词条 | Nothing Lasts Forever |
释义 | 泰戈尔的诗Nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever No one lives forever Keep that in mind, and love Our life is not the same old burden Our path is not the same long journey The flower fades and dies We must pause to weave perfection into music Keep that in mind, and love My beloved, in you I find refuge Love droops towards its sunset To be drowned in the golden shadows Love must be called from its play And love must be born again to be free Keep that in mind, and love My beloved, in you I find refuge Without seeing my love, I cannot sleep Let us hurry to gather our flowers Before they are plundered by the passing winds It quickens our blood and brightens our eyes To snatch kisses that would vanish If we delayed Our life is eager Our desires are keen For time rolls by Keep that in mind, and love My beloved, in you I find refuge Beauty is sweet for a short time And then it is gone Knowledge is precious But we will never have time to complete it All is done and finished In eternal heaven But our life here is eternally fresh Keep that in mind, and love (Rabindranath Tagore, 1861-1941) 音乐专辑专辑信息 专辑中文名: Nothing Lasts Forever 歌手: 麦浚龙 音乐风格: 流行 发行时间: 2010年04月23日 地区: 香港 语言: 粤语 专辑介绍麦浚龙一直自主音乐创作风格,2007年自立门户并转投 Silly Thing 后,建立自家潮流品牌 CHAPEL of DAWN,尝试过多种不同的音乐类型,亦与不少音乐人大搞cross-over,多变的风格令人激赏。2010年新曲加精选大碟《Nothing Lasts Forever》见证他的脱变,收录了从环球唱片年代的情歌「有人」、「耿耿於怀」和「没有人」,以至 Silly Thing 代表作如妖魅的「雌雄同体」、与软硬天师合作的「林民龙」和伦永亮合唱的「写得太多」等共14首精选歌,另收入三首新歌「纸箱国」、「上春风的课」和方大同作曲的「超生培欲」。 这张新曲加精选大碟以全白封面,再用电脑效果把Juno的素描衬托出来,充满立体感。 Juno - Nothing Lasts Forever News Songs + Greatest Hits 收录3首全新歌曲︰ * 超生培欲 (方大同作曲) * 纸箱国 * 上春风的课 专辑曲目01. 有人 02. 没有人 03. 我有时觉得 04. 耿耿於怀 05. 雌雄同体 06. 原地转 07. 另一边 08. 濛 09. 借火 10. 酷儿 11. 吃鲸鱼的人 12. 林民龙 13. 从此世界多一分钟 14. 写得太多:duet ver 15. 超生培欲(NEW) 16. 纸箱国(NEW) 17. 上春风的课(NEW)
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