词条 | 颜渊 |
释义 | § 颜渊 颜渊(公元前521年-公元前481年),名回,字子渊。春秋末期鲁国人。生于鲁昭公二十一年(公元前521年,周景王二十四年),卒于鲁哀公十四年(公元前481年,周敬王三十九年)。 在孔门弟子中,颜回最称高足,其品德与学业均翘居群首,是孔子多次赞许的弟子。在《论语》中有六处孔子赞扬颜渊的句子。这在孔门和《论语》中也只有颜回一人了。颜渊死时,孔子是悲恸欲绝。 颜渊勤奋好学,不为生活艰苦所困。“贤哉,回也!一箪食,一瓢饮,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐。贤哉,回也!”尽管颜渊没有著述传世,但他以其习行与品德,为后世儒者树立了一个光辉的典范。 § 颜渊问仁 颜渊问仁。子曰,“克己复礼为人。一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉。为仁由己,而由乎哉?”颜渊曰,“请问其目。”子曰,“非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动。”颜渊曰,“回虽不敏,请事斯语矣。” 译文:颜渊问孔子究竟什么是人。孔子说,“克制自己,使言语行动都符合礼,这就是仁。有朝一日人人都能克制自己,使言行都合于礼,那么天下就回归仁道了。(由此看来)实践仁道要先从自己做起,难道还要靠别人吗?”颜渊说,“请问实行仁道的具体纲目。”孔子说,“不合乎礼的东西不看,不合乎礼的声音不听,不合乎礼的话不说,不合乎礼的事不做。”颜渊说,“我虽然迟钝,请让我照着您说的这些话去做吧!” 翻译:When Yan Yuan asked about humanity,the Master said,"'To restrain oneself and return to the rituals constitues humanity.'One day one can restrain oneself and return to rituals,all under Heaven will turn to humanity.The practice of humanity rest with oneself.Does it test with anyone else?" Yan Yuan said,"May I ask the details?" The Master said,"That which does no conform to the rituals-do not look at it;that which does not conform to the rituals-do not listen to it;that which does ont conform to the rituals-do not say it;that which does not conform to the rituals-do not do it." Yan Yuan said,"Slow-witted as I am,I beg to practice these remarks." |
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