

词条 QueueUserAPC


The QueueUserAPCfunction adds a user-mode asynchronous procedure call


(APC) object to the APC queue of the specified thread.


PAPCFUNCpfnAPC, // APC function

HANDLEhThread, // handle to thread

ULONG_PTRdwData // APC function parameter




[in] Pointer to the application-supplied APC function to be called

指向一个用户提供的APC函数的指针。这个函数将在指定线程执行an alertable wait operation操作时被调用。

when the specified thread performs an alertable wait operation. For more information, see APCProc.


[in] Specifies the handle to the thread. The handle must have


THREAD_SET_CONTEXT access. For more information, see Synchronization Object Security and Access Rights.


[in] Specifies a single value that is passed to the APC function


pointed to by the pfnAPCparameter.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. There are no error values defined for this function that can be retrieved by calling GetLastError.


The APC support provided in the operating system allows an application

to queue an APC object to a thread. Each thread has its own APC queue. The queuing of an APC is a request for the thread to call the APC function. The operating system issues a software interrupt to direct the thread to call the APC function.


When a user-mode APC is queued, the thread is not directed to call the APC function unless it is in an alertable state. After the thread is in an alertable state, the thread handles all pending APCs in first in, first out (FIFO) order, and the wait operation returns WAIT_IO_COMPLETION. A thread enters an alertable state by using SleepEx, SignalObjectAndWait, WaitForSingleObjectEx, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx, or MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsExto perform an alertable wait operation.

当一个用户模式APC对象被排队时,只要在线程处于警告状态时,线程才会被命令调用APC函数。在线程处于警告状态时,线程将会按FIFO的顺序去处理所有尚未处理的APC对象,并且此时等操作返回WAIT_IO_COMLEMENT.一个进入警告状态的线程通过调用SleepEx, SignalObjectAndWait, WaitForSingleObjectEx, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx, or MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx来等待警告。

If an application queues an APC before the thread begins running, the thread begins by calling the APC function. After the thread calls an APC function, it calls the APC functions for all APCs in its APC queue.


When the thread is terminated using the ExitThreador TerminateThreadfunction, the APCs in its APC queue are lost. The APC functions are not called.

当一个线程用ExitThreador TerminateThread终结后,它的APC队列中的APC对象会抛弃。APC函数也就不会再被调用

Note that the ReadFileEx, SetWaitableTimer, and WriteFileExfunctions are implemented using an APC as the completion notification callback mechanism.

注意ReadFileEx, SetWaitableTimer, and WriteFileEx用APC作为其完成通知回调机制来执行。


Windows NT/2000/XP: Included in Windows NT 4.0 and later.

Windows 95/98/Me: Included in Windows 95 and later.

Header: Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.

Library: Use Kernel32.lib.





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