

词条 黄仕华








二、目前研究方向: 1、硅基薄膜太阳能电池



三、目前本研究小组拥有的主要实验设备: 1、超高真空多功能磁控溅射系统




四、科研项目: 1、低成本和高效率的多晶硅薄膜太阳能电池的研究(61076055),国家自然科学基金项目,40万+40万,




2008.1 ~2009.12


8.5 万,2008.1~2008.12


五、发表的科研论文: 【1】 Zhou Xia, Shihua Huang, Structure and property of magnetron sputtered ternary cobalt–nickel silicide films, Microelectronic Engineering, 87, 1828 (2010)【2】 Zhou Xia, Shihua Huang, Structural and photoluminescence properties of silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiC matrix prepared by magnetron sputtering, Solid State Communications, 150, 914 (2010)【3】 Shihua Huang, Analysis of Photocurrent Spectra of SiGe/Si Quantum-Well Solar Cell, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 9, 142 (2010)【4】 Shihua Huang, and Yan Ling, Photoluminescence of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots excited by ultraintensive femtosecond laser, Journal of Applied Physics, 160, 103522 (2009)【5】 Shihua Huang, Fengmin Wu, and Bo Hu, Formula for the phase velocity of electromagnetic waves, Physical Review E 79, 047601 (2009)【6】 Shihua Huang, Zhou Xia, Hong Xiao, Jufang Zheng, Yunlong Xie, Guanqun Xie, Structure and property of Ge/Si nanomultilayers prepared by magnetron sputtering, Surface & Coatings Technology, 204, 558 (2009)【7】 Hong Xiao, Shihua Huang, Jufang Zheng, Guanqun Xie, Yunlong Xie, Optical characteristics of Si/SiO2 multilayers prepared by magnetron sputtering, Microelectronic Engineering, 86, 2342 (2009)【8】 Shihua Huang, Fengmin Wu, Comment on “Field structure and electron acceleration in a laser beam of a high-order Hermite–Gaussian mode” [J. Appl. Phys. 101, 083113, (2007)], Journal of Applied Physics 105, 026101 (2009)【9】 Shihua Huang, Hong Xiao, Sha Shou, Annealing temperature dependence of Raman scattering in Si/SiO2 superlattice prepared by magnetron sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 255, 4547 (2009)【10】 娄志再、黄仕华,用荧光技术检测蔬菜中的残留农药,激光生物学报,6, 807 (2008)【11】 黄仕华、吴锋民,外加静电场的聚焦激光脉冲真空加速电子方案,物理学报,57,7680 (2008)【12】 寿莎、黄仕华,Si/SiO2超晶格晶化特性影响因素分析,材料导报:纳米与新材料专辑,2, 58 (2008)【13】 王建波、黄仕华、郑建龙、李炜,与方波合成有关的李萨如图形的实验与理论研究,物理实验,28, 42 (2008)【14】 Shihua Huang, Femtosecond first-order autocorrelation measurement based one-photon induced photocurrent in Si Schottky diodes, Optics & Laser Technology,40,1051 (2008)【15】 程佩红、黄仕华,Ge/Si量子阱结构的C-V特性的模拟,半导体学报 29,110 (2008)【16】 Shihua Huang, Fengmin Wu, Xianghao Zhao, Electron acceleration by a focused laser pulse in a static magnetic field, Physics of Plasmas, 14, 123107 (2007)【17】 黄仕华,短暂时间间隔测量及飞秒技术,光学技术(增刊),33,26 (2007)【18】 黄仕华、徐晶晶,二维三角离子晶体马德隆常数的计算,浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版),30,282 (2007)【19】 Shihua Huang, Fengmin Wu, Comment on “Electron acceleration by an intense short pulse laser in a static magnetic field in vacuum” , Physical Review E 74, 068401 (2006)【20】 Shihua Huang, Fengmin Wu, Study of the inhomogeneity of Schottky barrier height in nickel silicide by the internal photoemission spectroscopy, Modern Physics Letters B 20, 1825 (2006)【21】 黄仕华,锗硅量子阱结构带间吸收边研究,光子学报 35,1676 (2006)【22】 Shihua Huang, The study of optical characteristic of ZnSe nanocrystal, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 84, 323 (2006)【23】 Shihua Huang, A study of ultrafast carrier dynamics in laser-crystallized microcrystalline SiGe at highly excited density using time-resolved reflectivity measurement, Semiconductor Science and Technology 21, 729 (2006)【24】 Shihua Huang, Fang Lu, Investigation on the barrier height and inhomogeneity of nickel silicide Schottky, Applied Surface Science 252, 4027 (2006)【25】 黄仕华,陆昉,ZnSe纳米晶材料的超快吸收谱,半导体学报, 27, 717 (2006)【26】 Shihua Huang, Fengmin Wu, and Ji Lin, Photocurrent absorption spectroscopic study of Si0.6Ge0.4/Si quantum wells, International Journal of Modern Physics B 20, 133 (2006)【27】 Shihua Huang, Hao Zhou, Zuiming Jiang and Fang Lu, The study of ultrafast phase dynamics of carriers in Ge quantum dots by photocurrent correlation phase spectroscopy, Nanotechnology 16, 53 (2005)【28】 黄仕华,李汐,凌严,陆昉,半导体中超快过程的研究,红外与毫米波学报 24, 179 (2005)【29】 Shihua Huang, Yun Tian and Fang Lu, Investigation on the barrier height and phase transformation of nickel silicide Schottky contact, Applied Surface Science 234, 362 (2004)【30】 Shihua Huang, Xi Li and Fang Lu, Study of the photoexcited carrier dynamics in InP:Fe using time-resolved reflection and photoluminescence spectra, Applied Surface Science 230, 158 (2004)【31】 X.Y. Ma, Sh. H. Huang, Y. Chen and F. Lu, Investigation the quantum confined effects in Ge dot embeded in Si by electrical measurements, Applied Surface Science 225, 281 (2004)【32】 S H Huang, X Y Ma, X J Wang and F Lu, Optical characteristics of laser-crystallized Si1-xGex nanocrystals Nanotechnology 14, 25 (2003)【33】 S. H. Huang, H. Zhou, Z.M. Jiang and F. Lu, Electric field dependence of photocurrent absorption in GeSi/Si quantum wells, Microelctronic Engineering 66, 136 (2003)【34】 Hao Zhou, Shihua Huang, Yin Rao, Zuimin Jiang and Fang Lu, Quantum levels in Ge quantum dots studied by photocurrent spectroscopy and admittance spectroscopy, Solid State Communication 125, 161 (2003)【35】 黄仕华、莫玉东,HgCd1-xTex的共振拉曼散射,物理学报50, 964 (2001)【36】 黄仕华、夏成杰、黄守江、张鹏翔,用拉曼散射研究碲镉汞中的缺陷,光谱学与光谱分析21, 492 (2001)【37】 黄仕华、蔡毅、钱晓凡、陈永安,用椭圆偏振测量法分析碲镉汞的组分及其均匀性,半导体光电22, 224 (2001)【38】 黄仕华、何景福、陈建才、雷春红,碲镉汞的液相外延生长,半导体学报22, 613 (2001)【39】 黄仕华、黄守江、雷春红、张鹏翔,HgCd1-xTex的拉曼散射,红外技术22, 39 (2000)【40】 黄仕华、夏成杰、贾友见、孟清兰,用微波反射法测HgCdTe中少数载流子的寿命,半导体光电21, 254 (2000)【41】 黄仕华,退火温度下Hg在HgCdTe中的扩散,光电子技术19, 178 (1999)






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