词条 | 幻影英雄 |
释义 | 小男孩丹尼是杰克系列电影的忠实影迷,杰克是一位类似于施瓦辛格本人的动作英雄,这个人物早电影上惩治恶人,与他的老对头班尼迪交战,总是战无不胜。丹尼对前三集杰克系列片可以说是倒背如流。他的好朋友放映员尼克给了他一张神奇的电影票,使他能够进入杰克系列电影的最后一集,不料电影票被班尼迪偷走,这个恶人由电影世界进入现实世界,妄图在现实世界中杀死杰克的扮演者施瓦辛格,从而摧毁在电影世界中屡屡制服他的杰克。于是杰克带着丹尼回到现实世界及时阻止了他的阴谋。 中文名:幻影英雄 外文名:Last Action Hero 其它译名:最后魔鬼英雄 出品时间:1993年 制片地区:美国 导演:约翰·麦克蒂尔南 编剧:沙恩·布莱克 主演:阿诺·施瓦辛格, 阿尔特·卡尼, 安东尼·奎恩 类型:动作,喜剧 片长:131 Mins 上映时间:1993年06月18日 imdb编码:tt0107362 简介《幻影英雄》是一部喜剧动作片,全球票房达1亿2千多万美元,本片的成功再一次巩固了施瓦辛格在孩子们心目中的英雄地位。 演职员表导 演:约翰·麦克蒂尔南 John McTiernan 编 剧:Writer:沙恩·布莱克 Shane Black ....(screenplay) & Zak Penn ....(story) & Adam Leff ....(story) David Arnott ....(screenplay) 演 员:阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger) 奥斯汀·奥布雷恩(Austin O'Brien) 阿特·卡尼(Art Carney) 制作人:Produced by: 约翰·麦克蒂尔南John McTiernan....producer阿诺·施瓦辛格Arnold Schwarzenegger....executive producerRobert H. Lemer....associate producerNeal Nordlinger....co-producer Robert E. Relyea....co-producerStephen J. Roth....producer (as Steve Roth)原创音乐 Original Music:迈克尔·凯曼Michael Kamen 摄 影:Cinematography:迪恩·塞姆勒Dean Semler 剪 辑:Film Editing: Richard A. Harris John Wright 选角导演:Casting: Janet Hirshenson Jane Jenkins 艺术指导:Production Designer:Eugenio Zanetti 美术设计:Art Direction by: Marek Dobrowolski 里克·海恩里奇斯Rick Heinrichs 布景师:Set Decoration by:Cindy Carr 服装设计:Costume Design by:Gloria Gresham 视觉特效:Visual Effects Supervisor: Neil Krepela....Boss Film Studio Tim McGovern....SPI 凯文·奥尼尔Kevin O'Neill....VCE (as Kevin O'Neil) John E. Sullivan....(as John Sullivan) Gene Warren Jr.....Fantasy II 副导演/助理导演:Assistant Director: Newt Arnold....first assistant director: second unit (as Newton D. Arnold) Richard Baratta....first assistant director: second unit, New York Brian W. Cook....first assistant director 塞林·格拉克Cellin Gluck....second assistant director: second unit Carl Goldstein....second assistant director Dana J. Kuznetzkoff....second assistant director: second unit (as Dana Kuznetzkoff) Bruce Moriarty....first assistant director: second unit Jono Oliver....dga trainee David Ticotin....second assistant director Fred M. Waugh....second unit director 维克·阿姆斯特朗Vic Armstrong....second unit director (uncredited) 外文片名Extremely Violent.....(USA) (working title) Der letzte Action Held.....Austria / Germany El último gran héroe.....Argentina / Spain Az utolsó akcióhös.....Hungary Den siste actionhjälten.....Sweden El ultimo héroe en acción.....Venezuela L'últim gran heroi.....Spain (Catalan title) Last action hero - l'ultimo grande eroe.....Italy Le dernier des héros.....Canada (French title) O Último Grande Herói.....Portugal O teleftaios megalos iroas.....Greece Poslední akcní hrdina.....Czech Republic Poslednji akcioni heroj.....Serbia Viimane kangelane.....Estonia Zadnja velika pustolovscina.....Slovenia 级别Singapore:PG / Argentina:13 / Australia:M / Finland:K-16 / Norway:15 / UK:15 / USA:PG-13 / Sweden:11 / Spain:18 / Chile:14 / Germany:12 / Finland:K-14 / Ireland:15 / Canada:14A 幕后本片企图将施瓦辛格最擅长的枪战动作片与青少年幻想冒险片合为一体,囊括成人与儿童电影市场,可惜打错算盘,成为两头不到岸的失败之作,差点使他的事业触礁,但近年来该片的地位有所上升。影片的故事构思跟《开罗紫玫瑰》相似,但仍有新意,部分动作场面也拍得相当好看。片中有很多明星客串,并且暗藏了大量“内部笑话”,有点自嘲的味道。 电影音乐主题曲《Big Gun》 词曲:AC/DC 演唱:AC/DC 1993年夏天,AC/DC为Arnold Schwarzenegger(阿诺·施瓦辛格)的电影Last Action Hero(幻影英雄)写了一首新歌,Big Gun。这部耗资昂贵的影片遭到了惨痛的失败,但它的电影原声专辑(包括了Alice In Chains,Queensryche,Anthrax,Def Leppard,Megadeth,Tesla,Fishbone和Cypress Hill)却相当成功。Big Gun是由Rick Rubin制作的,由亚特兰大公司于6月28日作为单曲发行。Big Gun的MTV中,Schwarzenegger穿了一身学生制服,那是仿照Angus穿旧的制服做的。 Big Gun 歌手:AC/DC 专辑:the Razor 's Edge Riot on the radio Pictures on the TV Invader man take what he can Shootout on the silver screen Sticking 'em up and knocking 'em down Living out a fantasy There's a bad man cruising around In a big black limousine Don't let it be wrong Don't let it be right Get in his way You're dead in his sights CHORUS: Big gun Big gun number one Big gun Big gun kick the hell out of you Terminators, Uzi makers Shootin' up Hollywood Snakes alive with a .45 Setting off and doing no good If you ain't wise they'll cannibalise Tear flesh off you Classified lady killers Prayin' in the human zoo Prey'in]? They saddle you up And take you to town Better look out When he come around CHORUS: Big gun Big gun number one Big gun Big gun kick the hell out of you (Show down) Big gun Big gun number one Big gun, got a hot one Big gun, got a number one Big gun, loaded and cocked Big gun, hot hot hot Got big gun, ready or not Big gun, give it, give it a shot Terminator, Uzi makers Regulators, gonna get you later Big gun kick the hell out of you 插曲《what the hell have i》 专辑名称:Nothing Safe: The Best Of The Box 出版年代:1999年 发行公司:Sony 语言种类:英语 歌手姓名:Alice in Chains 歌手类别:欧美乐队 The face before me flies Laughs at me inside Masks are made to hide the glow Shining eyes Distance 'tween us grows feeding lies It's hard to start things over You can feel the fire around us All the time Yeah Something I should say It takes you every day What you give is not alive Today Your soul served on a plate Throw it away It's hard to start things over You can feel the fire around us All the time Yeah It's hard to start things over Oh yeah You can feel the fire around us All the time Yeah It's hard to start things over Oh yeah You can feel the fire around us All the time Yeah All the time What the hell have I? Little Pride
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