

词条 黄智勇
1 密歇根州立大学教授

英文名, Zachary Huang

美国密西根州立大学(Michigan State University)终身教授


1983.7—1988.5 加拿大圭尔夫大学环境生物系(Universityof Guelph,Canada),获博士学位.

1978.1—1982.12 湖南农业大学植保系,获学士学位.


美国蜜蜂专家协会会员(AmericanAssociation for Professional Apiculturists)

美国昆虫学会会员(EntomologicalSociety of America)

国际社会性昆虫研究会会员(InternationalUnion for the Study of Social Insects)

东部养蜂协会终身会员(EasternApicultural Society, Life Member)



昆虫科学(Insect Science)编委


2004.7—至今 密歇根州立大学副教授,从事与蜜蜂有关的科研、推广和教学工作(Associate Professor,Department of Entomology, Michigan State University).

1998.11—2004.6 密歇根州立大学助理教授,从事与蜜蜂有关的科研、推广和教学工作(AssistantProfessor, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University).

1993.3—1998.10 依利诺斯大学(俄般那)高级研究员,研究保幼激素在蜜蜂和熊蜂中的功能 (SeniorResearch Scientist, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois-Urbana).

1990.3—1993.3 依利诺斯大学(俄般那)博士后,从事蜜蜂社会分工机制的研究(PostdoctoralFellow, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois-Urbana).

1988.8—1990.3 密苏里大学(哥伦比亚)博士后,从事植物螨和蜜蜂乙酰胆碱受体的生化研究(Postdoctoral Fellow,Department of Entomology, University of Missouri-Columbia).


Huang,Z.Y. 2002. “Method and apparatus forcontrol of mites in a beehive,” US Patent #6,475,061 一种防治蜜蜂大蜂螨的方法和装置, 美国专利号:6,475,061


开发生态杂志Open Ecology Journal杂志编委, (2007– present)

昆虫科学Insect Science, 杂志编委(2001 – present)

BeeScience, 杂志编委1992 – 1994

美国昆虫学会Cb组秘书(1999), 副主席(2000),主席(2001)

海外中国昆虫学者协会主席, 2000

海外中国生态学者协会副主席, 1990


韩宝栋蜜蜂科研优秀奖(每年全美评选一个,Hambleton Award for Research Excellence, Eastern Apicultural Society, USA,2008)

康纳尔大学昆虫系茂斯养蜂讲座 (Roger A. Morse Apiculture Lecture, Dept Entomology, Cornell University, 2005) 西蒙斯数学,科学,技术竞赛杰出导师奖(Outstanding Mentor, SiemensWestinghouse Math, Science & Tech. Competition, 2003) 密执安州立大学教学奖Lilly Teaching EndowmentFellowship, MSU, 2002

密执安州立大学农业实验站最佳课题报告(Best Proposal Award, Michigan Agricultural ExperimentStation, MSU, Oct 2001)


西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)是对人类最有益的昆虫。在美国,每年由于授粉而增加的农业产值达190亿美元之多(Morseand Calderone, 2001)。研究蜜蜂的社会行为,可使人类能更科学地管理蜜蜂,为农业生产服务。研究蜜蜂的病虫害生物学及其防治,能使蜜蜂蜂群更健康。因此,蜜蜂的行为和病虫害防治研究一直是国际上基础研究和应用研究的热门课题。在过去十多年来,黄智勇作为主要研究人员或项目主持人,完成了多个国家研究项目。所取得的成果概述如下:

1. 建立“社会抑制”模型,鉴定出动物中第四个启动外激素。

蜜蜂社会行为的主要基础是“年龄分工”,即不同日龄的工蜂在蜂群中做不同的工作。多年的工作经验使黄智勇知道,以哺育蜂为代表的内勤蜂与以采集蜂为代表的外勤蜂的生理状态有很大的差别,而且这种差别多半是由保幼激素(JH)来影响或控制的。但是,工蜂保幼激素究竟是通过巢内的何种信息来调控的,长期以来一直是一个谜。借用发育生物学上常用的方法,将工蜂单个隔离饲养,发现工蜂的保幼激素和行为发育都提前发育,在七天内成为“采集蜂”(有高的JH浓度,并在蜂群表现采集行为)。又采用“移植”采集蜂的方法,发现在“同龄蜂群”(由刚羽化的工蜂与蜂王组成的,不带采集蜂的蜂群)中5-7天能产生“早熟”采集蜂的现象,可以因为外来移植进来的采集蜂而受到抑制。根据这些实验结果,黄和Robinson(1992)在PNAS上发表一个模型,认为工蜂从哺育蜂到采集蜂的行为发育主要是由蜂群内采集蜂与哺育蜂的比例来调节的。采集蜂身上有一种“抑制素”,能抑制别的工蜂体内保幼激素的合成,而在抑制素缺失或不够的条件下,工蜂的“激动素”(JA)浓度就会自发的上升,使工蜂成为采集蜂。在不同蜂群条件下,工蜂的发育会由于抑制素的多少而决定其是否正常、提前或延迟发育成哺育蜂。其后,黄智勇又用试验验证了这个模型的主要预测,实验结果都与模型符合(Huangand Robinson,1996)。进一步的试验证明,“抑制素”是一种非挥发性的物质,工蜂之间的直接接触传递最有效,而工蜂之间通过相互饲喂也能传递部分信息(Huang et al,1998)。最近,抑制素的化学成份终于被鉴定出来为油酸乙酯(ethyl oleate)。试验表明,油酸乙酯在采集蜂的蜜囊中比哺育蜂中高很多倍,人为给工蜂喂食油酸乙酯能延迟它们的采集日龄(Leonciniet al, 2004)。在昆虫中, 已鉴定出分子结构的触发(releaser)外激素已上千种,而启动(primer)外激素则是所有动物中的第四个.

以上研究结果发表在PNAS(1992,89:11726-11729; 2004,101:17561-17564),Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (1996, 39:147-158)和Journal of comparative Physiology B (1998, 183:143-152)上。其中,1992年的PNAS文章在学术界引起很大反响,J. Alcock的“动物行为”教材中引用了1992年的文章。 同时引起社会昆虫学中很多新的研究(如电脑模型的模拟,新模型的建立等),引用次数达108次。2004年的PNAS文章作为封面故事发表, 被认为是社会昆虫学领域的重要发现.



2.1. 发现保幼激的合成率的变化是改变JH浓度的主要原因

以前知道JH浓度的改变可以影响行为的改变,但是血淋巴中的浓度可能是由于合成、降解或排泄等原因而转变。黄智勇将别的昆虫中常用的“放射化学”法第一次用于蜜蜂身上,证明蜜蜂保幼激素的合成率的高低与行为发育的程度成正相关。研究结果发表在J.Insect Physiology (1991, 37:733-741)上。此文也同时奠定了以后用放射化学法测定蜜蜂JH生物合成的基础。

2.2. 明确了工蜂在不受蜂王和幼虫抑制时繁殖的生理机理

蜜蜂的工蜂在正常情况下卵巢不发育,因为受到蜂王和幼虫的抑制。当蜂王和幼虫不存在时,工蜂卵巢开始发育,还可以产卵成为雄蜂。工蜂繁殖的生理机理并不清楚。黄智勇研究证明,产卵工蜂的血淋巴中JH比采集蜂低,同时,JH的合成率也低。经保幼激素处理过的工蜂卵巢发育也受到抑制。文章发表在Generaland Comparative Endocrinology上(1992, 87:471-480)。

2.3. 弄清了同龄工蜂中社会分工的生理机制

蜜蜂工蜂除了因为行为发育形成的年龄分工外,同样年龄的工蜂中也有分工现象,例如,中等年龄的工蜂中有守卫蜂、清尸蜂、泌蜡蜂或储蜜蜂,而这些蜜蜂通过什么机制能够使它们虽然年龄相同,但是分工不同呢?研究发现,守卫蜂和清尸蜂的JH浓度或合成率都高(与采集蜂类似),而泌蜡蜂和储蜜蜂虽同样日龄,其JH浓度或合成率却都低。在年幼的工蜂中,工蜂哺育蜂与蜂王哺育的JH相同,都低,而采集蜂中的采粉蜂、采蜜蜂、采水蜂的JH也相同,都高。这组实验首次阐明JH在同龄蜂中,尤其是中等年龄的蜂中,对其社会分工起调控作用。这个研究同是也是黄智勇第一次用高特异性的抗体,用"放射免疫”法测定蜜蜂的JH。此方法现在已成为文测定蜜蜂JH浓度的标准方法。研究结果发表在Journalof Comparative Physiology上 (1994, 174:731-739).



以上研究结果分别发表在Journal of Comparative Physiology B(1995, 165:18-28) , Journal of Insect Physiology (2000, 46:243-249) 和Journal ofEconomic Entomology (2005, 98:274-278)上。

2.5. 明确了保幼激素浓度与振幼舞及凶猛程度的关系

如前所述,保幼激素(JH)可以受很多因素的影响而产生变化。工蜂有一种振幼舞(vibrational dance),主要是起号召作用,即让被振动的工蜂增加工作量,主要在久雨未晴后当天气变好时,或者是在分群飞行前,此行为大量增加。黄智勇设想这个舞可能能够快速地使JH浓度增加,从而增加工蜂的活动程度。事实证明黄智勇的假说是正确的,工蜂被振动以后的15-30分钟内,JH浓度比对照蜂(在5-30分钟内没有被振动)显著提高。黄智勇还推测JH的提高可能与工蜂的凶猛程度相关。研究发现,冬季蜂和夏季的哺育蜂,两者都具有低的JH浓度,同时对外来蜂的抵抗行为表现率也低。夏季在同一蜂群中,对外来蜂表现凶猛的蜂,其JH浓度也比非凶猛的蜂要高。因此,JH与蜂的凶猛程度有正相关.研究结果发表在J. Insect Physiology (2001, 47:1243-1247)和Ethology(2004,110:977-985)上。


3. 开展了转基因植物花粉对蜜蜂及其害虫的影响研究

转基因植物在全世界的种植范围越来越大,但是大部分对蜜蜂这一重要益虫效果的评估仅局限在实验室内用蛋白质进行测定。黄智勇认为,由于插入基因可能有多重效应,或是不同剪接(Alterativesplicing),或是寄主及插入基因的相互作用,因此直接用花粉来测定转基因植物对蜜蜂的影响可能结果更可靠。黄智勇测定了转基因玉米(Cry1A(b),Cry1F)花粉和转基因(抗除草剂)油菜(canola)对蜜蜂的影响,实验证明,在田间实验中,转基因玉米花粉对蜜蜂的幼虫和蛹的存活率、蛹重、以及新羽化蜂的血淋巴蛋白浓度都无显著副作用。相反,Cry1F花粉对一种蜜蜂害虫大蜡螟却有很好的防治作用(杀死率100%)。在两年的田间实验中,黄智勇没有发现转基因油菜花粉对蜜蜂的幼虫存活率、蛹存活率、蛹重,及新羽化蜂的血淋巴蛋白浓度等有副作用。这些实验提出一个新的评估模式,将影响以后对转基因植物的更全面的评估。研究结果发表在J.Apicultural Research (2003, 42:77-78)和J. Economic Entomology(2004, 97:1517-1523)上。

4. 大蜂螨对除虫菊脂的抗药性机制,在中国的分子分类,及其防治的研究

大蜂螨是公认的、世界性的、蜜蜂上最大的害虫。大蜂螨近几年对自1991年开始使用的一种除虫菊脂(fluvalinate,氟胺氰菊脂)产生抗性,但其抗性机制不清楚。因为所有除虫菊脂类药物的靶标都是钠离子通道,黄智勇设想蜂螨的抗性是由于钠离子通道的基因改变,从而改变钠离子通道蛋白与除虫菊脂的结合性而产生的。通过长时间的努力,董柯和黄智勇的研究小组合作首次将蛛形纲动物(Arachnid)中钠离子通道的全基因克隆并测序。蜂螨的钠离子通道(VmNa)cDNA有6645个碱基,2215个氨基酸,推算出的氨基酸序列与果蝇的相似度为51%,与哺乳动物的Nav1.6基因的相似度为41%。她们发现,有四个突变可能与蜂螨的抗药性有关,即F758L,L826P,I982V和M1055I(数字为氨基酸位置, 第一个字母为原氨基酸, 后一个字母为突变后的氨基酸)。经过多年的艰苦努力, 最近终于将蜂螨的钠离子通道基因在蛙卵(zenopus)中表达出来,从而为更进一步在体外测定其药理特性打下了基础。结果发表在J.Apicultural Research (2002, 40:17-25)和Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2003, 33: 733-739)上。

与国内(周婷,黄双修)、澳大利亚科学家(Denis Anderson)一起合作,运用线粒体DNA分子标记对大蜂螨进行了分类学研究,首次探明了在中国西方蜜蜂和东方蜜蜂上的大蜂螨均为敌斯大蜂螨(Varroa destructor),而普遍以为危害方蜜蜂的雅氏大蜂螨(Varroa jacobsoni), 反而根本不存在.她们还发现一种新的基因型,定名为China2. 这些结果为国内以后开展大蜂螨的防治和检疫奠定了良好的基础。结果发表在Apidologie(2004, 35: 645-654)上。

很久以来,大家都知道大蜂螨更喜欢雄蜂蜂子,其对雄蜂子的喜好度与对工蜂子的喜好度约为10:1.很多养蜂员都将雄蜂脾放进蜂箱,等封盖后拿出,放在冻箱中将雄蜂子及其上的大蜂螨杀死.黄智勇于2002年发明一种杀大蜂螨的器械,已获得美国专利(专利号#6,475,061)。最近已有公司购买专利的制造权。结果发表在AmericanBee Journal (2001, 141: 730-732)上。

5. 蜜蜂性等位基因的进化生态学研究

蜜蜂的性别是由一种“互补性决定”(Complementary sex determinative,csd)的机制来决定的。双倍体的杂合子成为雌性的,而单倍体成为雄性。但是,当性等位基因是纯合子时,双倍体仍发育成为雄性。而在正常蜂群中,双倍体的雄性会被工蜂吃掉。因此,使工蜂成为杂合子的选择压力很大。一百多年来,这个理论一直是一个假说而已.直到最近,csd的基因才被测序,并最终证明为决定性别的基因(Beye et al, 2003)。由于强大的选择压力, csd应会表现出高度的种内多态性(intraspecificpolymorphism),其等位基因的年龄可能比种的年龄更老。黄及合作者将3种蜜蜂(西方蜜蜂,东方蜜蜂,大蜜蜂)的csd和随机选择的中性基因区的基因序列进行对比,发现:⑴. csd的多态性比中性基因的多态性约高七倍左右;⑵. 基因家谱分析发现,csd有种内多态性,而中性基因没有;⑶. 与低频等位基因优势(rareallele advantage)的预计相符,非同义突变(non-synonymous mutation)在刚出现时是受到正选择压力的。⑷.发现在3种不同的蜜蜂中,每个种都有自己的高变(hyper-variable)重复区域,推测每个种有自己不同的、决定性等位基因特异性的机制。研究论文在2006年蜜蜂基因组的专刊上一起发表(Genome Research 16: 1366-1375)

论文(共122篇, 其中SCI收录51篇)

1. Kou,R., S.-Y. Chou, Z.Y. Huang, R.-L. Yang. 2008. Juvenile hormone levelsare increased in winners of cockroach fights. Hormones and Behavior 54:521-527

2. Kou,R., H.-W. Chang, Z.Y. Huang, R.-L. Yang. 2008. Pheromone, juvenilehormone, and social status in the male lobster cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea. Archives of Insect Biochemistry andPhysiology 68: 144-155

3. DuanJ.J, M. Marvier*, J. Huesing,G. Dively, Z.Y. Huang. 2008. A meta-analysis of effects of Bt crops onhoney bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). PLOS ONE3(1): e1415. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001415

4. Chow, S.-Y, Z.Y. Huang , S.-C. Chen,R.-L. Yang, R. Kou*. 2007. Antenna contact and agonism in the male lobstercockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea. Hormones and Behavior 52: 252-260

5. Wharton*,K.E., F.C. Dyer, Z.Y. Huang, T.Getty. 2007. The role of the honey bee queen in regulating colony droneproduction. BehavioralEcology 18: 1092-1099 (featured in Science)

6. Cho,S., Z. Y. Huang, J. Zhang*. 2007. Sex-specific splicing of the honey beedoublesex gene reveals 300 million years of evolution at the bottom of theinsect sex-determination pathway. Genetics 177:1733-41

7. Huang, Z.Y.* 2007. Honey bee genome: the untold story. Chinese Bulletin ofEntomology 44: 5-9

8. Liu,Z., J. Tan, Z.Y. Huang, K. Dong*.2006. Effect of a fluvalinate-resistance-associated sodium channel mutationfrom varroa mites on cockroach sodium channel sensitivity to fluvalinate, apyrethroid insecticide. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 36: 885-889

9. Cho,S., Z.Y. Huang, D.R. Green, D.R.Smith, and J. Zhang*. 2006. Evolution of the complementary sex-determinationgene of honey bees: balancing selection and trans-species polymorphisms. Genome Research 16: 1366-1375

10. Huang, Z.Y., J. Zhao, L. Zhou, Y. Qin*.2006. Electronic monitoring of feeding behavior of Varroa mites on honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 45(3): 157–158

11. Yang,L., Y-C. Qin*, D.-L. Song, Z.Y. Huang. 2006. An overview of themelatonin and its application in entomology. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology 43: 163-168 (in Chinese)

12. Zeng, Z., Z.Y.Huang, Y. Qin*and H. Pang.2005. Hemolymph juvenile hormonetiters in worker honey bees under normal and pre-swarming conditions. Journal of Economical Entomology 98:274-278

13. Tan,J., Z. Liu, R. Wang, Z. Y. Huang,A.C. Chen, M. Gurevitz, K. Dong*. 2005. Identification of amino acid residues that are critical for pyrethroidbinding to an insect sodium channel. MolecularPharmacology 67: 513-522

14. Leoncini,I., Y. Le Conte, G. Costagliola, E. Plettner, A.L. Toth, M. Wang, Z. Huang, J-M. Bécard, D. Crauser, K.N.Slessor, G.E. Robinson*. 2004. Regulation of behavioral maturation in honey bees by a new primerpheromone. Proceedings of NationalAcademy of Sciences USA 101: 17561-17564. [citedin Science, Science News, MSU news, Medical Daily etc]

15. Schneider,S.S.*, L. A. Lewis, Z. Y. Huang.2004. The vibration signal and juvenile hormone titers in worker honeybees, Apis mellifera. Ethology 110:977-985

16. Huang, Z.Y.*, A.V. Hanley, W. Pett, J.J.Duan. 2004. Field and semi-field evaluation of impacts of transgenic canolapollen on survival and development of worker honey bees. Journal of Economic Entomology 97: 1517-1523

17. Zhou, T., D.L. Anderson, Z.Y. Huang*, S. Huang, J. Yao, T. Ken,Q. Zhang. 2004. Identification ofVarroamites infestingApis cerana andApis mellifera in China. Apidologie 35: 645-654

18. Lin,H., C. Dusset, Z.Y. Huang*.2004. Short-termchanges in juvenile hormone titres in honey bee workers due to stress. Apidologie 35: 319-327

19. Li,X., Z.Y. Huang, Y. Qin*, D. Song.2004. Bio-assay methods ofmelatonin. Chinese Bulletin ofEntomology 42: 109-112 (in Chinese)

20. Hanley, A.V., Z.Y. Huang, W. Pett*. 2003. Effect oftransgenic Bt corn pollen on larval development of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) and greater wax moth(Galleria mellonella L.). Journal ofApicultural Research 42: 77-81

21. Wang,R., Z.Y. Huang, K. Dong*. 2003. Molecularcharacterization of an arachnid sodium channel gene from the varroa mite (Varroa destructor). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 33: 733-739

22. Huang, Z.Y.*, J.H. Fewell. 2002. Modelinginsect societies: from genes to colony behavior. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 403-404

23. Wang, R., Z. Liu, K. Dong, P.J. Elzen, J.Pettis, Z.Y. Huang*. 2002. Association of novel mutations in a sodium channel gene with fluvalinateresistance in the varroa mite, Varroadestructor. Journal ofApicultural Research 40: 17-25

24. Schulz, D.S., M.J. Vermiglio, Z.Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson*. 2002.Effects of colony food shortage on social interactions in honey beecolonies. InsectesSociaux 49: 50-55

25. Beshers*, S.N., Z.Y. Huang,Y. Oono, G.E. Robinson. 2001. Social inhibition and the regulation of temporalpolyethism in honey bees. Journal ofTheoretical Biology 213: 461-479

26. Pearce, A.N., Z.Y. Huang,M.D. Breed*. 2001. Juvenile hormone and aggression in honey bees. Journal of Insect Physiology 47:1243-1247

27. Jassim, O., Z.Y.Huang*, G.E. Robinson. 2000.Juvenile hormone profiles of worker honey bees during normal and acceleratedbehavioral development. Journal ofInsect Physiology 46: 243-249

28. Bloch,G., D.W. Borst, Z.-Y. Huang, G.E.Robinson*, A. Hefetz. 2000. Haemolymph JH titer, biosynthesis rates, ovariandevelopment and the social environment in Bombusterrestris. Journal of InsectPhysiology 46: 46-57

29. Giray,T., Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson*.1999. Endocrine basis of genetic differences for behavioral development inhoney bees. Behavioral Ecology &Sociobiology 47: 17-28

30. Huang, Z.-Y., E. Plettner, G.E. Robinson*. 1998. Effect of social environmentand mandibular gland removal on division of labor in worker honey bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 183:143-152

31. Pankiw, T., Z.-Y. Huang, M.L. Winston, G.E. Robinson. 1998. Queen mandibulargland pheromone influences worker honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) juvenile hormone titers and foraging ontogeny. Journalof Insect Physiology 44: 685-692

32. Schulz, D.J., Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson. 1998.Effect of colony food shortage on the behavioral development of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology42: 295-303

33. Robinson,G.E., Z.-Y. Huang. 1998. Colony integration inhoney bees: genetic, endocrine, and social control of division of labor. Apidologie 29: 159-170 (Invited review)

34. Trumbo, S.T., Z.-Y.Huang, G.E. Robinson. 1997. Division of labor between undertakerspecialists and other middle age workers in honey bee colonies. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology41: 151-163

35. Cnaani, J., D.W. Borst, Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson, A. Hefetz.1997. Caste determination in Bombusterrestris: differences in larval development and rates of JHbiosynthesis. Journal of InsectPhysiology 43: 373-381

36. Huang, Z.-Y., G.E. Robinson. 1996.Regulation of honey bee division of labor by colony age demography. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology39: 147-158

37. Bloch,G., D. W. Borst, Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson, A. Hefetz. 1996. Effects of socialconditions on juvenile hormone-mediated reproductive development in Bombus terrestris workers. Physiological Entomology 21: 257-267

38. Huang, Z.-Y., G.E. Robinson. 1995. Seasonalchanges in juvenile hormone in worker honey bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 165: 18-28

39. Robinson, G.E., R.E. Page, Z.-Y. Huang. 1994.Temporal polyethism in social insects is a developmental process. Animal Behavior 48: 467-469

40. Huang, Z.-Y., G.E. Robinson, D.W. Borst.1994. Physiological correlates of division of labor among similarly aged honeybees. Journal of ComparativePhysiologyA 174: 731-739

41. Goodman,W.G., Z.-Y. Huang, G.E. Robinson, C.Strambi, A. Strambi. 1993. A comparison of two juvenile hormoneradioimmunoassays. Archives ofInsect Biochemistry & Physiology 23:147-152

42. Huang,Z.-Y., G.E. Robinson. 1992. Honey bee colony integration: Worker-worker interactionsmediate plasticity in endocrine and behavioral development. Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences USA 89: 11726-11729 (cited in the text book “Animal Behavior” byJ. Alcock)

43. Robinson, G.E., C. Strambi, A. Strambi, Z.-Y. Huang. 1992. Reproduction in workerhoney bees is associated with low juvenile hormone titres and rates ofbiosynthesis. General & Comparative Endocrinology 87: 471-480

44. Huang, Z.-Y., G.E. Robinson, S.S. Tobe, K.J.Yagi, C. Strambi, A. Strambi, B. Stay. 1991. Hormonal regulation of behavioraldevelopment in the honey bee is based on changes in the rate of juvenilehormone biosynthesis. Journal ofInsect Physiology 37: 733-741

45. Huang,Z.-Y., G.W. Otis. 1991. Inspection and feeding of larvae by worker honey bees(Hymenoptera: Apidae): Effect of starvation and food quantity. Journal of Insect Behavior 4: 305-317

46. Huang,Z.-Y., G.W. Otis. 1991. Non-random visitation of brood cells by worker honeybees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journalof Insect Behavior 4: 177-184

47. Huang, Z.-Y., C.O. Knowles. 1991. Nicotinicand muscarinic cholinergic receptors in honey bee (Apis mellifera) brain. ComparativeBiochemistry & Physiology C 97: 275-281

48. Huang, Z.-Y., C.O. Knowles. 1990. Propertiesof a quinuclidinyl benzilate binding component in the bulb mite. Comparative Biochemistry & PhysiologyC 95: 71-77

49. Huang,Z.-Y. 1990. A simple in vivo bioassayfor estimating the hypopharyngeal gland activity in honeybees (Apis mellifera L, Apidae,Hymenoptera). Journal of ApiculturalResearch 29: 75-81

50. Huang, Z.-Y.,G.W. Otis, P.E.A. Teal. 1989. Nature of brood signal activating the protein synthesis ofhypopharyngeal gland in honey bees, Apismellifera (Apidae: Hymenoptera). Apidologie20: 455-464

51. Huang, Z.-Y., G.W. Otis. 1989. Factors determining hypopharyngeal gland activityof worker honey bees (Apis melliferaL.). InsectesSociaux 36: 264-276


Australia 2007: Attending Apimondia Conference, visiting Dr.Denis Anderson at CSIRO. 2009: Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University. Working with Dr.Shaowu Zhang on honey bee navigation and cognition. Seminar at CSIRO, Sydneyand Macquarie Universities, and Canberra Beekeeping Associations.

Canada 1983-1988:Ph.D. Study. 1999-2009: regular visits for conferences and researchcollaborations.

China 1993: Teaching and research for 3 months at ChinaAgricultural University. 1999-2007: visiting once per year for researchand seminars. Collaborations with the following universities/institutes:Beijing Apicultural Research Institute, China Agricultural University, YunnanAgricultural University, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, JilinApicultural Research Institute, Zhejiang University. 2008: Attending andchairing a session at the Asian Apicultural Association Conference in Hangzhou,visiting 4 universities/institutes to establish collaborations.

France 1994: Attending IUSSIconference, 2002, Invited by French Beekeepers Association to presentfour talks, visiting beekeepers and INRA researchers, 2008, Teachinglaboratory techniques at University of Tours.

Germany 1986: Attending IUSSI conference. 2004,Invited to present and attend the retirement workshop for Dr. Bert Holldöbler.

Nepal 2007: Two week volunteeringto teach honey bee biology, beekeeping, honey processing and marketing;visiting apiaries to diagnose diseases and pests.

New Zealand 2009: Attending a beekeeper meeting at Christchurch, visiting Dr. AlisonMercer, University of Otago.

Philippines 2004: Presenting at AsianApicultural Association Conference, harvesting A. dorsata and A.cerana to search for Varroa and Tropilaeleps mites.

South Africa 2001: Presenting at ApimondiaConference, visiting an apiary.

Taiwan 2006: Visiting and presenting seminars inAcademia Sinica & 3 universities.

Thailand 2000: Presenting at AsianApicultural Association Conference, searching for A. dorsata. 2007:Visiting Burapha University, collecting A. cerana.

United Kingdom 2008: Invited as a chemicalcompany advisor to provide information on varroa biology

2 青岛城阳区人民医院副主任医师






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