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释义 | 学习、工作经历1963年8月生, 1980-1984年在扬州大学化学系读本科化学专业, 1986-1989年在山东大学化学系攻读无机化学专业硕士学位, 1989年7月留校任教从事分析化学教学与科研工作; 2001年获山东大学分析化学专业博士学位。 自1989年工作以来,历任山东大学化学系助教、讲师、副教授。 现为山东大学教授、博士生导师、胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室研究员、微生物技术国家重点实验室客座研究员。近期研究方向:胶束酶学,环境与生物分析等。工作以来,主持或参与承担了12项省部级及以上纵向科研课题,在国内外核心刊物上共发表研究论文50多篇(其中约2/3在SCI刊物上),获校级及校级以上科研成果奖8项(其中省部级奖2项(均为第一作者)),省部级技术鉴定成果3项。近年来,依据学科发展趋势,结合我校在微生物技术及胶体与界面化学等领域的优势。在胶束酶学这一研究热点领域积极开展跨专业、跨学科合作研究,在疏水性芳香化合物的微生物降解及机制研究方面取得重要进展。 主讲课程仪器分析(基地班),胶束酶学等等 研究领域和兴趣生物分析与转化、生物胶体与界面 主要论著1. Huajun Qiu, Luyan Xue, Guanglei Ji, Guiping Zhou, Xirong Huang, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao, Enzyme-modified nanoporous gold-based electrochemical biosensors, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 24(10)(2009)3014-3018. 2. Huajun Qiu, Ying Li, Guanglei Ji, Giping Zhou, Xirong Huang, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao, Immobilization of lignin peroxidase on nanoporous gold: enzymatic properties and in situ release of H2O2 by co-immobilized glucose oxidase, Bioresource Technology, 100(17)(2009)3837-3842. 3. Huajun Qiu, Caixia Xu, Xirong Huang, Yi Ding, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao, Immobilization of laccase on nanoporous gold: Comparative studies on the immobilization strategies and the particle sizes effects,J. Phys. Chem. C, 113 (6) (2009) 2521-2525. 4. Hua-Jun Qiu, Gui-Ping Zhou, Guang-Lei Ji, Yun Zhang, Xi-Rong Huang, Yi Ding, A novel nanoporous gold modified electrode for the selective determination of dopamine in the presence of ascorbic acid,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,69 (2009) 105–108. 5. H. Qiu, C. Xu, X. Huang, Y. Ding, Y. Qu, P. Gao, Adsorption of laccase on the surface of nanoporous gold and the direct electron transfer between them,J. Phys. Chem. C., 112(38) (2008) 14781-14785. 6. Gui-Ping Zhou, Yun Zhang, Xi-Rong Huang, Chuan-Hong Shi, Wei-Feng Liu, Yue-Zhong Li, Yin-Bo Qu, Pei-Ji Gao,Catalytic activities of fungal oxidases in hydrophobic ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate based microemulsion,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,66(2008)146-149. 7. Yun Zhang, Xirong Huang, Yuezhong Li,Negative effect of [bmim][PF6] on the catalytic activity of alcohol dehydrogenase: mechanism and prevention,J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 83(2008)1230-1235. 8. Yun Zhang, Xirong Huang, Feng Huang, Yuezhong Li, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao,Catalytic performance of lignin peroxidase in a novel reverse micelle,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,65(2008)50-53. 9. Jing Lan, Yun Zhang, Xirong Huang, Ming Hu, Weifeng Liu, Yuezhong Li, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao,Improvement of the catalytic performance of lignin peroxidase in reversed micelles,J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 83(2008)64-70. 10. Jing Lan, Xirong Huang, Ming Hu, Weifeng Liu, Yuezhong Li, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao,Mechanistic studies on the effect of veratryl alcohol on the lignin peroxidase catalyzed oxidation of pyrogallol red in reversed micelles,Cent. Eur. J. Chem.,5 (3) (2007) 672–687. 11. Jing Lan, Xirong Huang, Ming Hu, Yuezhong Li, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao, Daocheng Wu, High efficient degradation of dyes with lignin peroxidase coupled with glucose oxidase, J. Biotechnol., 123(2006)483. 12. S. Han, W. Hou, J. Xu, X. Huang, L. Zheng, Study of Pm(3)over-barn space group of cubic mesoporous silica, ChemPhysChem, 7 (2) (2006) 394-399. 13. Wenjuan Zhang, Xirong Huang, Yuezhong Li, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao,Catalytic activity of lignin peroxidase and partition of veratryl alcohol in AOT/isooctane/toluene/water reverse micelles,Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 70(3)(2006)315. 14. Zhai LM, Tan XJ, Li T, Chen YJ, Huang XR,Influence of salt and polymer on the critical vesicle concentration in aqueous mixture of zwitterionic/anionic surfactants Colloids Surf. A , 276 (1-3)(2006) 28-33. 15. Changxia Sun, Jinghe Yang, Xia Wu, Xirong Huang, Fei Wang, Shufang Liu, Unfolding and refolding of bovine serum albumin induced by cetylpyridinium bromide, Biophys. J., 88(2005)3518. 16. Xirong Huang, Dan Wang, Caixia Liu, Ming Hu, Yinbo Qu, Peiji Gao, The roles of veratryl alcohol and nonionic surfactant in the oxidation of phenolic compounds by lignin peroxidase, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 311(2003)491. 17. Liu, Airong, Huang, Xirong, Song, Shaofang, Wang, Dan, Lu, Xuemei, Qu, Yinbo, Gao, Peiji, Kinetics of the H2O2-dependent ligninase-catalyzed oxidation of veratryl alcohol in the presence of cationic surfactant studied by spectrophotometric technique,Spectrochim. Acta Part A,59(11)(2003)2547. 18. Xirong Huang,Yuezhong Li,Guoliang Yang,Lili Liu,Yinbo Qu,Wenjuan Zhang,A novel method for fabrication of a glass-electrode-based lipase sensor,Chin. Chem. Lett., 12(5)(2001)453. 19. Xirong Huang,Wenjuan Zhang,Zhenyu Zhang,Guiying Xu,Cuiping Li,Proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of the solubilization site of bromopyrogallol red in aqueous cationic/non-ionic mixed micellar solutions,Spectrochim. Acta Part A,54(1998)617. 20. Xirong Huang,Wenjuan Zhang,Guiying Xu,Shuhua Han,Ying Li,Cuiping Li,Mixed micellar medium for the spectrophotometric determination of molybdenum in molybdenum/tungsten mixtures,Talanta,47(4)(1998)869. 21. Xirong Huang,Wenjuan Zhang,Shuhua Han,Yongquan Yin,Guiying Xu,Xinqian Wang,Spectrophotometric determination of Sb(III) in Sb(III)/Sb(V) binary mixtures using sodium dodecylsulfate/nonylphenoxypolyethoxyethanol mixed micellar media,Talanta,45(1997)127. 22. Xirong Huang,Nianqin Jie,Shuhua Han,Wenjuan Zhang,Jianping Huang,Chromogenic reaction of bromopyrogallol red with tri- and hexa-valent chromium in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and its application in Cr speciation,Mikrochim. Acta,126(1997)329. 出版著作有: 冯绪胜, 刘洪国, 郝京诚, 黄锡荣编著, 胶体化学,化学工业出版社, 北京,2005年3月 (完成第九章 反胶束在生物技术领域中的应用)。 代表性教研论文有: 1.Xirong Huang,Jinghe Yang,Wenjuan Zhang,Zhenyu Zhang,Zhesheng An, Determination of the critical micelle concentration of cationic surfactants, J. Chem. Educ.,76(1999)93. 2.Yun Zhang, Xirong Huang, Peiji Gao, Bi-Substrate Oxidation Reaction Catalyzed by H2O2-Dependent Lignin Peroxidase: A Good Case For Undergraduates to Fully Understand the Concept of an Inhibitor, Chem. Educator 2007, 12, 1–2 科研项目1. 主持的国家自然科学基金面上项目(起止时间:2010.1 -2012.12)”降解木素关键酶在纳米多孔金属电极上的电子转移(20973103)”。 2. 主持的山东省自然科学基金一般项目(起止时间:2009.1-2011.12)“离子液体微乳液中真菌氧化酶催化氧化芳香化合物研究(Y2008B13)”。 3. 主持的国家自然科学基金面上项目(起止时间:2006.1 -2008.12)”介质调控白腐菌胞外过氧化物酶降解酚型木素研究(30570014)”。 4. 参与的973计划项目(起止时间:2007.7-2011.8)“纳米材料表面生化修饰与POPs的选择性富集(2007CB936602)”。 5. 主持的山东自然科学基金一般项目(起止时间:2005.1-2007.12)“胶束介质中藜芦醇介导木素过氧化物酶降解疏水性芳香化合物研究(65310044)”。 6. 主持的国家自然科学基金面上项目(起止时间2005.1-2005.12)“小分子增强疏水性芳香化合物酶解机制研究(30470048)”。 7. 主持的山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金,高催化性能微乳凝胶固定化脂肪酶的制备与应用,2003-2005。 8. 主持的教育部访问学者基金项目,微乳液凝胶固定化脂肪酶及其在手性药物制备中的应用,1999-2001。 科研成果1.“有机微多相介质的光分析性及应用研究”获山东省科学技术进步三等奖,2000年。2.“生物学科化学试验教学体系及技术研究与开发”获山东省高等学校省级优秀试验技术成果三等奖,2000年。相关链接 山东大学化学与化工学院师资系统 黄锡荣 |
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