


save me -超人前传主题曲(smallville)

《超人前传》是目前最新的以超人为题材的影视作品,曾经创下华纳电视网创台以来最高的收视纪录。片名 Smallville 是指美国堪萨斯州的一个小镇,也是传说中超人的飞船着陆地球的地方,而原声标题中的 Talon 是这个小镇里的一家咖啡馆,老板是超人青少年时期爱慕的女孩 Lana 和当年的朋友、日后的死对头 Lex Luthor。

1989 年 10 月,Smallville 发生的一场流星雨,彻底改变了这个平凡小镇的命运。超人降落在这里并由肯特夫妇收养。10 多年后,年轻的超人克拉克·肯特在成长过程中渐渐认识到了自己的宿命。而中学时期的克拉克·肯特,热衷于挤弄脸上的青春痘,表面上与一个高中男生并无两样。他原来使用过的那些超能力高科武器迟些都会派上用场,可平日他只是 Smallville 街头的一个青春期男孩而已。他总是背地里做好事,谁都不知道他原来还能拯救地球!他貌似普通的新衣在每次拯救大城市的行动中才凸显威力......


除了一众青春亮丽的 Teen Age Stars 之外,《超人》系列电影中的演员也相继在《超人前传》中扮演角色,其中曾经在《超人 III》里扮演 Lana 的 Annette O'Toole,这次变成了超人的养母;曾经扮演 Lois 的 Margot Kidder 客串了一位因丧失爱子而精神失常的老母亲……最令人难忘的是 Christopher Reeve 在第二季中出演了一位天文学博士,已经残疾的 Reeve 在银屏上面目全非,但是当熟悉的超人主旋律响起,你会从 Reeve 的眼神中发现那一丝永不磨灭的坚韧意志!

这张官方版原声专辑里精挑 2001~2002 年首映季与 2002~2003 年第二季影集中所选用的歌曲,包括由 Remy Zero 乐团高亢的影集主题曲 Save Me、Sixpence None The Richer 翻唱 Crowded House 87 年全美亚军 Don't Dream Its Over、意外身亡的民谣女声 Eva Cassidy 生前翻唱 Cindy Lauper 的名曲 Time After Time、摇滚劲旅 Weezer 2001 年现代摇滚榜 Top 10 单曲 Island In The Sun、佛罗里达摇滚五人团 VonRay 的劲作 Inside Out、洛城摇滚组合 Five For Fighting 荣获葛莱美奖最佳摇滚歌曲提名的 Superman (It's Not Easy) …… 算是超人影视作品中在风格上最流行、最年轻的一张唱片。

电视剧的配乐部分还是比较精彩的,但目前华纳公司尚未发行 Score 专辑。

歌曲 save me

I feel my wings have broken

In your hands

I feel the words unspoken


When they pull you under

And I would give you any thing you want know

You were all I wanted

All my dreams are falling down

Crawling round and round and round Somebody save me

Let your waters break right through

Somebody save me

I don't care how you do it

Just save, save

Come on

I've been waiting for you

I see the world has folded in your heart

I feel the waves crash down inside

And they pull me under

And I would give you anything you want know

You were all I wanted

All my dreams have fallen down

Crawling round and round and round

Somebody save me

Let your waters break right through

Somebody save me I don't care how you do it Just save, save Come on I've been waiting for you

All my dreams are on the ground Crawling' round and round and round

Somebody save me Let your waters break right through Somebody save me I don't care how you do it Just save me, save me I've made this whole world shine for you Just save, save Come on I'm still waiting for you


由韩国演员金材昱 于2007年拍摄的电影短片

歌曲save me (Aimee Allen)

had a bad day, don't talk to me,

gonna ride this out,

my little black heart, breaks apart,

with your big mouth.

and i'm sick of my sickness

dont touch me, you'll get this.

i'm useless, lazy, perverted,

and you hate me.

you can't save me,

you can't change me,

well i'm waiting for my wake up call,

and everything, everything's my fault.

went to the doctor, and i asked her,

to make this stop.(whoa)

got medication, a new addiction,

fucken thanks a lot.

had to relapse, i'm outta rehab,

it ruined everything.(whoa)

so point your finger, at the singer,

he's in the pharmacy.

you can't save me,

you can't change me,

well i'm waiting for my wake up call ,

and everything's my fault.

you can't save me,

you can't blame me,

well i'm waiting here to take a fall,

and everything, and everthing's my fault.

and i'm a death threat haven't slept yet,

baby wide awake at dawn.

helmet bad boy, tell the tabloids,

everything's my fault.

whoa whoa yeah, write it write it,

whoa whoa everthing's my fault,

everthing's my fault.

i went to heaven, couldn't get it,

for what i had done.

i said forsake me, you said you're crazy

you were too much fun.

you can't save me,

you can't change me,

well i'm waiting for my wake up call ,

and everything's my fault.

you can't save me,

you can't blame me,

well i'm waiting here to take a fall,

and everything,everthing's my fault.

卓文萱 张震岳演唱歌曲 Save me





合 我掉进思念里

男 下雨 夜里

合 我好久没有看到你


合 想听你的声音

迷失 城市里


男 总是装做无所谓

女 其实也不算是有多累

男 但就睡不着

女 但就很发慌

合 我翻来翻去



合 我掉进思念里

下雨 夜里


男 总是装做无所谓

女 其实也不算是有多累

男 但就睡不着

女 但就很发慌

合 我翻来翻去




男 但就睡不着

女 但就很发慌

合 我翻来翻去



合 我掉进思念里

下雨 夜里





头文字D 3 街机游戏里赤城赛道BGM



<< Save Me >>

歌手: Leslie Parrish

I'm all alone

Keep on trying to think what was so wrong

Keep on trying to analyze my love

Deep in my heart

I can't cry and going on

Once in a life

You can meet a boy and feel him right

You can meet a boy that gives you a light

Once in a life

He can makes you feeling fine

With you and me together

I can't say goodbye to you

You were my world

Baby you killed me in a moment with a knife and a rose in your smile


Save me

Babe I need you

Please save me now

I don't believe you want to leave me alone

'Cos baby I can't survive

You got to keep me alive

So baby save me

I need your love

To keep my faith and be strong

Now we can try again to get along

'Cos baby I can't survive

Please baby save me

Once in a life

There's a reason to get up and fight

There's a reason that can keeps you alive

Once in a life

Everything could be all right

With you and me together

I can't say goodbye to you

You were my world

Baby you killed me in a moment with a knife and a rose in your smile


Save me

Babe I need you

Please save me now

I don't believe you want to leave me alone

'Cos baby I can't survive

You got to keep me alive

So baby save me

I need your love

To keep my faith and be strong

Now we can try again to get along

'Cos baby I can't survive

Please baby save me

I can't say goodbye to you

You were my world

Baby you killed me in a moment with a knife and a rose in your smile


Save me

Babe I need you

Please save me now

I don't believe you want to leave me alone

'Cos baby I can't survive

You got to keep me alive

So baby save me

I need your love

To keep my faith and be strong

Now we can try again to get along

'Cos baby I can't survive

Please baby save me





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更新时间:2025/3/10 6:41:21