词条 | 20世纪中国的社会学本土化 |
释义 | 本书内容包括:社会学本土化若干基本理论问题、社会学本土化在国外的变迁、20世纪上半叶社会学本土化在中国的变迁、恢复重建后中国社会学的本土化探索、全面推进中国社会学的本土化。 图书信息书 名: 20世纪中国的社会学作 者:郑杭生 王万俊 出版社: 中国人民大学出版社 出版时间: 2009年06月 ISBN: 9787300105321 开本: 16开 定价: 48.00 元 内容简介《20世纪中国的社会学本土化》主要讲述了:Sociological indigenization is discussed systematically from the perspectives of history and theory in this book.The authors retrospect and review the history of socio logical indigenization in nearly 100 years in China and other places in the world, discuss the process and signifi-cance of Chinalization of sociology and Internationaliza-tion of Chinese sociology, and display the basic law of sociological discipline construction and development which the process of sociological indigenization implies. This book will help readers know more about the historyof Chinese sociology and world sociology3 and their interrelationship. 编辑推荐《20世纪中国的社会学本土化》:Professor Zheng Hangsheng professorof sociology in The Department of Sociology,head of The Research Centre For SociologicalTheory and Methods, Renmin University ofChina, head of Chinese Sociology Society. Main research field is theoretical sociology.Main publishing includes: New Exploration oFSociological Research Obiects,Instruction toSocial Operation Theory, China in Transition andTransition of Chinese Society, New History ofChinese Sociology. Exploration of SociologicalTheories with Chinese Characteristics Theorieson Social Operation. Social Transition, DisciplineIndigenization, Social Inter construction, Implica-tion of Sociological Theories with ChineseCharacteristics-Top Issues of Social Transition inContemporary China, Development of SociologicalTheories with Chinese Characteristics-FrontIssues of Social Transition in ContemporaryChina. 作者简介Dr. Wang Wanjun, got Ph. D of sociol-ogy from Renmin University of China in2000. Main research interests are theoreticalsociology and social research methods. Hehas published about 30 papers on Journal ofEast China Normal University, Journd ofJilin University,andNew Perspectives. 图书目录INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 Basic Theoretical Issues on Sociological Indigenization Section 1 Connotation and Purpose of Sociological Indigenization Sociological Indigenization. from Locality toUniversality Connotation of Sociological Indigenization. Purposes of Indigenization Viewed from Definition Section 2Types and Characteristics of Sociological Indigenization Main Types of Sociological Indigenization Basic Characteristics of Sociological Indigenization Some Misunderstandings on Sociological Indigenization Section 3 Indigenization,Westernization, Internationalization and Globalization of Sociology Westernization of Sociology Internationalization of Sociology Globalization of Sociology Chapter 2 Changes of Sociological Indigenization in Foreign Countries Section 1 Sociological Indigenization before 1950s Indigenization of Sociology in America Indigenization of Sociology in Latin America Indigenization of Sociology in Japan Section 2 Sociological Indigenization since 1950s Indigenization of Sociology in Latin America Indigenization of Asian Sociology Section 3 Indigenization of African Sociology Section 4 Indigenization of Canadian Sociology Chapter 3 Sociological Indigenization in China in the First Half of 20th Century Section 1 Period of Introduction and Development: Process ofSociological Institutionalization andIndigenization Section 2 Tendency of Chinese Sociological Indigenizationduring the Introductory Period Yan Fu's Try on Sociological Indigenization Zhang Taiyan's Tendency to Sociological Indigenization in His Research Section 3 Efforts during the Developing Period of Chinese Sociological Indigenization Translations of Foreign Sociological Books and Rise of Sociological Indigenization Movement Proclamation and Study of Sociological Indigenization Exploration on Indigenization of Sociological Research Methodology Deepening and Widening Investigation of Indigenous Society Construction of Sociological Theory in Indigenization Chapter 4 Indigenization of Chinese Sociology since Its Restoration Section 1 Renaissance of Sociological IndigenizationMovement Proclaiming Sociological Indigenization Again Exploring Theoretical Problems of Sociological Indigenization Section 2 Studies and Realization of Indigenous Society Study and Realization of Structure and Process of Chinese Society Study and Realization of Changes of Chinese Society Study and Realization of Various Communities of Chinese Society Study and Realization of Marriage and Family Problems of Chinese Society Study and Realization of Social Problems of Contemporary China Section 3 Indigenous Reform of Sociological Research Methodology Methods for Research on Social Transformation in China Methods for Measuring Poverty in China Study and Design of Social Index System in China Methods for Research on Chinese Psyche and Behavior Section4 Formation of Indigenous Sociological Theory Small Township Thcory Social Operation Theory Chapter 5 Pushing forward lndigenization of Chinese Sociology Section 1 Reinforcing the Basis of Sociological Indigenization Transforming Sociological Researchers' Conception and Recognition Comprehensively Understanding and Critically Absorbing Foreign Sociological Results Thoroughly Exploring and Selectively Utilizing Relevant Historical Materials and Resources of Indigenous Society Section 2 Grasping Key Points of Sociological Indigenization Further Progress of Theoretical Research of Sociology Further Improvement of Applied Sociological Research Improving Reliability and Validify of Sociological Research Section 3 Supporting Sociological Indigenization in Various Dimensions Deepening Teaching and Education Reform of Sociology Emphasizing on Macro-Adjustment of Sociological Research …… |
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