

词条 分子数据库

分子数据库生物信息学涉及的数据库可大致分为二种:初级数据库和二级数据库。初级 数据库贮存原始的生物数据,如 DNA 序列,由晶体衍射(Crystallography)获得 的蛋白质



(注意: 以下信息来自于美国MedKoo Biosciences, Inc。)


该网页可检索药物化学结构,本网站可以用药物名称查找其化学结构. 此外,本数据库还可以查看毒性, 理化性质, 药品代码等。

2. 美国国家医学图书馆PUBCHEM数据库可检索药物化学结构

本数据库是美 国国家健康研究所(NIH)和美国国家医学图书馆(NLM)的大型药物分子库。NIH 是美国医学研究机构,下设27个机构和中心,也是美国健康与人类服务部的一个组成部分。它是一个重要的联邦机构,执行和支持基础、临床及可转化医学研究, 调查普通及罕见疾病的原因、治疗及治愈情况。PubChem数据库是美国国家卫生署分子库路线图计划的一个组成部分,是由NIH国家生物技术信心中心开发 的一个化学结构及分子生物活性综合数据库.

3。 美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)抗癌药药物词典


4. 药物合成数据库(Drug SynthesisDatabase)

该数据是这个药物在线网推出的数据 库.本数据库提供近7000种已上市或在研药物的药物合成相关的信息,如药品名、结构式、化学名、CAS登记号、分子式、分子量、化学活性、开发阶段、研 究机构等。最大的优点是快速检索合成路线,并给出参考文献来源。





5. 有机合成方法数据库

Since 1921, OrganicSyntheses has provided the chemistry community with annual collections ofdetailed, reliable, and carefully checked procedures for the synthesis oforganic compounds. Some procedures describe practical methods for thepreparation of specific compounds of interest, while other proceduresillustrate important synthetic methods with general utility. Each procedure iswritten in considerably more detail as compared to typical experimentalprocedures in other journals, and each reaction and all characterization datahas been carefully "checked" for reproducibility in the laboratory ofa member of the Board of Editors.

Organic Synthesesprocedures may be accessed either via the tables of contents of individualvolumes ("journal mode") or by conducting structure and keywordsearches ("database mode"). Specific in dividual procedures can beaccessed via the table of contents for either the original annual volume orcollective volume in which the procedure appeared. "Database mode"allows users to simultaneously search all volumes of Organic Syntheses bykeywords or by inputting structures and substructures. Structure searchingrequires the ChemDraw plugin which can be downloaded according to theinstructions found in the left margin. Articles from future volumes of OrganicSyntheses that are not yet incorporated in the searchable database can beaccessed on the "Org Syn Express" page.

6. 有机合成人名反应

该数据库是药物在线网推出的数据 库.TheOrganic Name Reactions (ONR) section is intended to serve the professionalchemist and student by describing organic chemical reactions which have come tobe recognized and referred to by name within the chemistry community. A selectgroup has been chosen for addition to this section. Each reaction descriptionis designed to be informative and representative of the pertinent literature;however, it is not meant to be comprehensive. The descriptions are composed ofthe following: (1) name(s) associated with the reaction, (2) the originaland/or primary contributor(s) connected with the discovery and/or developmentof the reaction, (3) a concise description of the transformation, (4) areaction scheme, (5) key references, and (6) cross references to other ONRbased on commonalities. The index included in this section also listssupplementary terms.

7. 有机合成反应库


8. 化学物质索引数据库(Chemical IndexDatabase)

该数据库是药物在线网推出的数据库。 本数据库为化学物质特性数据库,包含大量具药理活性及生物活性的物质性质信息数据。检索条件支持模糊查询,各输入条件间的检索关系为逻辑与(即AND关 系)。化学结构式为矢量格式图片,可利用系统自带图片预览工具或支持该格式的工具进行无损缩放查看。检索结果包括:(a) 索引信息:如物质名称、化学结构式图、化学文摘登记号(CAS)、CA名称、商标名、化学结构式、分子式、分子量、元素组成等。(b) 参考文献:提供公开物质理化性质、制备方法、分析方法、药理药效、临床研究等的重要期刊、专利、综述等极具参考价值的文献。(c) 物质特性:包括理化特性数据,如熔点、沸点、闪点、溶解性、多晶物质状态、光谱吸收特征数据、药物治疗分类等.



*CA登记号(CAS Registry Number):


*参考文献(Literature References)



*治疗分类(Therapeutic Category)

*分子式(Molecular Formula)

*分子量(Molecular Weight)

*熔点(Melting Point)


*沸点(Boiling Point)



*比旋度(Optical Rotation)


*最大吸收值(Absorption Maximum)


*折光率(Index of Refraction)






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