

词条 姜彭译(大熊)



外文名:Big Bear


















《Big Bear on campus》的专访内容中提到,当时11岁的姜彭译在国家队因为钱被大队员抢走了,因为没钱吃饭而去工地做过苦工,睡过工地的水泥管子;在火车站做过票贩和号贩等工作。也正是因为当时的艰苦条件和卑微的社会地位的激励,在年幼的姜彭译心中早早的埋下了“坚持”和“奋斗”的种子。


姜彭译第一次恋爱刚谈了不到半年的时间,初恋女友向姜彭译提出分手,原因是嫌弃姜彭译是一个体育生,在初恋女友的眼里体育生是“四肢发达,头脑简单”的。所以自2006年与初恋女友分手之后,姜彭译选择“弃武从艺”,通过半年的艺术专业学习,终于2007年如愿考上中央戏剧学院。同年,初恋女友艺考落榜。在一次同学聚会上,姜彭译的初恋女友得知姜彭译考上中央戏剧学院的消息很是感慨,并想与姜彭译和好,继续保持男女朋友的关系,意外遭到姜彭译的婉言拒绝。在中央电视台《向幸福出发》栏目,主持人李咏专访姜彭译的时候谈到这件事情,李咏问姜彭译为何婉转拒绝,姜彭译回答:“虽说我很难看,不是帅哥,但是我个男人。” 2007年9月,姜彭译到中央戏剧学院报到,并当上了主持班男班长。开始了漫长的大学生活。此时姜彭译觉得大学的学生生活太安逸,担心太过安逸,只学习理论而没有专业实践,毕业以后没有工作。于是姜彭译开始到处搜寻与专业有关的兼职信息。同年,中央电视台新闻中心招聘实习生,要求新闻学专业和本科毕业生,这两项要求姜彭译都不符合,但是梦想的力量催促着姜彭译选择去尝试着报名。预料之中,在报名的时候因为条件不够,故拒绝报名。但是姜彭译没有因为拒绝报名而选择放弃,而是“蹲守”在中央电视台东门,等新闻中心负责人下班的时候“自荐”。据姜彭译回忆说,在中央台东门一共堵了负责人7次,被白眼了6次,最后一次姜彭译如愿获得了参加面试的资格。






2009年:荣获第11届“音乐无国界”中外歌手大赛总决赛 冠军









'Big Bear' on campus

Source: Global Times

[17:27 December 09 2009] Comments

By Wen Ya

From his spot-on impersonation of Premier Wen Jiabao to masterful performance of songs in foreign tongues, Jiang "Big Bear" Pengyi has an ear for entertainment. And if you have any artistic criticisms for the 2.07 meter tall, 120 kg former Chinese national judo team member, don't fear getting pounded, this guy is more of a big teddy bear.

"Many students see me as their 'big brother'. They'll even ask me for advice with their love lives," said Jiang.

With his performing talent, kind heart and imposing stature, it's no wonder the broadcasting junior from Central Academy of Drama (CAD) was a favorite at the 11th Music Beyond Borders competition held by the School of Foreign Studies at Communication University of China (CUC) Friday evening, earning him first place and making him an instant celebrity on campuses all over Beijing.

"Coming in first was totally unexpected, because I didn't really prepare too much. But I really enjoyed myself and made quite a few friends along the way," Jiang said.Jiang's mellow, cello-esque voice won over both audience and judges, singing "O Sole Mio" in Italian and the Japanese tune "Kokoro.""I can imitate anything I hear," said Jiang. "But my voice sounds like I'm a lot older. One time I took this exam that said my 'psychological age' is actually 48. That sounds about right," joked the 21-year-old.

His voice not only matches his "psychological age," but also fits his stature, the inspiration for Jiang's affectionate moniker, "Big Bear."

"At first I didn't like it. But it kind of grew on me as more people started calling me that. 'Big Bear' sounds charmingly naive, meek and clumsy, which is kind of how I am," Jiang said. "Now, most people don't even know my real name."Ju-do or Ju-don't

Because Jiang was also a giant 10 year old, he was prime-recruiting material for the national judo program, with which he trained for seven years. As Jiang got older, he became increasingly concerned about the sustainability of a professional sports career.

But it wasn't until the sudden death of friend and fellow athlete Cai Li in 2003 that Jiang decided to leave and plan for a life beyond sports.

Cai, known as "Asia's strong man," won over 40 national and 20 Asian weightlifting championship titles during the 1990s, but after retiring, he found himself without a job.

"Except weightlifting, he didn't know much of anything else and could never find work. He had contracted diseases and suffered injuries from his training with the national team, but had no money to receive treatment, " Jiang said.The former champ who had repeatedly earned honored his country in sport had to work as a gatekeeper at Liaoning Sports and Technology College. He later died of respiratory failure at 33."Cai's death shocked me. Even a national team athlete might be useless at 30 if he only knows sports."

How you like me now? After retiring in 2005, he went to Liaoyang Petrochemical Fiber Company High School in Liaoning Province, where he met his first love that unexpectedly influenced his career path to broadcasting."Every day I would ride my bike after school 90 minutes out of my way to her school just so I could walk her home for five minutes," Jiang said.

But no matter how he tried, the fact he was a muscle-bound athletics major was too much of a turn off for her.

"In her eyes, sports majors have well-developed limbs, but have the head of a moron incapable of feeling anything deeply," Jiang said."At that time, she dreamt of getting into CAD and studying broadcasting. And I thought, what she wants to achieve, I could do also. Her dream then became my target after breaking up," Jiang said.

Accents and admirers

Broadcasting in China requires perfect Mandarin, and for a northeasterner with a thick accent like Jiang, correcting his tongue took some athletic discipline.

"When I found I spoke a word with an accent, I would slap myself in the face. During the first month, there were too many slaps to remember. But after three months, the slaps got fewer and fewer," he said.

In 2007, Jiang was admitted to CAD, while his ex-girlfriend was rejected in classic irony. Upon hearing the news of Jiang's success, she looked him up wanting to get back together, but Jiang was too empowered to look back now.

"She thought I worked this hard for her. She's wrong. I did it for myself," Jiang said.

And with dozens of female admirers at CAD, Jiang prefers to keep his options open. But he's not letting that go to his head.

"I just want to be friends. I'm just an ugly and clumsy 'Big Bear' and I don't match most of these girls well," Jiang joked.





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