词条 | 《语言学入门》 |
释义 | 语言学入门 内容简介 本书是一本通俗易懂的普通语言学入门之书,包括语言的概念、词汇学、语义学、语音学、音位学、形态学、句法学、社会变体等12章内容。 语言学入门 本书目录 Preface Preface by Halliday 王宗炎序 导读 1 What Is language? 1.1 The Sinmificance of Language 1.2 What Is Language? 1.3 The Functions of language 1.4 What Is a language? 1.5 The Elements of language Summary Exercises 2 Lexis 2.1 What Is a Word? 2.2 Where Do Words Come From? Summary Exercises 3 Sexia 3.1 The Function of lexemes 3.2 The meaning of meaning 3.3 Semantic Range 3.4 The Definition of Semantic Range 3.5 Collocation and Idiom 3.6 Homonyny and Idiom 3.7 The Human Element of Meaning 3.8 Pragmatics 3.9 Pragmatics Summary Exercises 4 Phonetics 4.1 The Organs of Speech 4.2 Comsonants 4.3 Phonemic Notation 4.4 Vowels 4.5 Sounds in Sequence Summary Exercises 5 Phonology 5.1 Sound Sydtens of Lanuages 5.2 The Phoneme 5.3 Phoniological Rules 5.4 The Phonology of English 5.5 The Phonoloty of Other languages 5.6 Supraesgmental Features Summary Exercises 6 Morphology …… 7 Syntax 8 Tegional Variation 9 Social Variation 10 Historical Linguistics 11 The Languages of Western Europe 12 Writing Systems Glossary Guide to Exercises Bibliography Indes 文库索 |
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