词条 | 朗怡酒行 |
释义 | 公司介绍 Company profile 朗怡酒行是由青岛朗怡贸易有限公司投资,主要经营进口葡萄酒的酒类专卖店。公司主要经营法国、意大利、澳大利亚、新西兰、美国、智利等国家的葡萄酒,选择不同国家具有代表性的区域和葡萄品种,甄选品质卓越的葡萄酒品牌,为消费者提供葡萄酒选、购、品一站式服务。无论您选购日常餐酒还是名庄酒,朗怡都会为您提供令您满意选酒服务。 Sunshinry Wine Cellar is franchised wine shop specializing in operating import wine invested by Qingdao Sunshinry Trading Co., Ltd. Our company mainly runs wines from France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, US and Chile etc and chooses the representative regional and wine types in different countries and selects wine brands with brilliant quality and provides one-stop service for selecting, purchasing and tasting wines. Whether you choose and purchase daily wine or famous wine, we can provide satisfying wine selection services for you. 我们的宗旨是为每一位客人提供最专业、最贴心的葡萄酒选购服务,让每一位客人身心愉悦的享受葡萄酒。 Our tenet is to provide the most professional and sweetest wine selection purchase services for every guest and let every guest to enjoy wines physically and mentally.在朗怡,我们对葡萄酒的执着会让您动容; Our persistence to wine will move you. 在朗怡,我们为您提供的服务会让您难以忘怀; Our services for you will make you unforgettable. 在朗怡,总会有一款葡萄酒会让您心动。 There will be always one kind of wine moving you in Sunshinry. 朗怡会,葡萄酒爱好者的聚会 The party for wine amateurs in Sunshinry gathering 每天我们忙忙碌碌,为了工作,为了理想,为了家人,或许唯独忘记可以为自己做点什么。或许您经常喝酒,不是因为喜爱而是因为应酬。 we are busy in our work, our ideals and our families everyday, maybe what we just miss is to do something for us. Maybe you drink wine frequently, just for social intercourse instead of hobby. 朗怡会是是葡萄酒爱着者的聚会,在这里您可以结识一群和您一样喜爱葡萄酒的朋友;在这里您可以不用因为应酬而大口干杯,而是细细品味,慢慢感受;在这里您还可以定期参加关于葡萄酒知识的培训。加入朗怡会,开始您的葡萄酒世界之旅。 Sunshinry Gathering is the party for wine amateurs, where you can meet batches of friends who like wine as you do; where you can dry the glasses up not for so 如何加入朗怡会 How to join Sunshinry Gathering 只要您在朗怡一次性消费500元,或者累积消费1000元,您就可以成为朗怡的会员,可以享受积分累计和兑换服务。 You can be the member of Sunshinry as long as you make one-time consumption 500 Yuan in Sunshinry or accumulative consumption 1000 Yuan and you can enjoy the credit accumulation and exchange services. 服务享受:The service enjoyment: Ø 可以累积积分,凭积分可以换取酒、酒杯、醒酒器等店内商品。 Hold this card can accumulate the credits, with which can exchange products in the store like wine, wine glasses, sober up machine and other articles. Ø 可以参加朗怡定期举办的品酒会、葡萄酒课堂等活动。 Card holder can participate the wine taste gathering, wine class and other activities held regularly by us. Ø 此卡积分可与其他优惠活动同时进行。 Hold the credits of this card can synchronize with other preferential activities 4P 情浓知好酒 礼遇答贵人 Strong feelings know good wine courteous reception repays the precious guests 朗怡酒行开设VIP客户服务,我们可以为VIP客户提供专业、全面的服务。 Ø 充值有礼,充值越多优惠越多。 With gifts by adding value, the more you add value, the more preferences you enjoy. Ø 邀请您参加朗怡定期举办的品酒会、葡萄酒课堂、新品品鉴会等活动。 Invite you to participate the wine taste gathering, wine class, new product taste identification and other activities held regularly by us.Ø 为您提供免费侍酒服务; Provide you with wine providing services Ø 为您提供免费存酒服务。 Provide you with wine preservation services free of charge. Ø 提供市内四区免费送酒服务。 Provide the wine delivery services free of charge in four districts of the city. 我们将会对VIP客户提供优惠的赠送活动。 We will provide preferential presenting activities for VIP customers VIP客户一次性充值5000送400 For VIP customers, present 400 when one-time value-adding 500 0 一次性充值10000送1000 Present 1000 when one-time value-adding 10000 一次性充值30000送4000 Present 4000 when one-time value-adding 30000 |
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