词条 | 河海大学水利水电工程学院 |
释义 | 水利水电工程学院是河海大学的骨干学院,具有显著的水利特色。学院的前身是1952年建立的华东水利学院的水利发电系和水工结构系,1954年两系合并为河川系,1985年,学校恢复河海大学校名后河川系改名水力发电工程系,1995年学校内部机构调整,以水力发电工程系、农田水利工程系、水利水电科学研究所等单位为基础组建成立了水利水电工程学院。2004年,农田水利工程系从水利水电工程学院划出,组建成立现代农业工程系。 目前,水利水电工程学院有水工结构工程、水力学及河流动力学、水利水电工程、水灾害与水安全、水利水电建设工程管理5个博士点学科。其中,水工结构工程、水力学及河流动力学、水利水电工程均为国家重点学科。学院现有硕士点7个,即:水工结构工程、水力学及河流动力学、水利水电工程、水灾害与水安全、机械设计及理论、防灾减灾工程、水利水电建设工程管理。同时,学院设有一个水利博士后流动站,水利部水工金属结构安全监测中心,教育部水利水电工程安全工程研究中心均挂靠本院。 学院现有水利水电工程、热能与动力工程等2个本科专业,分属水利水电工程系和动力工程系。学院现有教职工127人,其中,专任教师83人。专任教师中有中国工程院院士1人,长江学者特聘教授2人,河海学者特聘教授3人,博士生导师22人,教授32人,副教授23人,高级职称人员占专职教师总数的 72%。学院还聘请了双聘院士3人,兼职博导6人.兼职教授31人。2007年,学院有在校本科生1297人,硕士生684人,博士生173人,工程硕士 460人,留学生12人。我院有“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人才2人;“江苏省青年科技奖获得者”2人;“全国模范教师”获得者1人;“333高层次人才培养工程”科技领军人才1人;中青年科学技术带头人6人;江苏省“青蓝工程”学术带头人2人;青年骨干教师3人。我院各学科形成了学科梯队,以具有博士学位的中青年专家为主体,教师结构配置合理,绝大多数教师均有博士学位,很有发展潜力。学院还与美国Akron大学、荷兰Delft、英国 Cardif、新加坡南洋理工大学等著名大学合作培养博士研究生,推进研究生培养的国际化进程。 水利水电工程专业创建于1952年,已具有50多年的办学历史,是我国同类专业中建立最早、培养学生最多的专业。该专业创建初期为河川枢纽与水电站水工建筑专业,以后又先后改名为水利水电工程建筑和水利水电建筑工程专业。1998年根据教育部新的专业目录规定,调整为水利水电工程专业。每次专业名称的调整,都体现了专业内涵的变化。目前的水利水电工程专业涵盖了大中型水利水电枢纽及河道整治的勘测、规划、设计、施工、监理、运行及管理等领域,并进一步向水资源规划、工程建设监理、科学研究等宽知识面和加强能力培养方面拓展。本专业继2002年被评为河海大学品牌专业后,2003年又被评为江苏省品牌专业。 热能与动力工程专业的前身是1958年创建的水电站动力装置专业,后改为水电站动力设备专业,1986年又改为水利水电动力工程专业。根据1998年教育部颁布的新专业目录,将水利水电动力工程专业调整为热能与动力工程专业。 五十多年来,水利水电工程学院已为国家培养了近万名毕业生,其中有不少人已成为所属专业领域颇具建树的专家、教授,包括以郑守仁、吴中如、沈珠江、陆佑楣、茆智等两院院士为代表的杰出人才,还有10多人担任了省、部级领导干部,更多的人已成为生产、科研和教学第一线的业务骨干,他们在自己的工作岗位上为我国水利水电建设事业做出了重大的贡献。经过数十年的建设与发展,学院的水利水电工程专业已成为国内颇具影响的优势品牌专业。学院还为亚、非地区的发展中国家培养了大批的留学生。 近年来,学院发挥综合优势,先后承接了三峡、二滩、南水北调、小浪底等遍及全国重大水利水电工程的科研项目,经费近亿元,取得了大量成果,发表论文 1500余篇,出版教材、专著40余部。先后获得国家科技进步特等奖、二等奖、三等奖和省部级科技奖等近70项。国家发明专利15项。在新形势下,水利水电工程学院正朝着更高的目标前进。 The College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering is a member of the HoHaiUniversity, an integrated entirety of education, scientific research and engineering consulting. The college has long history and characteristics with water science and technology. The college currently contains two departments, one program responsible for speciality development, one research institute and two academic divisions. Among which the research institute of safety monitor and control of water conservancy and hydropower engineering projects, headed by Professor Wu Zhongru. The Academician of the Chinese Engineering Academy , enjoys high reputation in domestic and abroad. The research academic accomplishments from the institute are ranked among the first class in international technology community. In addition, both the center of safety monitor of metal structures under the Ministry of Water Resources, and the center of safety engineering research under the Ministry of Education are annexed to the college as well. Currently, there is a faculty composed of 115 teachers and researchers in the college, of them 54%personnel are equivalent to or higher than associate professor level, including one Academician of the Chinese Engineering Academy, 22 Professors qualified as PhD supervisor, and 34 Professors. The faculty in the college is noted for its excellence, vitality and diversity. The college offers four-year undergraduate programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science, and graduate curricula leading to the degree of Master of Science in six majors: Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Water Disaster and Water Safety, Machinery Design and Theory, and Disaster Prevention and Relief and Protection Facilities, and Doctor of Philosophy in four majors: Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Hydraulic Structure Engineering, Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, and Water Disaster and Water Safety. Currently there are about 1200 undergraduate students enrolled in the college, 700 students are studying towards Master Degree and 200 for PhD. A post-Doctor work-station in the college accommodates PhD holders for their further studies. After the development for several decades, the speciality of the Water Conservancy and Hydropower in the college has been judged top in China. The employment records of the graduates from the college are excellent , the immediate employment rates of the graduates in the recent years have been kept ninety-nine percent except those who continue their studies in advanced programs. The college has trained about ten thousand students with different degrees from Bachelor, Master to PhD. The distinguished alumni include the Academicians of the Chinese Science Academy and the Chinese Engineering Academy , Professors, PhD supervisors, Senior Engineers, and officials and chief technical-administrators in Ministry or Province level. All of them have made great contributions to the water conservancy and hydropower development in China. In addition, a good deal of foreign students from Asia and Africa has been trained in the college. In recent years, the faculty in the college has been working for more than forty items of the national science-technology tough problem attacking and key engineering projects. The research funds obtained summed into several ten million Chinese-Yuan. The faculty members of the college have won eighteen items of the National Science-Technology Advance Awards, in the first, second and third grades, and twenty-eight items of the Science-Technology Advance Awards from the National Education Committee, and Ministry and Province Governments. The faculty members have published 1200 papers and more than 100 monographs. |
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