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释义 | Hillsong Music Australia 是澳大利亚悉尼市Hillsong Church的直属机构,它代表著Hillsong Church的音乐文化,也代表著澳大利亚敬拜音乐的传奇,这一所世界知名的教会,不单止将基督教音乐文化带入世俗里,还成为廿一世纪基督教的先驱。 简介1992年Hills Christian Life Center(Hillsong Church的前身)进行了第一次的现场录音,这一次的制作是由Hills Christian Life Center的第一代创作人Geoff Bullock负责。这张以Geoff Bullock的名曲The Power of Your Love命名的唱片,让世人认悉到Hills Christian Life Center及其音乐品牌Hillsong。期后到了1994年,第二代创作人Darlene Zschech的歌曲Shout to The Lord,以及Reuben Morgan的多首作品使Hillsong更上一层,成为了新的一代敬拜赞美的典范。到今天,Hillsong 第三代创作人的歌曲,正带领进入另一个新的时代,为未来服事更多年轻人而做准备。 ~牧者挑战青年人要对个人的呼召负责 神的呼召永远不会来得太晚 第十八届溪颂特会(Hillsong Conference)于七月五至九日,在澳大利亚雪梨举行,三万多名来自二十多个国家的基督徒一同参与盛会(见右图),香港有一百多位青少年赴会。为了迎接人潮,大会包下奥林匹克公园内数个体育馆作开办课程之用。晚间聚会的人数众多,远超过会议地点圆顶体育馆(Superdome) 可容纳的数量,因此部份会众只能于附近的国立体育中心(State Sports Centre)参与聚会。 首晚的聚会由澳大利亚著名的女歌唱家Marina Prior独唱揭开序幕,加上管弦乐团和Hillsong敬拜团的伴奏,引起全场热烈的回响。三万名会众在激昂的敬拜音乐之下,欢呼喝彩跳舞。应邀作主礼嘉宾的澳大利亚财政部长The Hon. Peter Costello MP致词时表示:“我从来没有见过如此热情和投入的会众,Hillsong的音乐在我们的国家成为很多人的鼓励。“ 除了Hillsong的主任牧师Brian Hous-ton和敬拜主领Darlene Zschech外,大会还邀请了来自美国的著名电视布道家Joyce Meyer,Free Chapel Worship Centre的主任牧师Jentezen Franklin,和来自英国的Paul Scanlon牧师等担任讲员。此外,还有Soul Survivor的Tim Hughes,来自新西兰的The Parachute Band,及来自纽约的黑人舞蹈团The Nubian Gents等同台服事。 Joyce Meyer在会中挑战青年人要对个人的呼召负责,即使责任会带来痛苦或困难。“若我们要得胜,就要学习超越我们的感受…我相信神要提升我们到一个新的层面,承担更高层次的责任。“Joyce表示,很多人因为逃避责任和困难,而停留在“旷野“当中。他说:“我今年已经六十二岁了,但透过电视,我仍每星期五天向超过20亿人讲道,覆盖世界三分之二的国家,只要我们肯负责任,神仍然会使用我们,?的呼召永远不会来得太晚。“ 这次具规模的国际性会议,一连五天,分为成人、青少年和儿童三部份进行。专题讲座于日间举行,题目包括:教牧训练、青少年及儿童事工训练、查经领袖训练、圣灵恩赐服事、敬拜领袖训练、乐器演奏、合唱、舞蹈、话剧、布道、影音等等,有部份的参加者形容其规模和样式之多好象一所“属灵的大学“。 明年的Hillsong Conference将在于七月第一个星期举行,已确定的讲员包括Joyce Meyer、John Maxwell,及布道家布永康等。 Hillsong一年一度的大型聚会于7月4日傍晚点5时在奥林匹克公园的圆顶大会堂举行,在音乐、录像和舞蹈题材共鸣的力量中,带出了连续五天的大会主题“STRENGTH“,并宣告“我们的上帝是令人敬畏的上帝“。 大会由一位踢踏舞的舞蹈家“踢“出Hillsong教会载歌载舞敬拜神的特色,随后由二百位舞蹈家以舞蹈带动了全场的气氛。这次别开生面的聚会吸引了超过2万8,000人的参与,其中有80个来自不同国家的代表,不同的年龄层,还有政治界的人物。 新南威尔士州的Bob·Carr 总理于下午五点到达现场,他说“这强大的聚会把奥林匹克圆顶大会堂变成了大教堂。“随后,他鼓励在场多国的代表说:“责任来自权力……我们每个人都有自己的责任,而这个教会提醒了我们需要有强大的社区和家庭。“ 在介绍夜的第一个讲话之前,Hillsong的资深牧师Brian Houston提醒众人说:“这不是一间教会而已,她是关于整体的教会。“ 晚上7时半, Hon. Peter Costello财务官到达,他说:“我希望您能在生活中发现上帝的力量,因为这是我们的社会和国家的力量。“他又继续说,他感到这个会议对澳大利亚和各国是一个很大的祝福。 接下来有John Maxwell牧师的讲话,他讲到永垂千古的领袖耶稣,他在短短的三年里,影响到比哲学家阿里士多德更多的人。然后他又提到我们可在耶稣身上学到的领导能力:愿当仆人的心、生命的重点、关系和团队精神。最后他说:“像耶稣基督经常在马太福音说的,我们应该把注意力放到今天的生活里。“第一天的聚会以John Maxwell牧师的祷告结束。 7月4至8日,“STRENGTH“将继续于每天晚上5时至7时半,在奥林匹克公园的圆顶大会堂进行。 专辑基本信息With Hearts As One 专辑名称:With hearts as one 专辑歌手:Hillsong 发行日期:2008 专辑风格:Rock Hillsong 是全澳大利亚最富盛名的现代派基督教会。Hillsong Music Australia 是其属下的乐队组合,其创作的歌曲广泛传唱于世界范围的基督教会。其歌手和词作家享誉世界。也许在你的印象中教会音乐总是神秘莫测,或者隐晦呆板。欣赏过Hillsong的歌曲之后,相信你会对现代派的教会音乐有一个清新的认识。本人有幸在2008年3月9日参加Hillsong在澳大利亚最大的体育场馆Acer Arena(之前名为Telstra Stadium,后被Acer宏基买走冠名权)举办的现场音乐会。能容纳37000人左右的场馆座无虚席,气氛空前热烈。正式开场之前的几秒钟,全场灯光熄灭,人们在静默中欢呼,随后传来振奋人心的音乐声。整场演出,高潮迭起,感染力非凡。总的来说,可以形容为“余音绕梁,三日不绝”。 详细介绍本次发布的是2008年度最新的Hillsong的United专辑之一,分A,B两个碟片,有Sony 唱片(澳大利亚)公司【Sony Music Entertainment (Australia) Limited】制作发行。上面提到的现场演唱会的碟片预计会在6月份推出。专辑分三次发行,后两次将会在2008年6月发布。 The I Heart Revolution So having succeeded in being intentionally ambiguous to date, it's probably overdue of me to expand on that which is "the I heart revolution"... 第一部分:万众一心 PART ONE/// WITH HEARTS AS ONE Double CD Available Now!...Pre-order now! 第二部分:济济一堂 PART TWO/// WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER Double DVD released June 2008... Pre-order now! 第三部分:潮流 原本计划2008年6月发布... 但是现在就绪了... PART THREE/// THE MOVEMENT.. Set to launch officially June 2008.. But it really starts now... 我们分三部分解析... Let me break it into 3 parts... 第一部分和第二部分是重中之重之第三部分的铺垫和序曲... The first and second really serve as a precursor to the third and absolutely most important part.. 可是先要说说“为什么?” But first a bit of the "why?" 环游世界让我们有机会领略世界上最令人叫绝的奇景,也有机会和众多无法一一列举的名流志士相聚...我们经历了美丽人性的多样性;散布在不同国度---不同文化,面临各异挑战的不同环境中的人类... 可是所有的差异中,有一种东西是不变的。人还是人... 我们对于真理和信仰的需求是一致的。不管他们有没有意识到被创造出来的唯一目的就是敬仰他们的造物主这个事实,地理,伦理,社会阶层还有生存背景都不重要了...不再沉思...在我们环游的过程中,令人惊叹的是,在这个星球上,不管我们置身何处,我们发现充满热情的人们无一例外地效忠于这个终极… “一次心路革命”的第一部分和第二部分就是这些人们的声息并且讲述这个故事… Our travels have led us to some of the most amazing places in the world, and allowed us to meet too many remarkable people to give adequate reference to.. We've experienced humanity in all it's beautiful diversity; a people spread across different nations - different cultures, differing circumstances and facing different challenges.. Yet for all our differences, one thing remains constant.. People are people.. We are all united in our humanity and in our need for truth and faith.. - Geography, ethnicity, social class and background bare no relevance when it comes to the fact that people, whether they realise it yet or not were created for the sole purpose of worship toward their Creator.. It's the meaning of life.. Ponder no more.. The amazing thing is that in our travels, no matter where we've found ourselves on the planet, we've experienced a movement of passionate people committed to that end.. PART ONE and PART TWO of THE I HEART REVOLUTION is about giving voice to these people and telling this story... 内容介绍第一部分 万众一心 2008年3月发布... PART ONE/// WITH HEARTS AS ONE.. Coming March 2008... 从卢旺达到开普敦,布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)飞到墨西哥城,洛杉矶到多伦多,伦敦到布达佩斯,上海到悉尼...过去的两年里,我们录制了几乎所有合众崇拜仪式...集中了其中一些场合然后整理给那些愿意欣赏的人们...最终汇聚成唱响全世界的一代赞美神的崇拜...各国的声息在同一首歌凝聚... From rwanda to capetown, buenos aires to mexico city, los angeles to toronto, london to budapest.. shanghai to sydney.. We've recorded almost every united worship service for the last 2 years.. Bottled just some of the moments and put them together for all who'd choose to hear.. The end result is the sound of a generation across the earth singing praise and worship to our God.. The sound of the nations joining as one in the same song.. 我们将这些新旧歌曲录制了双碟专辑,我不得不说,它是关于人类以及他们崇拜神的激情...它很生动...偶或有些粗糙,但那正是它的魅力所在---它不是关于“聚”甚至也不是歌曲...它是吸引他们造物主的一代心声... We've recorded a double album worth of songs old and new, and I have to say, it's all about the people and the passion of their worship toward God.. It's very live... A little rugged in places, but that's the beauty of it - it's not about "united" or even the songs.. It's about the heart cry of a generation consumed with their Maker.. 关于和睦有些特别的东西...音乐可以跨越国度,推翻壁垒,并且如果我们为了我们生之理由而歌唱的时候,有些强有力的东西就会产生...你会意识到在全世界正在进行的这些活动中,你是其中一分子;有些伟岸非凡的东西...就我个人而言,仅仅看到或者听到全球的教会宣告我们万众一心赞美神,我就已经被我的信心所激励...无疑,你也一样... There's something special about unity.. Music has the ability to cross borders and break down walls, and when it's purpose is putting voice to our reason for being alive, something powerful happens.. You realise you're a part of something that is happening all over the world; Something much bigger.. Personally I've been so encouraged in my faith just seeing and hearing the global Church declare the praises of God with hearts as one.. No doubt you will be too.. 第二部分 我们聚集一堂 将于2008年6月发布... PART TWO/// WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER Coming June 2008... If part one is about the confession of our lips.. Part two is about our action.. It takes off exactly where part one left off.. We have literally hundreds + hundreds of hours of footage.. We've documented the entire journey, and we're putting it together in a way that captures what we've been so blessed to experience; The passion, the hunger and the urgency of a generation across the earth desperate to live the life God designed for them... We've captured the worship.. But we've also captured the places.. We've talked to the people.. We've documented some of the best and worst the world has to offer and have told the story in a way that inspires, but also challenges us all to live the worship life that goes beyond just the confession of our lips, but would direct us toward action - Reaching out to the lost and the broken.. Helping the poor and oppressed.. Pursuing justice and fairness for all people.. In short we are releasing a feature length documentary in a double DVD pack + a whole lot of worship.. There's so much more to it, but you'll have to wait and see... And all of this serves to set up for the main part... PART THREE/// THE MOVEMENT.. Set to launch officially June 2008.. But it really starts now... This is where YOU get involved.. part one and two are the story and the mission.. They are united projects aimed at giving us all a global perspective.. Part three is about YOU.. About your projects.. About telling the stories of everyday heroes.. People who are taking it to the streets.. Who aren't just doing Church, but who are stepping out and BEING the Church.. And this is what will decide whether we're a part of generation of hype and good intentions - who sung the songs and talked about making a difference but with little action.. Or whether we can truly say we were a part of global revolution.. A movement of passionate people who laid down our own personal agendas for the good of others and the cause of Christ.. Who stood up and DID something.. With no agenda but LOVE.. I HEART. It's a locally focused initiative which, if we work together, will have global impact.. Think of it as a GLOBAL project... Imagine a global online community where at any moment you can see what other like-minded people all around the world are doing locally to make a difference.. It's about being the change.. Locally, and together having global effect.. A social justice hub where the Church can use it's voice and be heard on the issues of injustice that face so many.. And be mobilised to action and operate as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.. It will work when we as the Church take up the call to act on the "opportunities" that we all have every day to love our neighbours - near and far.. It doesn't matter where you live, or what you have.. There are no excuses.. Everyone can love.. Opportunity is there for anybody willing to open their eyes to it.. Practically it'll depend entirely on all of us choosing to act.. We're gonna do our best to set up a platform and a network where we can be educated on the issues.. Be directed to ways we can help.. Be inspired by the stories of others.. And share our own experiences and challenges... But ultimately this is about YOU taking up the challenge to live your life for OTHERS.... SO THERE IT IS.. I BELIEVE WE'RE ON THE EDGE OF A MOVE OF GOD LIKE NEVER BEFORE.. I REALLY DO.. BUT GOD ALWAYS RESPONDS TO US EARNESTLY AND DILIGENTLY SEEKING HIM!!! SO CHASE HIM!! DESIRE MORE!! BUT BE READY TO NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN.. PREPARE YOURSELF TO LIVE UNCOMFORTABLY; TO BE INCONVENIENCED, BUT TO SEE IT AS AN OPPORTUNITY!!! IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS.. THE UNSEEN.. THE SELFLESS.. IT'S TRUE WORSHIP.. IT'S WHAT WE WERE MADE FOR..!! MUCH LOVE... By Joel Houston Hillsong的教会历史如下: Story So Far Brian and Bobbie Houston are the senior pastors of Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia, incorporating two major campuses (Hills and City), a city-wide network of Connect Groups and contributing ministries and extension services. In February 1978, Brian and Bobbie moved to Australia as newlyweds from New Zealand, joining the ministry team of Sydney Christian Life Centre which was pioneered in July 1977. In the early 1980s, after successfully pioneering two other churches in the Sydney region, they saw the need to provide people in Sydney's North West with a fresh and contemporary church. In August 1983, they founded Hills Christian Life Centre. It has grown from a congregation of 45 to what is said to be the largest church in Australian history. Today Hillsong Church operates from a 21 acre site in a modern business park in the Hills District, and from a contemporary facility in Waterloo near the heart of Sydney's CBD. With a total attendance of over 20,000 on any given weekend, the reputation of the church continues to expand, having a dynamic influence and impact in Australia and many other nations. Hillsong also has churchesin London, Kiev and Paris. The live praise and worship albums produced by Hillsong Music Australia have achieved gold status in various countries, and the songs are sung in churches around the world. Hillsong's Worship Pastor Darlene Zschech and other members of the worship team have become internationally renowned for their songwriting and anointed worship leading. Churches of all denominations from across the globe are able to experience what God is doing in and through the people at Hillsong Church through the annual Hillsong Conference, Colour Your World Women's Conference and Hillsong Men's Conference. The Hillsong International Leadership College attracts students from all over the globe and is committed to training, equipping and building leaders in pastoral, music and other ministry skills. Hillsong Church is also actively involved in building the Sydney local community through Hillsong Emerge whose facilities and programs range from medical centres and emergency relief services, to drug and alcohol programs and personal development and recovery programs. As Hillsong Church continues to increase and grow, the vision remains consistent: to build the Church of Jesus Christ and bless the body of Christ world-wide. 专辑曲目Disk A Time Has Come (Sao Paulo, Brazil) One Way (Tokyo, Japan) What The World Will Never Take (Amsterdam, Holland) 'Till I see you (Edinburgh, Scotland) Take All Of Me (Lisbon, Portugal+Paris, France) The Stand (Shanghai, China + Vancouver, Canada) You'll Come (Sydney, Australia) Break Free (Oslo, Norway) Look To You (Johannesburg, South Africa) Where The Love Lasts Forever (Kiev, Ukraine) Forever (Seoul, Korea) There Is Nothing Like (London, England) Tell The World (Jakarta, Indonesia) All Day (Mexico City, Mexico) Disk B Take It All (Manila, Philippines) My Future Decided (Memphis, USA) All I Need Is You (Cape Town, South Africa) Mighty to Save (Orlando, USA) Nothing But The Blood (New Jersey, USA) Hosanna (Berlin, Germany) Fuego De Dios [(Fire Fall Down) Asuncion, Paraguay] Shout Unto God (Buenos Aires, Argentina+Copenhagen, Denmark Salvation Is Here (Budapest, Hungary) Love Enough (Sydney, Australia) More Than Life (Orlando, USA) None But Jesus (Toronto, Canada + Buenos Aires, Argentina) From The Inside Out (Rio De Janiero, Brazil) |
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