

词条 刘亚猛

刘亚猛, 1948年10月生,福建永春人。1982年毕业于福建师范大学外语系首届研究生班,获英语语言文学硕士学位并留校任教。


1978.3--1979.6 福建师范大学外语系77级英语专业本科。

1979.9--1982.8 福建师范大学外语系研究生,获英语语言文学硕士学位。



1987年获得美国南加州大学(University of Southern California)最高研究奖学金,转为自费公派留学生,开 始在该校英文系"修辞学、文学、语言学跨学科博士专业"攻读以西方修辞为方向的博士学位。

1992年获博士学位后,历任美国卡内基-梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)英文系英语和修辞学助理教授、副教授。在卡内基-梅隆大学工作期间开设英语和修辞专业本科到博士研究生的各种课程,指导过多名以西方修辞为方向的美国博士生。


2010年应邀担任香港城市大学访问教授(Visiting Professor)。


西方修辞历史和理论 (History and theory of rhetoric)

论辩研究 (Argumentation studies)

比较文化和比较修辞研究 (Comparative culture and comparative rhetoric)



1.《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》北京: 三联书店, 2004.

2.《西方修辞学史》 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2008







自1996-1997学年度以来参加指导美国卡内基—梅隆大学英语系修辞专业美国博士研究生共计六名, 其中作为指导委员会主席全程指导博士生(直到通过答 辩获得学位)1名。





国际修辞学史研究会 (ISHR)会员



中国跨文化交际研究会 会员

中国语用学研究会 常务理事



1. "Mahathir's Oratory, 'Asian Voices,' and the Rhetorical Norm of the Global Village." The 1998 Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: June 6, 1998).

2. "From Arguing within to Arguing across Boundaries: Globalization as a New Challenge to Argumentation Studies." The 4th International Conference on Argumentation (Amsterdam, the Netherlands: June 16-19, 1998).

3. "Open Up the 'Deep Play' in the Conceptualization of Cross-Cultural Composition Textbooks." The 1999 Conference of College Composition and Communication (Atlanta: March 25, 1999)

4. "Contact Zone and Imagination." The 2000 Conference of College Composition and Communication (Minneapolis: April 15, 2000)

5. "The Other of Classical Rhetoric and Classical Rhetoric as the Other." The 2000 Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference (Washington, D.C.: May 27, 2000)

6. "The Development of Ancient Chinese Rhetoric and the Invention of Classical Chinese Discourse." The 2001 Conference of College Composition and Communication (Denver: March 16, 2001)

7. "Beyond Wartime Propaganda: Argumentation and Hostilities in the Age of Information and Democracy." The 5th International Conference on Argumentation (Amsterdam, the Netherlands: June 25-28, 2002)

8. "Imposed Dialogues: Moderating Political/Legal Wrangles through Mediated Interactions."Conference on Argumentation in Dialogic Interaction. (Lugano, Switzerland. June 30, 2002)

9. "Countersigning with Ancient Chinese Masters and Postmodern Western Thinkers, or How to Overcome a Double Otherness with a Double Responsibility." The 2003 Conference of College Composition and Communication (New York: March 20, 2003)

10."Cross-cultural Miscommunication and Its Remedies." China Fifth International Symposium on Cross-cultural Communication (Xiangtan, Hunan: Oct. 11-13, 2003)

11."Relevance and Rhetoric." The 8th Pragmatics Conference of China (Guangzhou, Guangdong: Dec. 18-20.)

12.“English and American Literary Studies at a Crossroads” (处于三岔路口的英美文学研究) The 2004 Conference of China Society for the Study of English Literature (Fuzhou, Fujian: Nov. 19-23, 2004) [中国英国文学学会2004福州研讨会(福州:2004年11月19-23日)].

13.“The Pragmatician’s Self-fashioning” (语用学家的自我定位). The 2nd Annual Conference of China Pragmatics Association (Fuzhou, Fujian: Dec. 3-7,2004) [中国语用学研究会第二届年会 (福州:2004年12月3-7日)].


——刘亚猛,1984,语义场与英语修辞 [J],《福建外语》第2期。

——刘亚猛,1986, 上下文与上下文分析 [J],《福建外语》第2期。

——Liu, Yameng. 1989. The Making of Elizabeth Drury: The Voice of God in `An Anatomy of the World` [J]. The John Donne Journal 8.1 2: 89 102.

[造出一个伊利莎白·德如瑞来:约翰·唐恩“解剖世界”一诗中的上帝之声。 发表于《约翰·唐恩学刊》1989年第1-2期合刊。]

——Liu, Yameng. 1991. Aristotle and the Stasis Theory [J]. Rhetoric Society Quarterly

21.1: 53 59.

[亚里士多德与争议点理论。 发表于《北美修辞学会季刊》1991年第1期。]

——Young, Richard, and Yameng Liu (eds.). 1994. Landmark Essays on Rhetorical Invention in Writing. Eds [C]. Davis, CA: Hermagoras Press, 1994.

[《有关修辞发明的标志性论文》。与美国当代著名修辞理论家Richard Young 教授合编,1994年由美国赫尔玛格拉斯出版社出版]

——Liu, Yameng. 1995. Disciplinary Politics and the Institutionalization of the Generic Triad in Classical Rhetoric [J]. College English 57.1: 9-26.


——Liu, Yameng. 1995. The Dilemma of Argumentation and the Possibility of Engagement in Philosophical Debates [A]. In Frans H. van Eemeren et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Argumentation [C]. Amsterdam: International Centre for the Study of Argumentation.

[哲学论辩中的两难。 发表于国际论辩研究中心1995年出版的《第3届国际论辩研讨会优秀论文集》]

——Liu, Yameng. 1995. Rhetoric and Reflexivity [J]. Philosophy and Rhetoric 28.4: 333-49.


——Liu, Yameng. 1996. Three Issues in the Argumentative Conception of Early Chinese Discourse [J]. Philosophy East and West 46.1: 33-58.


——Liu, Yameng. 1996. To Capture the Essence of Chinese Oratory: An Anatomy of a Paradigm in Comparative Rhetoric [J]. Rhetoric Review 14.2 : 318-35.


——Liu, Yameng. 1996. "Confucius." In Theresa Enos (ed). The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. New York: Garland. 139-140.


——Liu, Yameng. 1996. "Correctness." In Theresa Enos (ed). The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. New York: Garland, 1996. 151-53.


——Liu, Yameng. 1997. Unintelligibility or Defeat: The Issue of Engagement in Philosophical Debates [J]. Argumentation 11.4: 479-91.


——Liu, Yameng. 1997. Authority, Presumption, and Invention [J]. Philosophy and Rhetoric 30.4: 413-27.


——Liu, Yameng, and Richard E. Young. 1998. “Disciplinary Assumptions and Institutional Imperatives: Structural Tensions in the Pedagogy of Rhetoric” [J]. JAC 18.3: 475-88.


——Liu, Yameng. 1999. “Self, Other, In-between: Cross-cultural Composition Readers and the Reconstruction of Cultural Identities.” In Xin Liu Gale and Fredric G. Gale (eds.). (Re)Visioning Composition Textbooks: Conflicts of Culture, Ideology, and Pedagogy. Albany: SUNY Press. 69-92.


——Liu, Yameng. 1999. Justify My Position in Your Terms: Cross-cultural Argumentation in a Globalized World.” Argumentation 13.3 (1999): 297-315.


——Liu, Yameng. 1999. “Thou Shalt Not Work Both Sides of the Aisle: Dick Morris, Ideology, and the Regulation of the Flow of Rhetorical Resources” [A]. In Jack Selzer and Sharon Crowley (eds.). Rhetorical Bodies [C]. Madison: U of Wisconsin P. 314-25.


——Liu, Yameng. 1999. "From Arguing Within to Arguing Across Boundaries: Globalization as a New Challenge to Argumentation Studies" (A). In Frans H. van Eemeren et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Argumentation [C]. Amsterdam: International Centre for the Study of Argumentation. 519-23.


——Liu, Yameng. 2000. “Contrastive Rhetoric/Comparative Rhetoric.” In Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum. Eds. Linda Shamoon, et al. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 2000. 71-75.


——Liu, Yameng. 2002. "Invention and Inventiveness: A Postmodern Redaction." In Perspectives on Rhetorical Invention. Eds. Janet Atwill and Janice Lauer. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.

[从后现代的观点重新审视修辞发明与发明性。 发表于美国田纳西大学出版社2002年出版的《有关修辞发明的当代理论观点》一书。]

——Liu, Yameng. 2003. “Beyond Wartime Propaganda: Argumentation and Hostilities in the Age of Information and Democracy” [A]. In Frans H. van Eemeren et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Argumentation [C]. Amsterdam: International Centre for the Study of Argumentation. 679-690.

[超越战时宣传:信息和民主时代战争与论辩的关系。 发表于国际论辩研究中心2003年出版的《第5届国际论辩研讨会优秀论文集》]

——Liu, Yameng. 2004. Argument in a Nutshell: Condensation as a Transfiguring Mechanism in Argumentative Discourse. Argumentation 18.1: 43-59.

[一言以论之:浓缩作为论辩的变形手段。 发表于国际论辩学会会刊《论辩》2004年第1期。]

——Liu, Yameng. 2004. “Rhetoric and the Invention of Ancient Chinese Discourse.” Rhetoric Before and Beyond the Greeks. Eds. Carol Lipson & Roberta Binkley. New York: SUNY. 147-164. [“修辞与中国先秦话语的发明.” 长篇英文论文. 发表于由美国纽约州立大学出版社2004年出版的《古希腊之前和之外的修辞传统》一书]


——刘亚猛, 2004,关联与修辞 [J]. 《外语教学与研究》36.4 (2004): 252-55.

——刘亚猛,2004,风物常宜放眼量:西方学术文化与中西学术翻译.《中国翻译》25.6 (2004): 44-48.

——刘亚猛,2004, 西方修辞学科建设:迷惘与希望 [J].《福建师范大学学报哲学社会科学版》 6 (2004).

——刘亚猛,2004,《追求象征的力量:关于西方修辞思想的思考》. 北京:三联书店, 2004.

——刘亚猛,2005,韦努蒂的“翻译伦理”及其自我解构 [J].《中国翻译》26.5 (2005): 40-45.

——刘亚猛,2006,诠释与修辞 《福建师范大学学报》

——刘亚猛,2006,二十世纪美国修辞的宣言——评韦恩·布斯的《关于修辞的修辞:对有效交流的求索》 《修辞学习》

——刘亚猛,2007, 修辞与当代西方史学论争 《修辞学习》

——刘亚猛,2009,当代西方人文学科的范式转换及中国修辞学的发展模式 《修辞学习》

——刘亚猛,2010, 当代西方修辞研究的两个特点及其缘由 《当代修辞学》

——刘亚猛,2010,言说与秩序:轴心时期中西语言思想的一个重要区别及其当代含义 《浙江大学学报》

——刘亚猛,朱纯深 2011,Rhetoric as the Antistrophos of pragmatics: Toward a "Competition of Cooperation" in the study of language use 《Journal of Pragmatics》





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