

词条 刘金喜


1982年7月毕业辽宁工程技术大学机电工程系,获学士学位;1988年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学工程力学系,获硕士学位;1997年9月毕业于航天工程与力学系,获工学博士学位。现为石家庄铁道大学教授,研究生分院院长,哈尔滨工业大学和北方交通大学博士生副导师。现为石家庄铁道大学工程力学系教授,北京交通大学博士生导师,研究生分院院长。2005年入选河北省新世纪“三三三工程”第二层次人选,2006年获得河北省有突出贡献中青年专家称号。 近十年来一直从事智能材料及其结构力学方面的基础研究。在国内外重要刊物上发表学术论文50余篇,其中38篇分别被国际权威检索系统SCI、EI和ISTP收录,幷被到了国内外同行引用;获教育部自然科学一等奖、河北省自然科学二等奖各1项。目前主持国家自然科学基金、教育部科学技术研究重点项目各1项;做为主研人员,参加2项香港RGC(HKU7063/01E, HKU 7122/99E)项目的研究工作,是2000~2001年度香港裘槎基金(Croucher Foundation)客座教授。




主持 1. 国家自然科学基金(项目号:10472074), 含电极压电陶瓷层状介质的电致变形与断, 2005-2007。 2.河北省博士基金(项目号:B200311),新型电磁复合材料的的细观力学研究, 2003-2005。 3. 2006年度教育部科学技术研究重点项目(项目号:206014):电磁复合材料中电磁声波的传播特性研究,2006-2007。

主研 1. 照射角一般带宽条件下缺陷和埋设物的重构技术研究,国家自然科学基金(19772029)1998.01-2000.12 2. 梯度功能复合涂层性能表征和模拟的尺度效应,香港特别行政区研究基金(RGC) 2000.09-2002.09 3. 软铁磁材料的变形与断裂,香港特别行政区研究基金(RGC),2001.09-2003.09



1.Liu JX, Du SY, Wang B, 1999. A screw dislocation interacting with a piezoelectric bimaterial interface. Mechanics Research Communications, 26(4): 415-420. (Sci 和Ei收录)

2.Liu JX, Zhang XS, Liu XL, Zheng J, 2000. Anisotropic thermopiezoelectric solids with an elliptic inclusion or hole under uniform heat flow. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 16(2): 148-163. (Sci 和Ei收录)

3.Liu JX, Liu XL, Zhao YB, 2001. Green’s functions for anisotropic magnetoelectroelastic solids with an elliptical cavity or a crack. International Journal of Engineering Science, 39: 1405-1418. (Sci 和Ei收录)

4.Liu JX, Wang XQ, Wang B, 2003. General solution for the coupled equations of Transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic solids. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 24(7): 774-781. (Sci 和Ei收录)

5.Liu JX, Wang XQ, 2004. Interaction of a screw dislocation with a notch in a piezoelectric bi-material. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 73: 553-560. (Sci 和Ei收录)

6.Liu JX, Liu A, Jiang ZQ, 2004. Interaction of a screw dislocation with an interfacial edge crack in a two-phase piezoelectric material. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 20: 519-525. (Sci 和Ei收录)

7.Liu JX, 2004. Liu JX, Fang DN, 2004. Comment on ‘Moving screw dislocation in a piezoelectric bimaterial’ [phys. stat. sol. (b) 238, No. 1, 120–126 (2003)]. Physica Status Solidi (b), 241 (4): 962–964. (Sci 和Ei收录)

8.Liu JX, Liu A, Jiang ZQ, Soh AK, 2004. Interaction of a screw dislocation with an interfacial crack in two dissimilar piezoelectric layers. Key Engineering Materials, 261-263: 141-146. (Sci 和Ei收录)

9.Liu JX, Soh AK, Fang DN, 2005. A moving dislocation in a magneto-electro-elastic solid. Mechanics Research Communications, 32(5): 504-513. (Sci 和Ei收录)


10.Soh AK, Liu JX, Fang DN, 2001. Explicit expressions of the generalized Barnett-Lothe tensors for anisotropic piezoelectric materials. International Journal of Engineering Science, 39: 1803-1814. (Sci 和Ei收录)

11.Soh AK, Liu JX, Fang, DN, 2002. A screw dislocation interacting with an interfacial crack in two dissimilar piezoelectric media. Physica Status Solidi (b), 232(2): 273-282.

12.Soh AK, Liu JX, Lee, KL, Fang DN, 2002. On a moving Griffith crack in anisotropic piezoelectric solids. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 72 (6-7): 458-469. (Sci 和Ei收录)

13.Soh AK, Liu JX, 2005. Interfacial Debonding of a Circular Inhomogeneity in Piezoelectric-piezomagnetic Composites. Composite Science and Technology, 65(9): 1347-1353. (Sci 和Ei收录)

14.Soh AK, Liu JX, 2005. On the Constitutive equations of magnetoelectroelastic solids. Journal of Intelligent Material system and Structures, 16(7-8): 589-595. (Sci 和Ei收录)

15.Soh AK, Liu JX, 2006. Interfacial shear horizontal waves in a piezoelectric-piezomagnetic bi-material. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 81(1): 31-35. (Sci 和Ei收录)

Ⅲ.著 作

《复合材料细观力学》, 科学出版社, 1998年5月








Acta Mechanica Sinica Chinese Physics Letters European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids International Journal of Engineering Science International Journal of Solids and Structures Key Engineering Materials Mechanics Research Communications





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