

词条 Java超级工具(影印版)



作者:(美国)John Ferguson Smart










作者:(美国)John Ferguson Smart


·页码:871 页







作者:美国;John Ferguson Smart

John Ferguson Smart是Wakaleo咨询公司的首席咨询师,这是一家致力于为企业级Java和敏捷开发领域提供咨询、培训和指导服务的公司。


《Java超级工具(影印版)(套装上下卷)》探讨关键的Java开发问题领域和最佳实践,并且专注于在开发周期的各个环节能够提高生产力的开源工具,包括:构建工具,例如Ant和Maven 2;版本控制工具,例如CVS和Subversion;质量度量工具,例如CheckStyle、PMD、FindBugs和 Jupiter;用来生成良好文档同时降低写文档和维护文档耗时的工具;单元测试工具,例如JUnit 4、TestNG以及开源测试覆盖工具Cobertura集成测试、负载测试和性能测试自动化;网络服务、Swing接口和网络接口的自动化测试问题管理工具,如Bugzilla和Trac;持续集成工具,例如Continuum、CruiseControl、LuntBuild和Hudson;






Part Ⅰ Build Tools

1. Setting Up a Project Using Ant

1.1 Ant in the Build Process

1.2 Installing Ant

1.3 A Gentle Introduction to Ant

1.4 Compiling Your Java Code in Ant

1.5 Customizing Your Build Script Using Properties

1.6 Running Unit Tests in Ant

1.7 Generating Documentation with Javadoc

1.8 Packaging Your Application

1.9 Deploying Your Application

1.10 Bootstrapping Your Build Scripts

1.11 Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven Tasks

1.12 Using Ant in Eclipse

1.13 Using Ant in NetBeans

1.14 Manipulating XML with XMLTask

1.15 Conclusion

2. Setting Up a Project Using Maven 2

2.1 Maven and the Development Build Process

2.2 Maven and Ant

2.3 Installing Maven

2.4 Declarative Builds and the Maven Project Object Model

2.5 Understanding the Maven 2 Lifecycle

2.6 The Maven Directory Structure

2.7 Configuring Maven to Your Environment

2.8 Dependency Management in Maven 2

2.9 Looking for Dependencies with MvnRepository

2.10 Project Inheritance and Aggregation

2.11 Creating a Project Template with Archetypes

2.12 Compiling Code

2.13 Testing Your Code

2.14 Packaging and Deploying Your Application

2.15 Deploying an Application Using Cargo

2.16 Using Maven in Eclipse

2.17 Using Maven in NetBeans

2.18 Using Plug-Ins to Customize the Build Process

2.19 Setting Up an Enterprise Repository with Archiva

2.20 Setting Up an Enterprise Repository Using Artifactory

2.21 Using Ant in Maven

2.22 Advanced Archetypes

2.23 Using Assemblies

Part Ⅱ. Version Control Tools

3. Setting Up Version Control Using CVS

3.1 An Introduction to CVS

3.2 Setting Up a CVS Repository

3.3 Creating a New Project in CVS

3.4 Checking Out a Project

3.5 Working with Your Files-Updating and Committing

3.6 Resolving a Locked Repository

3.7 Working with Keyword Substitution

3.8 Working with Binary Files

3.9 Tags in CVS

3.10 Creating Branches in CVS

3.11 Merging Changes from a Branch

3.12 Viewing Change History

3.13 Reverting Changes

3.14 Using CVS in Windows

4. Setting Up Version Control Using Subversion

4.1 An Introduction to Subversion

4.2 Installing Subversion

4.3 Subversion Repository Types

4.4 Setting Up a Subversion Repository

4.5 Setting Up a New Subversion Project

4.6 Checking Out Your Working Copy

4.7 Importing Existing Files into Subversion

4.8 Understanding Subversion Repository URLs

4.9 Working with Your Files

4.10 Seeing Where You're At: The Status Command

4.11 Resolving Conflicts

4.12 Using Tags, Branches, and Merges

4.13 Rolling Back to a Previous Revision

4.14 Using File Locking with Binary Files

4.15 Breaking and Stealing Locks

4.16 Making Locked Files Read-Only with the svn:needs-lock Property

4.17 Using Properties

4.18 Change History in Subversion: Logging and Blaming

4.19 Setting Up a Subversion Server with svnserve

4.20 Setting Up a Secure svnserve Server

4.21 Setting Up a WebDAV/DeltaV Enabled Subversion Server

4.22 Setting Up a Secure WebDAV/DeltaV Server

4.23 Customizing Subversion with Hook Scripts

4.24 Installing Subversion As a Windows Service

4.25 Backing Up and Restoring a Subversion Repository

4.26 Using Subversion in Eclipse

4.27 Using Subversion in NetBeans

4.28 Using Subversion in Windows

4.29 Defect Tracking and Change Control

4.30 Using Subversion in Ant

4.31 Conclusion






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