词条 | 刘琪璟 |
释义 | 刘琪璟,男,1989年中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所生态学专业博士学位获得者,2001年日本千叶大学遥感专业博士学位获得者。1985年起沈阳应用生态研究所工作,2002年起任中国科学院地理学与资源研究所研究员。曾经在日本新泻大学、富山大学和千叶大学访问进修。研究领域和研究方向:森林生态学:森林群落生态学、树木种群生态学、植被遥感等。 科研业绩1、植被遥感:利用多源数据开展了北方森林景观格局及动态特征,从区域尺度阐明了植被稳定与动态的辩证关系。利用地理信息系统技术对东北地区植被变迁及潜在植被进行了研究。同时对南方地区人工林生态系统的碳循环特征进行了解析。 2、群落与种群生态:对东北地区的阔叶红松林等进行了群落学特征及其对不同干扰的反应,分析了森林的更新过程及其同生境因子的关系。首次对亚高山岳桦林进行较为全面系统的调查研究,阐明了种群生长与更新机制。 3、生态恢复与群落过程:南方红壤丘陵地区生态系统退化后恢复过程中的物种多样性以及群落生产力特征,阐明了生态恢复的环境贡献。 4、干旱地区树木生理:通过生理特征及显微解剖学研究,分析了半干旱地区树木抗旱机理。 5、发表论文40余篇。 代表性学术著作Liu, Q. J., Li, X. R. and Ma, Z. Q. 2005. Monitoring forest dynamics using satellite imagery—a case study in the natural reserve of Changbai mountain in China. Forest Ecology and Management, In press. Liu, Q. J., Li, X. R. and Hu, L. L. 2004. Change detection of coniferous forest in Changbai Mountain by the combination of image analysis and community monitoring. 应用生态学报, 15:1113—1120 Liu, Q. J., Kondoh, A. and Takeuchi, N. 1998. Study on the changes of life zones in distribution in northeast China by means of climate-vegetation classification. Ecological Research 13 (3): 355--365. Liu, Q. J. 1997. Structure and dynamics of the subalpine coniferous forest on Changbai mountain, China. Plant Ecology 132: 97—105. Liu, Q. J., Kondoh, A., Takamura, T. and Shao, G. 2002. Mapping of boreal vegetation of a temperate mountain in China by multi-temporal Landsat TM imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23: 3385-3405. Liu, Q. J. and Takeuchi, N. 2001. Vegetation inventory of a temperate biosphere reserve in China by image fusion of Landsat TM and SPOT HRV. Journal of Forest Research, 6 (3):139—146. Liu, Q. J. 2001. Monitoring of Boreal Vegetation by Multisource Data. Ph. D. thesis. Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, 142 pp. Liu, Q. J., Tateishi, R., Kondoh, A. and Takeuchi, N. 2000. Vegetation types classification of a temperate biosphere reserve in China by multisensor satellite imagery. Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 39: 23-34. Liu, Q. J., Kondoh, A. and Takeuchi, N. 2000. Simulation on the response of life zone to global climate change in northeast China by means of GIS. The Journal of Japanese Society of Remote Sensing 20(1): 9--18. Liu, Q. J., Kondoh, A. and Takeuchi, N. 1999. Study on the potential vegetation of north-east China by biogeoclimatic classification. In: Otsubo, K. (eds), Proceedings of 1999 NIES Workshop on Information Bases and Modeling for Land-use and Land-cover Changes Studies in East Asia, Tsukuba, 240-248. Liu, Q. J., Dai, L. and Chen, H. 1998. Changes of community characteristics of a broad-leaved-conifer mixed forest after selection. Journal of Forestry Research 9(3): 152--159. Liu, Q. J., Dai, L. and Zhang, Y. 1998. Structure and changes of broad-leaved-conifer-Korean pine mixed forest in Northeast China. Journal of Forestry Research 9(3): 141--146. Liu, Q. J., Kondoh, A. and Takeuchi, N. 1998. The forest vegetation and its differentiation under disturbance in a temperate mountain, China. Japanese Journal of Forest Research 3 (2): 111—117. |
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