

词条 Harmony Club


Harmony Club(HC)是隶属于西交利物浦大学(XJLTU)的一个英文合唱社团。

英文名 Harmony Club 中文名 和谐英文合唱团

属性 大学社团 类别 文化艺术

所属学校 西交利物浦大学(XJTLU) 成立时间 2006年

指导老师 Andy Snyder 社员人数 >15


Our purposes

· In the first place, as an ELC club, Harmony Club aims at promoting students’ English communication skills. Students who join the harmony club must communicate with each other in English. Club is a descent platform for students involved to freely express their thought in English. The SLP will also talk with some students as well as present music knowledge and singing skills in English which are good ways to practice their speaking and listening capabilities.

· In the second place, Harmony Club help students build their confidence towards speaking English and singing in English. The majority of the students joined in activities are not professional in singing, thus the club provides an occasion where students can try to learn to sing in English step by step. By participating several times activities, students will obtain apparent progress in singing, thus making them more confident when singing in public even on performance.

· In the third place, students all will enjoy a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere by joining Harmony Club’s activities, and enrich their knowledge in art outside class. Many students are interested in singing or music. It is a great enjoyment to be lost in such a musical world in this way.


2010年,Harmony 终于拥有了自己的第一套社服。



Harmony Club 常规活动由Andy指导负责教学,主要学习英文合唱,有时也会教授流行歌曲。于2010年下半学期开始,Harmony Club的常规活动地点正式改在学校2S大厅,配有专门的钢琴作为伴奏。

2010年下半学期开始,Harmony 的活动内容开始趋向成熟。

Harmony Club常规活动内容类别:Disney Songs, Movie Songs, Pop & Rock Songs, Church Songs


时间 地点 

2006.9-2010.1 19:00-20:00 368  Every week

2010.3-2010.6 19:00-20:00  2S Every week


时间 地点 演出内容 活动类型 

2009.10 独墅湖影剧院 《Happy day》 迎新晚会 校级活动

2009.11.25 独墅湖图书馆 《Amazing grace》 感恩节晚会 高教区活动

2009.12.24 学校2S大厅 《Jngle bell》
《We wish you marry Christmas》 圣诞晚会 校级活动

2009.12.24 学校1楼 《We wish you marry Christmas》 圣诞舞会 校级活动

2010.04 学校2S大厅 Disney Songs 协办Storm大赛 社团级活动

2010.04.30 独墅湖图书馆 音乐角社团展示 晒书会 高教区活动

2010.05 学校2S大厅 《Seasons of love》 英文创意大赛 校级比赛

2010.05 学校2S大厅 《Seasons of love》 赈灾晚会 校级活动

2010.06. 学校2S大厅 《Lean on me》 DV大赛 社团级活动



Duration President Vice-president

2006.9-2009.1 ? ?

2009.3-2010.1  Scully 

2010.3-present Justin Chris & Sophie



Our structure in this semester

· Justin : mainly responsible for music.

→ To find and prepare scores for each activity

→ To make sure that we have a keyboard for each activity

→ To play music for each activity

→ To book a classroom for each activity

· Sophie : mainly responsible for organization and propaganda

→ To prepare to teach all the members of singing

→ To print scores of songs we will teach

→ To record every activity and summarize the shortcomings with the solutions

→ To make posters for Harmony Club

→ To make sure everything is ready before each activity

· Chris : mainly responsible for contact each member

→ To inform every members of each activities (by Email or phone)

→ To contact with our SLP (Candy)

→ To communicate and keep contact with other associations

→ To help Sophie to teach songs

→ To build a account at renren or QQ to keep in touch with our members if possible





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