

词条 卡弗尔战争


Xhosa Wars 科萨人战争

The Xhosa Wars, also known as the Kaffir Wars or Cape Frontier Wars, were a series of nine wars between the amaXhosa people and European settlers from 1779 to 1879 in what is now the Eastern Cape in South Africa. The wars were responsible for the amaXhosa people's loss of most of their land, and the incorporation of its people.




The competition between the Boers and the amaXhosa over good grazing land was intense, and skirmishes became wars. Though the Boers had guns and therefore an advantage, they could not fully capitalize on their superior firepower. Chasing the highly mobile Xhosa meant the Boers had to leave their own homes and families undefended, so the local militia strategy was severely limited. Professional troops however were not burdened by such considerations. So, when the British entered the Cape in 1806, British troops under Harry Smith were sent to help the Boer settlers. The balance of power changed and in 1811 British and Boer operations began to clear the land of the amaXhosa people. About four thousand British colonists were stationed on the Great Fish River.

布尔人在优质土地上的过度放牧激发了与当地科萨人的竞争,并逐渐发展成为战争和冲突。虽然布尔人有枪,但他们无法充分利用其优越的火力。追逐灵活性很大的科萨人意味着布尔人不得不离开自己不设防的家园和家人,而当地民兵的战略是极为有限,并且没有专业部队参与。所以,当英国在1806年进入开普,在哈里史密斯抵达英国军队帮助这些布尔人后,力量的平衡发生变化,1811年英国与布尔人开始合作将当地的科萨人驱逐出自己的土地。滞后,大约有四千英国殖民者进驻Great Fish River 。

The Xhosa had been expelled from the district between the Great Fish River and the Sundays river known as the Zuurveld, which became a sort of neutral ground. For some time previous to 1811 the amaXhosa, however, had taken control of the neutral ground and committed depredations of the colonists. In order to expel them from the Zuurveld, Colonel John Graham took the field with a mixed force in 1811 with his plan to use "A proper degree of terror." and in the end the amaXhosa were driven beyond the Great Fish River. On the site of Colonel Graham's headquarters arose the town which bears his name.

科萨人曾经居住的地区,位于Great Fish River 流域和Sundays river之间的Zuurveld,成为一个中立地带。1811年之前的一段时间,科萨人曾经从殖民者手中夺回并控制了中立地带。为了驱逐他们,上校约翰格雷厄姆带着一个混合部队在1811年实行了以“一个适当程度的恐怖”为名的计划,并在结束时再度将科萨人驱赶出大鱼河流域。作为纪念,上校的总部所在地此后便以他的名字命名。。

A difficulty between the Cape Colony government and the amaXhosa arose in 1817, the immediate cause of which was an attempt by the colonial authorities to enforce the restitution of some stolen cattle. On 22 April 1817, led by a prophet-chief named Makana, they attacked Graham’s Town, then held by a handful of white troops. Help arrived in time and the enemy were beaten back. It was then agreed that the land between the Fish and the Keiskamma rivers should be neutral territory.

开普殖民地政府和科萨人的矛盾再度激化于1817年,直接原因是由殖民当局企图强迫他们偿还一部分科萨人偷走的牛。1817年4月22日,在大先知Makana领导下,他们袭击了格雷厄姆镇,然后被少数白人组成的部队抓获。救援力量及时赶到,敌人被击退。在当时达成的协议是,Great Fish River 与 Keiskamma rivers 土地应该保持中立领土的性质……

第一次战争 (1779-1781)

发生在布尔人与科萨人之间,基本确立了Great Fish River 和Sundays river之间的中立领地。

第二次战争 (1789-1793)

第二次战争使中立领土的边境向西边的 Sundays River 推移了一部分

第三次战争 (1799-1803)

第三次战争确定了以 Sundays River 为基准的边界。

第四次战争 (1811-1812)

第四次战争(1811-1812)是第一场由英国正规军队投入的、旨在应对相当强度的敌人的战斗,在此之后科萨人被赶到了 Fish River以东地区。

这场战争发生的时候,开普殖民地已经被布尔人割让给了英国。居住在开普前境的科萨人被驱赶出位于两河之间的Zuurveld,那块中立的土地。在1811年之前的一段时间里,科萨人曾经夺回这片领地并向殖民者发动了一系列的袭击。当年十二月,约翰格雷厄姆上校为此纠集了一支混合人种的军队,并最终将科萨人赶到了Fish River 以外的区域,这个镇也因他命名。

第五次战争 (1818-1819)

1817年,开普殖民政府与科萨人之间的矛盾再度激化,直接诱因是政府要求科萨人归还一部分他们偷走的牛(牛屠杀)。英国人还插手了科萨人内部因为人口增多而起的内讧。科萨的大先知Maqana Nxele (or Makana)鼓励了这次战斗并承诺他将“把子弹变成水珠”,他还领导了一部分袭击。1819年4月22日,Makana 率领10,000名科萨人奇袭格雷厄姆镇,却被一支350人的驻军部队抓获。一支由Jan Boesak领导的科伊-科伊族的援军及时到达才解除了危机。这场战役中,Maqana失去了1000名士兵。

Maqana最终被抓获并关押在罗本岛。这一次,英国将科萨人赶到了东边的Keiskama河之外。Fish River 和Keiskamma两河之间的流域成为一个新的中立缓冲带,英国人试图让这里成为忠于他们的非洲人的居住地。雅宾利区成立于1820年,共有5000名英国人和一些当地非洲人。格雷厄姆战场仍然被称为Egazini,或者血戮之地,并在这里为倒下的科萨战士竖立了一个纪念碑。

第六次战争 (1834-1836)






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