

词条 sahana

Sahana(斯里兰卡语,意思是“赈灾”)赈灾管理软件是在2004年印度洋的海啸发生之后,由 IBM 公司从多方进行协助,最后由IBM志愿者组成的项目小组与兰卡Software Foundation合作开发出来的开源软件,是专门针对人道援助和灾难恢复工作的先进解决方案,已经在多个类似的灾难中成功使用过。

Sahana赈灾管理系统曾经在海啸、地震和飓风等重大灾害救援和恢复中发挥过卓越的作用:帮助有效查找和管理失踪人口;协调和平衡援助组织和志愿者的分工合作;登记、调配并跟踪援助请求和实施;营地登记和跟踪管理,救援物资协同管理,提供灾难态势地理信息决策支持等。由于多次的使用和每次的完善, 这个系统综合累积了多次重大灾害救援和恢复的经验,其功能涵盖了解决重大灾害发生后多单位、多需求和局面混乱等问题的许多方面,以加强协调,减少混乱,提高赈灾重建的效率;其数据追踪和同步、及决策支持的功能,可以为灾后重建、失踪人员及孤儿信息的追踪提供很大的帮助。

基于此次四川汶川大地震, IBM将SAHANA运用到灾难管理中,IBM此次所准备的捐助包括:

根据国情和灾情,以及各个救援单位的需要,对Sahana赈灾管理软件进行修改和定制(customization)和必要开发,主要工作由IBM中国系统中心和软件开发中心的研发人员协同兰卡Software Foundation的专家共同完成。但许多个单位的技术人员也可经由社区开发的方式,对解决方案提供各种开源开发测试的贡献, 可谓是众志成城。



提供项目转交所需要的技能培训(skills transfer)

Sahana is an open-source project dedicated to providing support for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. It was created following the Asian Tsunami of December 2004. IBM helped in the initial design and has been engaged in several ways with the project since then, including the efforts of a volunteer team of IBMers led by Rob Eggers.

More information on this can be found at Volunteers Sahana section (that content should be moved here at some point.)

IBM has demonstrated Sahana to a number of governmental agencies. Some of these demonstrations have led to two current engagements involving IBM and Sahana, one with New York City, and the other with FEMA.

Note: Although the information on this page is not by itself c-o-n-f-i-d-e-n-t-i-a-l, and the same holds for other pages within this section, some of the work described herein is in progress and so should not be discussed with anyone outside IBM without first checking with Rob Eggers or Dave Shields.

In an attempt to encourage wider participation in these efforts and to help those currently involved, here are some relevant e-mails and related attachments starting from April 2007.

General notes common to both projects





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