词条 | 甘犁 |
释义 | 个人履历甘犁,1987年获得清华经管学院学士学位,1998 年获得加州大学伯克利分校经济学博士及统计学硕士学位。甘犁长期从事应用微观经济学和计量经济学等领域的研究,师从诺贝尔经济学奖获得者麦克法登教授,获加州大学伯克利分校经济学博士学位,任美国得克萨斯农工大学经济系副教授(终身性职务),以及美国国民经济研究局研究员。他同时也是西南财经大学国际化战略引进的海外人才,被特聘为该校经济与管理研究院的院长(全职)。 个人职务CURRENT POSITION 2005 – present: Associate Professor of Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station Dean of Research Institute of Economics and Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China OTHER POSITIONS 2004 – present: Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research. 2005 – present: Research Fellow, Private Enterprise Center, Texas A&M University PREVIOUS POSITION 1998 – 2005: Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Texas, Austin. Spring 2010: Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Beijing, China 教育经历Ph.D. 1998 Economics, University of California, Berkeley M.A. 1993 Statistics, University of California, Berkeley Course Work 1993 Economics, University of California, Irvine B.E. 1987 Management Information Systems, Tsinghua University, Beijing 教授课程Probability and Statistics (graduate level) Econometrics (I and II, graduate level) Applied Microeconometrics (graduate level) Public Economics (graduate level) Intermediate Macroeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics 各类杂志匿名审稿人American Economic Review, B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis and Policy, China Economic Review, Econometric Journal, Econometric Review, Econometric Theory, Economic Inquiry, Environmental and Planning A, European Economic Review, Health Economics, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, J ournal of Financial Econometrics, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Law and Economic Organization, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, National Science Foundation, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Income and Wealth, Southern Economic Journal, Statistics in Medicine, Theoretical Population Biology, Urban Studies. 学术论文及著作英文论文Gan, Li, Jaeun Shin, and Qi Li. “Initial Wage, Human Capital, and Post-wage Differentials.” Forthcoming, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics. Nan, Jia and Li Gan. “Heterogeneous Production Functions and Regional Disparity.” China Economic Review, Vol 21, September 2010, pages S12-S19. Gan, Li, Zhichao Yin, and Wenbin Zang. “The Impact of Housing Reform on Durables Consumption in China.” China Economic Review, Vol 21, September 2010, pages S55-S64. Gan, Li, Roberton Williams III, and Thomas Wiseman. “A Simple Model of Optimal Hate Crime Legislation.” Economic Inquiry, August, 2010. Ai, Chunrong, and Li Gan. “An Alternative Root-N Consistent Estimator for Panel Data Binary Choice Models.” Journal of Econometrics, Volume 157, Issue 1, July 2010: 93-100. Gan, Li, Dong Li, and Shunfeng Song. “Is the Zipf’s Law Spurious in Explaining City-Size Distribution?” Economics Letters 92 (2006): 256-262 Gan, Li and Qinghua Zhang. “The Thick Market Effect of Local Unemployment Rate Fluctuations.” Journal of Econometrics 133(2006): 127-152. Fullerton, Don, and Li Gan. “Cost Effective Policies to Reduce Vehicle Emissions.” American Economic Review, May, 2005: 300-304 Chung, Jeff, and Li Gan. “Empirical Estimates of Effect of Price Limits on Limit-Hitting Days.” Econometrics Journal 8, (2005): 79-96. Fullerton, Don and Li Gan. “A Simulation-Based Welfare Loss Calculation for Labor Taxes with Piecewise-Linear Budgets.” Journal of Public Economics 88, (2004): 2339-59. Gan, Li, and Victoria Vernon. “Testing the Barten Model of Economies of Scale in Household Consumption: Toward Resolving a Paradox of Deaton and Paxson.” Journal of Political Economy 111(6), (2003): 1361-77. Chand, Harish, and Li Gan. “The Effect of Bracketing in Wealth Estimation.” Review of Income and Wealth 49(2), (June 2003): 273-87. Gan, Li. “The Uncertain Fair-Wage Effort Hypothesis and Wage Secrecy.” Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy 2(1), (2002): 1-15. Gan, Li, and Jiming Jiang. “A Test for Global Maximum.” Journal of American Statistical Association (JASA) 94(447), (September 1999): 847-54. Skaperdas, Stergios, and Li Gan. “Risk Aversion in Contests.” The Economic Journal. 105(431), (July 1995): 951-62. 中文论文Gan, Li, Guoen Liu, and Shuang Ma. “The Effect of Basic Health Insurance on Consumption.” Economic Research Journal, Special Issue on Consumption Finance, 2010. pp 30-38. Jia, Nan, and Li Gan (2010): “A Survey of the Forum of Chinese Health Care Reform”. Economic Research Journal, November 2010: pp 152-156. Yin, Zhichao and Li Gan(2010):“Smoking, Drinking and Wages.” Economic Research Journal, October 2010: pp 90-100. Li, Feng, Li Gan, and Xiaoling Yang (2010): “Timing of Submitting Applications for the National College Exam” Education Research, October, 2010: pp53-60 Ma, Shuang, Wenbin Zang and Li Gan (2010): “The Effect of New Rural Cooperative Health Insurance to Food Consumption.” China Economic Quarterly, October, 2010: pp30-39. Xu, Shu, Han Li, and Li Gan (2010): “Market Competition and China’s Airline Pricing” China Economic Quarterly, forthcoming Huang, Feng, and Li Gan (2010): “Over Demand or Efficient Demand ? An Empirical Study of Health and Health Insurance for Urban Elderly.” Economic Research Journal, June 2010: pp105-119. Deng, Guoying, Li Gan and Yaoguo Wu(2010):“Overreaction in Housing Market.” Management World, June, 2010 Yin, Zhichao, and Li Gan (2010): ”The effect of China Housing Reform on Durable consumption” China Economic Quarterly, January, 2010 Shuang Ma, Li Gan, and Xianghua Gao (2009): “Income Shock and Nutrition Intakes.” Management World, May, 2009, PP 44-57 Yin, Zhichao, and Li Gan (2009): “An Empirical Study on the Difference between Public Sector and Private Sector.” Economic Research Journal, April 2009, PP129-140 Shan, Liwei, Li Gan, and Tao Zhen (2008): “Corporate Donation and Economic Incentives after the Wenchuan Earthquake.” Economic Research Journal, November, 2008 学术著作Gan, Li, Guan Gong, and Michael Hurd. “Net Intergenerational Transfers from an Increase in Social Security Benefits.” In Dimitri Papadimitriou, ed., Government Spending on the Elderly, Palgrave Publishing, 2007: 178-188. Gan, Li, Michael Hurd, and Daniel McFadden. “Individual Subjective Survival Curves.” In David Wise, ed., Analyses in Economics of Aging. The University of Chicago Press, 2005: 377-411. Hurd, Michael, Daniel McFadden, Harish Chand, Li Gan, Angela Merrill, and Michael Roberts. “Consumption and Saving Balances of the Elderly: Experimental Evidence on Survey Response Bias.” In David Wise, ed., Topics in the Economics of Aging, The University of Chicago Press, 1998: 353-87. Hurd, Michael, Daniel McFadden, and Li Gan. “Subjective Survival Curves and Life Cycle Saving Behavior.” In David Wise, ed., Inquiries in the Economics of Aging. The University of Chicago Press, 1998: 259-305. 工作论文Fullerton, Don, Li Gan, and Miwa Hattori. “A Model to Evaluate Vehicle Emission Incentive Policies in Japan.” Revision requested by Review of Economics and Statistics. Gan, Li, and Qinghua Zhang. “The Market Thickness and the Impact of Unemployment on Housing Market Outcomes.” Revision requested by Econometrica. Gan, Li, and Qi Li. “Efficiency of Thin and Thick Markets.” NBER Working Paper #10815. Revision requested by Journal of Econometrics. Gan, Li and Manuel A. Hernandez, “Making friends with your neighbors? Agglomeration and tacit collusion in the lodging industry.” NBER Working Paper #16738. Revision requested by Review of Economics and Statistics Gan, Li, Cheng Hsiao, and Shu Xu. “Model Specification Test with Correlated but Not-Cointegrated Non-Stationary Variables.” Revision requested by Journal of Econometrics. Gan, Li, Feng Huang, and Adalbert Mayer. “A Simple Test of Private Information in the Insurance Markets with Heterogeneous Insurance Demand.” NBER Working Paper # 16738. Under review at Journal of Political Economy. Gan, Li and Guan Gong. “Estimating Interdependence between Health and Education in a Dynamic Model.” NBER Working Paper #12830. Under review at International Economic Review. Gan, Li and Liwei Shan. “Incentives of Corporate Donations after the Wenchuan Earthquake in China.” Working Paper. Under review at European Economic Review. Gan, Li, Colin Lixin Xu, and Yang Yao. “Democracy and Consumption Insurance: Evidence from Chinese Villages.” Under review at Economic Development and Cultural Change. Gan, Li and Yingning Wang. “Residential mobility, neighborhood effects, and education attainment of blacks and whites.” Under review at Journal of Labor Economics Gan, Li, Guan Gong, Michael Hurd, and Daniel McFadden. “Individual Subjective Survival Curves and Bequests.” NBER Working Paper Series #10789. Under review at Journal of Applied Econometrics. Gan, Li, Tarun Sabarwal, and Hellen Zhang. “Personal Bankruptcy: Reconciling Adverse Events and Strategic Timing Theories Using Heterogeneity in Filing Types.” Under review at American Economic Review. Gan, Li, Colin Lixin Xu, and Yang Yao. “Health Shocks, Village Elections, and Long-Term Income: Evidence from Rural China.” NBER Working Paper #12686. Under review at Health Economics. Gan, Li, Feng Huang, and Ren Mu. “Estimating the effects of Public Health Insurance for Elderly in Urban China.” Working paper. Gan, Li, Yingning Wang, and Zhichao Yin. “Smoking, Drinking, and Income.” Working paper. Feng, Ye, Don Fullerton, and Li Gan. “Vehicle Choices, Miles Driven, and Pollution Policies.” NBER Working Paper Series #11553. Collins, Courtney and Li Gan. “Switching to Better Schools: A Model of Class Size and Mover Endogeneity.” Working paper. Collins, Courtney, and Li Gan. “Smaller Classes and Similar Peer: Disentangling the Effects of Class Size and Class Composition.” Working paper. Gan, Li, and Noelia Paez. “The Effects of Female Labor Market Participation on Fertility Spacing.” Working paper. Gan, Li, Gaoshen Ju, and Qi Li. “Estimation of Labor Supply and Exact Welfare Change under Flexible Preferences and Generalized Piecewise-Linear Budgets.” Working paper. Gan, Li and Shuang Ma. “The Effect of New Rural Cooperative Medical System on Household Food Consumption.” Working paper. Gan, Li and Roberto Mosquera. “An Empirical Study of the Credit Market with Unobserved Consumer Types.” NBER Working Paper Series #13873. Escobari, Diego, and Li Gan. “Price Dispersion under Costly Capacity and Demand Uncertainty.” NBER Working Paper #13075. Gan, Li, and Tarun Sabarwal. “A Simple Test of Adverse Events and Strategic Timing Theories of Consumer Bankruptcy.” NBER Working Paper Series #11763. Gan, Li, and Guan Gong. “Mortality Risk and Educational Attainment of Black and White Men.” NBER Working Paper #10381. Gan, Li, and Feng Li. “Application Timing and Admission Mechanism in the National College Entrance Exam in China.” Working paper. Gan, Li and Jijun Tan. “How Does the Optimal Two-Bracket Income Tax Depend on Wage Inequality.” Working Paper. Gan, Li, Xiaojin Su, and Lin Zou. “Dynamics of Volume and Price: A New Approach.” Working Paper. Gan, Li, and Wen-Yao Wang. “Partial Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard in Banking System.” Working Paper. Gan, Li, and Dale Stahl. “Estimating Labor Supply under Piecewise-Linear Budget Constraints with Measurement Errors.” Gan, Li. “On the Volatility of Capital Stock and Labor.” Chand, Harish, and Li Gan. “Wealth Item Non-response and Imputation in the AHEAD.” 人物生平奋发求索,博学多产甘犁是一位兴趣广泛的学者,他以应用微观经济学为基础,研究涉及公共经济学、劳动经济学、发展经济学和工业组织等领域;他也是一位高产的学者,多篇学术论文及研究成果发表于《美国经济评论》(American Economic Review)、《政治经济学杂志》(Journal of Political Economy)、《计量经济学杂志》(Journal of Econometrics)、《公共经济学杂志》(Journal of Public Economics)、《美国统计协会杂志》(Journal of American Statistical Association)、 《经济学报》(The Economic Journal)、《计量经济学杂志》(Econometrics Journal)、《经济学快报》(Economics Letters)等国际顶尖经济学期刊上。 不同时期,甘犁都会产生一些新的研究兴趣和想法,于是他便用两、三年甚至更长的时间去钻研、探索,直到产生新的突破为止。不同领域之间的研究会相互交织、碰撞,产生启迪,激发灵感。有时,由此可以找到解决此前长期困扰、悬而未决问题的方法,而有时,即便经过大量艰辛努力,却依然无果。接下来他便给我们讲述了他研究中的几个实例。 一个例子是他最近正在研究的用计量经济学的方法区分具有异质性的人群。在保险市场上,人们熟知的逆向选择模型指出,由于保险的购买者具有私人信息,知道自己的健康状况和出险概率,于是,在保险价格既定的条件下,往往是那些健康状况差、出险概率高的人群购买意愿较强,而健康状况良好、出险概率较小的人群则倾向于不购买,因此,原来保险公司定价时所依据的出险概率在计算上存在偏差。而后来一些保险理论认为,购买保险的人具有异质性:一部分是自身健康状况不好,觉得自己出现几率比较大的人,另一部分则是自身健康状况良好,只不过因为特别厌恶风险,在任何情况下都倾向于购买保险的人。平时由于信息不对称,我们观察不到他们各自的类型,但甘犁和他的合作伙伴们通过计量方法的设计却能成功地在没有直接私人信息的情况下也能区分二者的类型。 另一个是计量经济学中的理论研究。在实际的教学和研究中,甘犁常常被一个问题所困扰:我们可以通过一阶导为零作为条件求出极大似然估计,但却无法区分这个估计是全局最优还是局部最优。难题激发了求知欲,他脑海中始终萦绕着这个问题,并尝试从各种不同角度思考。终于,他发现了解决办法:以两种方法计算方差矩阵,一种是用二阶导的方法,另一种是通过一阶导的平方来计算。结论是,若两种计算结果一致,则原估计为全局最优;若两者不相等,则原估计为局部最优。 再有一例可谓课题重大却至今仍然没有理论成果。这便是,将公平这一概念引入经济学中。现行经济学的基础是理性人假设,即人们会进行成本-收益分析,追求利润最大化。可社会却讲究公平和效率的权衡取舍,公平是一个不容忽视的社会经济问题。经济学家们做过了很多的尝试,典型的就是在人的效用函数中增加一个维度来描述“公平”,可这种方法仍然没有改变经济学以理性人假设为出发点的本质。这个问题长期困扰也同时吸引包括甘犁在内的一批学者,他们曾希望通过“无嫉妒条件(No envy condition)”将公平的概念引入经济学,但仍未成功。甘犁说,这个问题因为重大所以格外困难,但他并不畏惧,兴趣将始终促使他保持思考。 醉心学术,超然自得在学术的道路上一路走来,甘犁觉得“怡然自得”。如今总结起来,主要有以下三个方面的感悟。 第一,学术难题激发思考,让每个投身学术的人都能忘情乐在其中。在很多人看来,学者的生活是异常枯燥的。与政界要人的日理万机、商界精英的叱咤风云不同,学者的一天常常是待在自己的三尺书屋里,掩面于书卷之间。除了和学生及合作伙伴有一些交流,更多时候是在远离尘嚣的冥思苦想中度过。同样在很多人看来,学者的生活是相对清贫的。美国大学的经济学博士毕业后,去业界赚钱最多,去高校任教薪水略低。然而,大部分学者都会淡泊自适,终身选择学术或教学生涯。究其原因,甘犁认为,思想自由驰骋的快乐是无价的。每当想到自己在某个课题上是世界上用心最多、研究最深者之一时,油然而生的成就感和愉悦感无法用金钱来衡量。甘犁也曾有很好的机会去业界工作,但他毫不犹豫地放弃了,为的就是这种相伴终生的思想上的富足感。 第二,学术殿堂百家争鸣,使每个热爱学术的人都可寻得一席之地。甘犁认为,学术环境宽松而自由,不一定在哈佛任教才是优秀的学者,也不一定只在《美国经济评论》发文才算对学术有贡献。一个学者可以选择在二、三流的大学教书,但仍孜孜不倦,上下求索;也可以选择任何一个问题进行研究,哪怕其分量不足以刊登在《美国经济评论》上,但仍可以为经济学的发展提供真知灼见,拥有自己的位置,享有自己的价值。 第三,做学术最重要的特质之一是好奇心。甘犁认为,学术成就发端于好奇心。好奇心虽不能缩短成功之路的跋涉距离,却足以使人心游万仞、披荆斩棘,最终迎接折桂时刻的到来。他鼓励在校生及早涉足学术研究领域,尝试自己提出问题、解决问题,若对学术充满好奇,便可考虑将其列为自己追寻一生的事业。 |
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