正都是歌颂家乡的英雄。其实如果提到“Nottingham”和“Forest”这两个词,就可以联想到Robin Hood这个传奇人物了。当年Robin Hood和他的同伴们就在Nottingham一带活动,根据地就是Sherwood森林~~

2. 《Sing Up For The Champions》Lyric II: Andy Cole - The Andy Cole Song


Andy Cole, Andy Cole, Andy, Andy Cole

When he gets the ball, he scores a goal, Andy, Andy Cole

What a goal, what a goal From Andy, Andy Cole

Give him the ball he'll score a goal,Andy, Andy Cole

Cole一共为曼联进了121个球,球迷们称他是Goal King Cole,在他状态好的时间里,真的可以用那句“Give him the ball he'll score a goal”来形容。

这段音乐的曲调来自Boney M的一首叫《Hooray! Hooray! It's a Holi-Holiday》的歌。 Boney M是前西德七八十年代十分首人瞩目的一个组合,风格偏向Euro-Disco。不过乐队成员来自四面八方,有的来自西印度群岛,有的来自牙买加。 70年代末,由于他们的Disco风格迎合了当时美国的Disco热潮,使得他们在美国取得了更大的成功。

《Hooray! Hooray! It's a Holi-Holiday》的歌词:

Hooray! Hooray! It's A Holi-Holiday

what a world of fun for everyone, holi-holiday

Hooray! Hooray! It's A Holi-Holiday

sing a summer song, skip along, holi-holiday

it's a holi-holiday


3. 《Sing Up For The Champions》Lyric III: Ole Gumar Solskjaer - You Are My Solskjaer

You are my Solskjaer

My only Solskjaer

You make me happy, when skies are grey

Coz when it's pouring

You just keep scoring

Please don't take Our Solskjaer away

这段歌词十分能够体现球迷对Solskjaer的热爱,尤其是“You make me happy when skies are grey”这句话,对于时常在关键进球的Ole来说是太贴切了。

这段音乐来自美国乡村音乐家Jimmie Davis的经典作品《You Are My Sunshine》。 Davis在1940年2月4日录制了这首歌,发行后的一个月内在美国的销量超过了100万,在英国发行后,当时的国王乔治六世说这首歌是他的最爱。

《You Are My Sunshine》的歌词:

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy, when skies are gray

You'll never know dear

How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

4. 《Sing Up For The Champions》Lyric IV: Roy Keane - Oh Roy Keane, He's a demon

这次是唱给曼联的队长--Roy Keane的歌。

《Sing Up For The Champions》中有这样的一段:

Oh Roy Keane, He's a demon

He wears a demon's hat

Coz when he saw Old Trafford

He said "I fancy that"

The rest all tried to sign him

But he chose the Red and White

Of world famous Man United

Coz We're always dynamited

这段经典的旋律来自《My Old Man's A Dustman》的歌曲,这首歌是英国音乐传奇人物Sir Lonnie Donegan的不朽作品之一。

Sir Lonnie Donegan被誉为是英伦摇滚音乐的奠基人。在上世纪50年代,他的音乐横扫英伦三岛。他融合了民谣、爵士、福音和蓝调,创造出一种新的音乐风格Skiffle,他自然成为了“The Legendary King of Skiffle”,使他成为了英国第一位音乐超级巨星。

Sir Lonnie的作品感染力在于他的通俗化,而且注重即兴发挥。乐队使用一些简陋怪异的乐器(号称有用扫帚做的单弦‘Bass’)。这意味着任何人都可以组建自己的乐队,于是英国各地一下子冒出了许多同类乐队,他们在一些节目和街头聚会上表演。事实上,那是冲击英国的的第一次大众参与的音乐文化浪潮。

《My Old Man's A Dustman》这首歌改编自英国民闲小调“My Old Man's A Fireman”。它是Sir Lonnie后期的作品,那时他在传统音乐中融入了新颖的音乐元素,以下是被球迷所采用的那段旋律:

Oh my old man's a dustman,

He wears a dustman's hat,

He wears cor-blimey trousers

And he lives in a council flat.

He looks a proper nana

In his great big hobnail boots:

He's got such a job to pull them up

That he calls them daisy roots.

5. 《Sing Up For The Champions》Lyric V: Manchester United - Glory Glory Man United

《Glory Glory Man United》的旋律最早来自基督教信徒聚会时的赞美诗《Oh brothers,will you meet us on Canaan's happy shore》。

在1861年,一首为了纪念废除奴隶制度者John Brown的歌曲《John Brown's Body》用了这个旋律,歌词如下:

Glory,Glory! Hallelujah!

Glory,Glory! Hallelujah!

Glory,Glory! Hallelujah!

His soul is marching on


《What a Way to Die》

Glory,glory what a terrible of a way to die!

Glory,glory what a terrible of a way to die!

Glory,glory what a terrible of a way to die!

What a terrible way to die

其它版本无论歌词怎么变,总离不开Glory Glory什么的。

1983年,曼联打进足总杯决赛,于是发行了现在耳熟能详的《Glory Glory Man United》

Glory,glory,Man United,

Glory,glory,Man United,

Glory,glory,Man United,

And the reds go marching on! on! on!


6. 《Sing Up For The Champions》Lyric VI: Manchester United - Sing up for the champions

这段旋律来自宠物店男孩(Pet Shop Boys)的Go West

(Go West) Life is peaceful there (那儿的生活是和平的)

(Go West) In the open air (在开放的气氛中)

(Go West) Where the skies are blue (那里的天空是蓝色的)

(Go West) This is what we're gonna do (这就是我们将做的)


Sing Up For The Champions! 为冠军歌唱

There's Only One UNITED 只有一个曼联

There's Only One UNITED 只有一个曼联

There's Only One UNITED 只有一个曼联

There's Only One UNITED 只有一个曼联

Speak:Manchester United are Champions again.The Trophy stays at Old Trafford for the fourth time in five seasons


Champione, Champione 冠军,冠军

Oh We, Oh We, Oh We 我们,我们,我们

Champione, Champione 冠军,冠军

Oh We, Oh We, Oh We 我们,我们,我们

We Retained The Premier League 我们卫冕了英超冠军

Last Year on Merseyside 去年在默西塞德

Last Year on Merseyside 去年在默西塞德

Last Year on Merseyside 去年在默西塞德

We Retained The Premier League 我们卫冕了英超冠军

Last Year on Merseyside 去年在默西塞德

Last Year on Merseyside 去年在默西塞德

Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs 瑞恩吉格斯

Running Down the Wing 在边翼飞奔

Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs 瑞恩 吉格斯

Running Down the Wing 在边翼飞奔

Feared By The Blues, Loved By The REDS 让蓝军(字面翻译蓝军没错 但是容易误解成切尔西,标注上这里指的是曼城,红魔的同城死敌)惧怕,被红魔们爱戴

Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs Ryan Giggs 瑞恩吉格斯 瑞恩吉格斯 瑞恩吉格斯

Oh Teddy Teddy 泰迪

Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy Sheringham 泰迪 谢林汉姆

Oh Gary Gary 加里

Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary Pallister 加里 帕利斯特

Andy Cole, Andy Cole 安迪科尔

Andy, Andy Cole 安迪,安迪 科尔

When He Gets The Ball 当他接到球

He Scores A Goal 他就会进球

Andy, Andy Cole 安迪 ,安迪 科尔

What A Goal, What A Goal 漂亮的进球!精彩的进球!

From Andy, Andy Cole 来自 安迪,安迪 科尔

Give Him The Ball 把球传给他

He'll Score A Goal 他会进球的!

Andy, Andy Cole 安迪,安迪 科尔

You Are My Solskjaer 你是我们的索尔斯克亚

My Only Solskjaer 我们唯一的索尔斯克亚

You Make Us Happy When Skies Are Grey 当天空灰暗 你让我们快乐

Coz When It's Pouring 因为雨水瓢泼而下时

You Just Keep Scoring 你总是进球

Please Don't Take Our Solskjaer Away 请不要带走我们的索尔斯克亚

Oh Roy Keane, He's A Demon 哦,罗伊基恩,他是一个恶魔

He Wears A Demon's Hat 他戴着恶魔的高帽

Coz When He Saw Old Trafford 因为当他第一眼看到老特拉福德

He Said "I Fancy That!" 他说:“我喜欢这儿!”

The Rest All Tried To sign Him 其他球队都努力地想和他签约

But He Chose The Red And White 可是他选择了红白色

Of World Famous MAN UNITED 世界闻名的曼联的红白色

Coz We're Always Dynamite! 因为我们总是最棒的!

Glory Glory MAN UNITED 光荣属于曼联

Glory Glory MAN UNITED 光荣属于曼联

Glory Glory MAN UNITED 光荣属于曼联

And The REDS Go Marching On! On! On! 红魔勇往直前!

Sing Up For The Champions 为冠军歌唱

Sing Up For The Champions 为冠军歌唱

Sing Up For The Champions 为冠军歌唱

Sing Up For The Champions 为冠军歌唱





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