

词条 李新荣










1Li, X. R., M. Z. He, Stefan Zerbe, X. J. Li, L. C. Liu, 2009. Micro-geomorphology dtermines community structure of biological soil crusts at small scales, Earth Surface processes and Landforms, in press.

2Li, X. R., H. J. Tan, M. Z. He, X. P. Wang, X. J. Li, 2009. Patterns of shrubs species richness and abundance in relation to environmental factors on the Alxa Plateau: prerequisities for conserving shrub diversity in extreme arid desert regions, Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 52: 669-680.

3Li, X. R., DS. Kong, H. J. Tan, X. P. Wang, 2007. Changes in soil and in vegetation following stabilisation of dune in southeastern fringe of the Tengger Desert, China, Plant and Soil, 300: 221-231.

4Li, X. R., M. Z. He, Z. H. Duan, H. L.Xiao, X. H. Jia. 2007. Recovery of topsoil physicochemical properties in revegetated sites in the sand-burial ecosystems of the Tengger Desert, northern China, Geomorphology, 88: 254-265.

5Li, X. R., Y. W. Chen, Y. G. Su, H. J. Tan, 2006. Effects of biological soil crust on desert insect diversity: evidence from the Tengger Desert of northern China, Arid Land Research and Management, 20 (4). 1-18.

6Li, X. R., H. L. Xiao, M. Z., He, J. G. Zhang, 2006. Sand barriers of Straw checkerboard for habitat restoration in extremely arid desert region of China, Ecological Engineering, 28: 149-157.

7Li, X. R., X. H. Jia, G. R. Dong, 2006. Influence of desertification on vegetation pattern variations in the cold semi-arid grasslands of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Northwest China, Journal of Arid Environments.64: 505-522.

8Li, X. R., X. H. Jia, et al., 2005. Effects of biological soil crusts on seed bank, germination and establishment of two annual plant species in the Tengger Desert (N China), Plant and Soil, 277: 375-385.

9Li, X. R. 2005. Influence of variation of soil spatial heterogeneity on vegetation restoration, Science in China Ser. D Earth Sciences, 48: 2020-2031.

10Li X. R., H. L. Xiao et al., 2004. Long-term Ecosystem Effects of Sand-binding Vegetation in Shapotou Region of Tengger Desert, Northern China, Restoration Ecology, 12: 376-390.

11Li X. R., Z. S. Zhang, et al., 2004. Association between vegetation pattern and soil properties in the sotheastern Tengger desert, China, Arid Land Research and Management. 18:369-383.

12Li X. R., Ma, F. Y., Xiao, H. L., et al., 2004. Long-term effects of revegetation on soil water content of sand dunes in arid region of northern China. Journal of Arid Environments. 57:1-16.

13Li, X. R., Zhou, H. Y., et al., 2003. The effects of re-vegetation on cryptogam species diversity in Tengger Desert, Northern China. Plant and Soil, 251: 237-245.

14Li, X. R., Wang, X. P., et al., 2002. Microbiotic crust and its effect on vegetation and habitat on artificially stabilized desert dunes in Tengger Desert, North China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35: 147-154.

15Li X. R. 2001. Study on shrub community diversity of Ordos plateau, Inner Mongolia, Northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 47: 271~279.


李新荣 1953年12月生,河南滑县人.中共党员,大专文化.湖北美术学院党委组织部部长,兼机关第一党总支书记、离退休干部工作处处长。他1972~1987年在部队期间.努力工作.积极进取.多次受到表彰和奖励。1988年转业到地方工作.曾任湖北美术学院总务处行政科长、美术系党总支副书记等职,他每到一处,都能虚心学习.团结同志,脚踏实地开展工作。1990年在担任行政科长期间.该科室被湖北省教委授予"湖北省高校后勤先进集体"称号,在美术系党总支工作期间,被院党委授予"先进基层党组织"称号。担任组织部长以后,他工作更加努力,在干部管理、培养及选拔任用方面,在党员的教育管理与发展党员等方面.取得了显著成绩。他还结合工作,积极开展理论研讨,先后撰写了《实事求是的光辉典范》、《新时期共产党员增强党性锻炼之我见》等理论文章10余篇,在院报和省以上刊物发表,参与编写的《党课教程》1997年由武汉工业大学出版社出版。1997年被中共湖北省高校工委、湖北省教委授予"优秀党务工作者"称号。





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