





§ 名词

1、(跟四周的距离相等; 中心) centre; middle: 居中 in the centre; 正中 midmost; 辽中 central Liaoning

2.、(指中国) China: 日中关系 relations between China and Japan;

洋为中用take foreign things serve China

3、(范围内; 内部) in; among; amidst; inside: 水中 in the water; 心中 at heart; in mind; 园中 in the garden; 家中 at home; 学生中 among the students

4、(位置在两端之间的) middle; mid: 中西部 Middle West; 中途 halfway; midway; 月中 in the middle of a month

5、(等级在两端之间的) medium; intermediate: 中等身材 of medium height; 中号 medium size

6、(不偏不倚) mean; halfway between two extremes: 适中 moderate; 中立国 neutral country; 中庸 mean

7、(中人) intermediary; intermediator: 作中 act as an intermediary; be an intermediator

8、(姓氏) a surname: 中京 Zhong JingⅡ副词(适于; 合于) good for; agreeable to: 中用 useful; 不中用 no use; good for nothing; 中听 agreeable to the hearer; pleasant to the earⅢ形容词[方言] (成; 行; 好)all right; O.K.;well:中不中? Is it all right? 这办法中! This way works!

§ 动词

1、(正对上; 恰好合上) hit; fit exactly: 打中 hit the target [mark]; 射中靶心 hit the bull's eye; 中吃 good to eat; tasty; 中听 agreeable to the ear; (words, advice) pleasing to listener; 你没猜中。 You didn't guess right. 你说中了。 You've hit it.; That's right.

2、(受到; 遭受) be hit by; fall into; be affected by; suffer; sustain: 中诡计 be caught in a trap; 中埋伏 fall into an ambush; 中煤气 be gassed; 胳膊上中了一枪 be shot in the arm






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