词条 | 刘光伟 |
释义 | 1.中科院动物研究所研究员刘光伟,男,博士,副研究员。 2004年获吉林大学医学博士学位。2004-2006年在中国科学院动物研究所移植生物学研究组(TBRD)从事博士后研究。2007-2009年在美国St. Jude儿童医院免疫系从事博士后研究。多年来一直致力于巨噬细胞和T细胞免疫耐受规律及其分子调控机制研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、中国博士后基金及中国科学院王宽诚博士后科研奖励基金等项目。近几年,在 Nature Immunology, Immunology, Transplantation Immunology 等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。 研究领域: 巨噬细胞和T细胞免疫耐受规律及其分子调控机制研究 代表论著: Liu G.W., S. Burns, G.H. Huang, K. Boyd, R.L. Poria, R.A. Flavell, and H.B. Chi (2009). The receptor S1P1 overrides regulatory T cell-mediated immune suppression through Akt-mTOR. Nature Immunology, 10: 769-777. H.X. Ma, Liu G.W., W.J. Ding, Y. Wu, L. Cai, Y. Zhao (2008). Diabetes-induced immunodeficiency of F4/80+ macrophages: a study in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic mice. J of Mol Med, 2008, 86: 391-400. S.L. Gong, L.H. Dong, Liu G.W., P.S. Gong, W.T. Lu, H.G. Zhao, X.J. Jia, Y. Zhao (2008). Effect of corticosterone, cAMP, cGMP, Ca2+ and PKC on apoptosis of thymus lymphocyte in vitro in mice induced by X-irradiation. Biomed and Envir Sci. 21:167-172. Liu G.W., P.S Gong, L.R. Berstein, Y. J. Bi, S. L.Gong, Cai L (2007). Apoptotic cell death induced by low-dose radiation in male germ cells: hormesis and adaptation. Crit Rev Toxicol, 37: 587-605. Liu G.W., H.X. Ma, L.L. Jiang, J.X. Peng and Y. Zhao (2007). The immunity of normal F4/80+ resident macrophages in mixed allogeneic chimeras. J of Mol Med, 85: 1125-1135. Liu G.W., Y. Zhao (2007). Toll-like receptors and immune regulation: their direct and indirect modulation on regulatory CD4+CD25+ T cells. Immunology. 122: 149-156. L. Zhao, H.J. Wang, L.G. Sun, H.X. Ma, Liu G.W. and Zhao Y (2007). The changes of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in aged mice. J of Leukocyte Biology. 81: 1386-1394. Liu G.W. and Y. Zhao (2007). A New subset of CD4+T cells: Th17 and its immunobiological function. Prog in Biochem and Biophy, 34: 125-166.? Liu G.W., X.P. Xia, Y. Wu and Y. Zhao (2006). The macrophage heterogeneity: difference between mouse peritoneal exudates and splenic F4/80+ macrophages. J Cellular Physiology, 209: 341-352. Liu G.W., H.X. Ma and Y. Zhao (2006). The nonopsonic allogeneic cell phagocytosis of macrophages detected by flow cytometry and two photon fluorescent microscope. Transplant Immunology, 16: 220-226.? Liu G.W., C.L. Wu and Y. Zhao (2006). Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and immune regulation. Scand J Immunol, 64: 1-9. Liu G.W., Y. Wu, S.L. Gong and Y. Zhao (2006). Toll-like receptors and graft rejection. Transplant Immunology, 16: 25-31. Liu G.W., H.X. Ma and Y. Zhao (2006). Allograft inflammatory factor-1 and transplant reaction. Autoimmunity, 225:1-8. Liu G.W., P.S. Gong, H.G. Zhao, Z.C. Wang, S.L. Gong and L. Cai (2006). Effect of low-level radiation on male germ cell death. Radiation Research, 165: 379-389. S.L. Gong, G. Zhao, H.G. Zhao, W.T. Lu, Liu G.W. and P. Zhu (2004). Ability of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone-Pseudmonas aeruginosa exotoxin 40 binding to LHRH receptor on human liver cancer cells. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 10: 2870-2873. 2.衡水学院讲师男,衡水学院名师。2002年毕业于河北师范大学,学制四年,应用电子技术教育,工学学士学位,02年毕业分配到衡水学院工作,担任过的课程有《信息技术基础》、《C语言程序设计》。曾教授过《电路》、《数字电路》、《高等数学》等。 3.中盛医疗美容医院 刘光伟个人简介刘光伟,男,丰胸吸脂新一代领军人,主任医师 教授 个人成就“章子怡替身”邵小珊吸脂减肥主力专家 曾求学第二军医大学获硕士学位 中盛整形医院王牌阵容专家 东亚医学整形联合会主任委员 旅韩多年,深得微创技术精髓 学术方向擅长项目假体隆胸、自体丰胸、身体吸脂塑形等 技术特点精益求精,处处追求完美,一流的术后效果令人叹为观止 特别推介无创整形席卷日、韩,并由于其恢复迅速,安全性高,在精细化水平和术后效果上远远超出传统整形技术,成为日韩主流,被广泛运用于丰胸、减肥领域。 |
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