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释义 | 简介“希望之光” 是由网友们基于对农村问题的关注,缘于“行胜于言”的共同的理念,出于理性和良知,自发形成和义务参与的民间公益性、松散开放式的农村贫困学生助学网站。 前身希望之光的前身是公益性网站中国风 的重点栏目“希望之光”,于二零零二年四月独立出中国风。希望之光本着冷静低调、谨慎务实的原则,利用网络这一先进工具,传播对因贫困而导致求学困难重重的贫困学生的关注,并通过致力于网络社会和现实社会的互动,引导网友将这种精神上的关注转化为一种切实的资助行动,尽可能地协助中西部贫困地区的农村贫困学生完成小学、初中、高中学业,从而通过支持教育这一手段来推动贫困农村地区的发展;同时,亦促使人们加深对广大贫困农村地区的直观了解,提高对农村教育的重视,传播人文关怀精神和对生命自身价值的认知,增强个人对国家和民族的忧患意识和责任感,从而通过网络凝聚成一种具有责任感和感召力的道德力量。 倡导的捐助希望之光所倡导的捐助,是对贫困学生的资料先同时通过官方途径(指团委、教委、妇联等纯官方途径及学校等半官方途径)及民间渠道(指有条件的网友进行的实地调查)进行核实,再在网络上发布,由有捐助意愿的网友自愿选择进行资助并直接安排将捐款以邮汇或其它方式送达被资助学生,希望之光本身不接受也不转递任何对贫困学生的捐款,之后,希望之光再对捐款落实情况同时通过官方途径及民间渠道进行跟踪核实和反馈。 希望之光的每一个资助个案,对于被资助的学生而言都是实际的和具体的。每资助一个学生,就能够使一个学生重返校园或者得以继续学业,就可能改变这个学生的命运,或者至少为改变其命运起积极作用。对每一个捐助个案,希望之光都本着同时对贫困学生及捐款人负责的态度,以尽可能仔细、认真、严密的方式同时通过官方途径和民间渠道,在贫困学生资料搜集和后续捐款跟踪两个阶段进行核实查证,从而确保贫困学生资料的真实性和可靠性,确保所捐款项被正确用于被资助学生。希望之光还在网站上公布所有捐助的详细资料,欢迎所有网友的监督,并鼓励及委托有条件的网友进行实地调查。希望之光期待来自网络和现实的任何建议与帮助,也欢迎任何来自网络和现实的监督与质疑。 希望之光----为孩子圆一个上学梦,是我们共同的心愿! (英文版) Brief Introduction to Light of Hope (LOH) LOH is a group of volunteers who work actively and positively on the cyber space to help children in the countryside that are unable to afford the school cost. All volunteers work through LOH’s website and help the children to finish their 9-years or 12-years programs. LOH primarily focuses on the children in the poor countryside of the middle and west regions in China. LOH’s major functions include: Collect, sort and verify the information of the drop-out children in the countryside. The Youth Committee, local town or county government, Hope Project offices as well as schools are the main information providers of their local areas. Based on the information collected, LOH will check the areas to make sure that all information is up to date and genuine. LOH also welcomes information provided by people that surf on its website and will publish such information after its own independent verifications; Post all the verified information on the website so people can be educated on the situations of the children in the countryside and also learn that help is greatly needed to get the children back to school; Help the contributors decide who they wish to help and how much they would contribute to the children. Any and all contributions will go directly to the local schools and the purposes of the contributions are used to support their learning only. LOH itself will not handle any contributions through its web site, any volunteers of LOH are required not to accept any contributions nor transfer contributions on behalf of contributors; Continue to check and look up through its volunteers to make sure that the contributions do go to the school and the children do go back to the school; Furthermore, LOH will advise the contributors the conditions of children they have helped; and Hold discussions on educational issues in the countryside in China. Light of Hope -- A wish to send children back to school |
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