词条 | 分院帽 |
释义 | 著名小说《哈利·波特与魔法石》中描述的一个魔法物品.。分院仪式(Sorting Ceremony) 是每年霍格沃茨魔法学校新生都必须进行的重要仪式。 在大礼堂全校师生面前进行,由”分院帽” (Sorting Hat)负责将学生分到格兰芬多,赫奇帕奇,拉文克劳以及斯莱特林四个学院。 "分院帽"是一顶磨得很旧,打着补丁,而且脏得要命的尖顶巫师帽,原本属于格兰芬多创始人戈德里克"格兰芬多。不过可别小看它,它可是充满智能、会思想的魔帽,能看出学生具备何种才能,从而将学生分到适合他们的学院。 简介分院帽是霍格沃茨魔法学校分院仪式上主要的魔法物品.。 分院帽打着补丁,磨得很旧,而且很脏。分院帽是为新生分配学院的一顶拥有魔力的帽子。 分院帽为新生分配的学院有四个: 赫奇帕奇学院 ,格兰芬多学院, 斯莱特林学院, 拉文克劳学院。 (见《哈利·波特与魔法石》第七章) 分院帽是戈德里克·格兰芬多生前使用过的帽子,后来霍格沃茨的四位创始人将自己的思想注入里面,从而使分院帽可以根据学生的才能和品质把他们分到各个学院。 分院帽歌一.你们也许觉得我不算漂亮,但千万不要以貌取人, 如果你们能找到比我更漂亮的帽子, 我可以把自己吃掉。 你们可以让你们的圆顶礼帽乌黑油亮, 让你们的高顶丝帽光滑挺括, 我可是霍格沃茨测试用的礼帽, 自然比你们的帽子高超出众。 你们头脑里隐藏的任何念头, 都躲不过魔帽的金睛火眼, 戴上它试一下吧,我会告诉你们, 你们应该分到哪一所学院。 你也许属于格兰芬多, 那里有埋藏在心底的勇敢, 他们的胆识、气魄和豪爽, 使格兰芬多出类拔萃; 你也许属于赫奇帕奇, 那里的人正直忠诚, 赫奇帕奇的学子们坚忍诚实, 不畏惧艰辛的劳动; 如果你头脑精明, 或许会进智慧的老拉文克劳,那些睿智博学的人, 总会在那里遇见他们的同道; 也许你会进斯莱特林, 也许你在这里交上真诚的朋友, 但那些狡诈阴险之辈却会不惜一切手段, 去达到他们的目的。 来戴上我吧!不必害怕! 千万不要惊慌失措! 在我的手里(尽管我连一只手也没有) 你绝对安全 因为我是一顶会思想的魔帽! -- 引自《哈利·波特与魔法石》71-72页 英文版:Oh,you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep you bowlers black Your top hats sleek and tall And I can cap them all There's nothing hidden in your head The sorting Hat can't see So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be You might belong in Gryffindor Where dwell the brave at heart Their daring never and chivalry Set Griffindor apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff Where they are just and loyal Those patient Hufflepuff are true And unafraid of toil Or yet in wise od Ravenclaw If you've a ready mind Where those of wit and learning Will always find their kind Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends So put me on!Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hand(though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap! 二.那是一千多年前的事情, 我刚刚被编织成形, 有四个大名鼎鼎的巫师, 他们的名字流传至今: 勇敢的格兰芬多,来自荒芜的沼泽, 美丽的拉文克劳,来自宁静的河畔, 仁慈的赫奇帕奇,来自开阔的谷地, 精明的斯莱特林,来自那一片泥潭。 他们共有一个梦想、一个心愿, 同时有一个大胆的打算, 要把年轻的巫师培育成材, 霍格沃茨学校就这样创办 。 这四位伟大的巫师 每人都把自己的学院建立, 他们在所教的学生身上 看重的才华想法不一。 格兰芬多认为,最勇敢的人 应该受到最高的奖励; 拉文克劳觉得,头脑最聪明者 总是最有出息; 赫奇帕奇感到,最勤奋努力的 才最有资格进入学院; 而渴望权力的斯莱特林 最喜欢那些有野心的少年。 四大巫师在活着的年月 亲自把得意门生挑选出来, 可是当他们长眠于九泉, 怎样挑出学生中的人才? 是格兰芬多想出了办法, 他把我从他头上摘下, 四巨头都给我注入了思想, 从此就由我来挑选、评价! 好了,把我好好地扣在头上, 我从来没有看走过眼, 我要看一看你的头脑, 判断你属于哪个学院! -- 引自《哈利·波特与火焰杯》106-107页 三.很久以前我还是顶新帽, 那是霍格沃茨还没有建好, 高贵学堂的四位创建者, 以为他们永远不会分道扬镳。 同一个目标将他们联在一起, 彼此的愿望是那么相同一致: 要建成世上最好的魔法学校, 让他们的学识相传、延续。 “我们将共同建校,共同教学!” 四位好友的主意十分坚决, 然而他们做梦也没有想到, 有朝一日他们会彼此分裂。 这个世上还有什么朋友, 能比斯莱特林和格兰芬多更好? 除非你算上另一对挚友—— 赫奇帕奇和拉文克劳? 这样的好事怎么会搞糟? 这样的友情怎么会一笔勾销? 唉,我亲眼目睹了这个悲哀的故事, 所以能在这里向大家细述。 斯莱特林说:“我们所教的学生, 他们的血统必须最最纯正。” 拉文克劳说:“我们所教的学生, 他们的智力必须高人一等。” 格兰芬多说:“我们所教的学生, 必须英勇无畏,奋不顾身。” 赫奇帕奇说:“我们要教许多人, 并且对待他们一视同仁。” 这些分歧第一次露出端倪, 就引起了一场小小的争吵。 四位创建者每人拥有一个学院, 只招收他们各自想要的少年。 斯莱特林收的巫师如他本人, 血统纯正,诡计多端。 只有那些头脑最敏锐的后辈, 才能聆听拉文克劳的教诲。 若有谁大胆无畏、喜爱冒险, 便被勇敢的格兰芬多收进学院。 其余的人都被好心的赫奇帕奇所接收, 她把自己全部的本领向他们传授。 四个学院和它们的创建人, 就这样保持着牢固而真挚的友情。 在那许多愉快的岁月里, 霍格沃茨的教学愉快而和谐。 可是后来慢慢地出现了分裂, 并因我们的缺点和恐怖而愈演愈烈。 四个学院就像四根石柱, 曾将我们的学校牢牢撑住。 现在却互相反目,纠纷不断, 各个都想把大权独揽。 有那么一段时光, 学校眼看着就要夭亡。 无数的吵闹,无数的斗争, 昔日的好朋友反目成仇。 后来终于在某一天清晨, 年迈的斯莱特林突然出走。 尽管那时纷争已经平息, 他还是灰心地离我们而去。 四个创建者只剩下三个, 从此四个学院的情形, 再不像过去设想的那样 和睦相处,团结一心。 现在分院帽就在你们面前, 你们都知道了事情的渊源: 我把你们分进每个学院, 因为我的指责不容改变。 但是今年我要多说几句, 请你们把我的新歌仔细听取: 尽管我注定要使你们分裂, 但我担心这样做并不正确。 尽管我必须履行我的职责, 把每年的新生分为四份, 但我担心这样的分类, 会导致我所惧怕的崩溃。 哦,知道危险,读懂征兆, 我们的霍格沃茨面临着危险, 校外的仇敌正虎视眈眈。 我们的内部必须紧密团结, 不然一切都会从内部瓦解。 我已对你们直言相告, 我已为你们拉响警报…… 现在让我们开始分院。 -- 引自《哈利·波特与凤凰社》 英文版:In times of old when I was new And Hogwarts barely started The founders of our noble school Thought never to be parted: United by a common goal, They had the selfsame yearning, To make the world's best magic school And pass along their learning. "Together we will build and teach!" The four good friends decided And never did they dream that they Might someday be divided, For were there such friends anywhere As Slytherin and Gryffindor? Unless it was the second pair Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw? So how could it have gone so wrong? How could such friendships fail? Why, I was there and so can tell The whole sad, sorry tale. Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those Whose ancestry is purest." Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose Intelligence is surest." Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those With brave deeds to their name," Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, And treat them just the same." These differences caused little strife When first they came to light, For each of the four founders had A House in which they might Take only those they wanted, so, For instance, Slytherin Took only pure-blood wizards Of great cunning, just like him, And only those of sharpest mind Were taught by Ravenclaw While the bravest and the boldest Went to daring Gryfflindor. Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest, And taught them all she knew, Thus the Houses and their founders Retained friendships firm and true. So Hogwarts worked in harmony For several happy years, But then discord crept among us Feeding on our faults and fears. The Houses that, like pillars four, Had once held up our school, Now turned upon each other and, Divided, sought to rule. And for a while it seemed the school Must meet an early end, What with dueling and with fighting And the clash of friend on friend And at last there came a morning When old Slytherin departed And though the fighting then died out He left us quite downhearted. And never since the founders four Were whittled down to three Have the Houses been united As they once were meant to be. And now the Sorting Hat is here And you all know the score: I sort you into Houses Because that is what I'm for But this year I'll go further, Listen closely to my song: Though condemned I am to spilt you Still I worry that it's wrong, Though I must fulfill my duty And must quarter every year Still I wonder whether sorting May not bring the end I fear. Oh, know the perils, read the signs, The warning history shows, For our Hogwarts is in danger From external, deadly foes And we must unite inside her Or we'll curmble from within I have told you, I have warned you... Let the Sorting now begin. 例句与用法1. 分院帽:啊,很好。决定了。格兰芬多! Sorting Hat: Right, then. Right. Okay. Gryffindor! 2. 分院帽:让我想想。我知道了!赫奇帕奇! Sorting Hat: Let's see. I know! Hufflepuff! 3. 也就是统一霍格沃茨各个学院,重新诠释分院帽的时候。 It is time to unite the houses at Hogwarts, to paraphrase the Sorting Hat. 4. 这至少说明了,分院帽需要想一段时间才能决定他的分院情况。 This at least shows that the Sorting Hat had to think for a while before deciding where to put him. 5. 分院帽:又来一个韦斯莱!不用想也知道该把你分到哪儿去。格兰芬多! Sorting Hat: Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you. Gryffindor! 6. 有时,哈利注意到,分院帽很快就会报出学校,但是对于有些人,它会等一会才会决定。 Sometimes, Harry noticed, the hat shouted out the house at once, but with others it took a little while to decide. 7. 在那里,他们将分院帽戴在头上来进行分院,这样分院帽就能决定他们属于哪个学院。 There they are sorted into their houses by placing the Sorting Hat onto their heads, whereupon it decides which house they should belong to. 8. 麦格教授:当我叫到你的名字,你就走到前面来,我会把分院帽戴到你头上,替你分派学院。赫敏·格兰杰。 Professor McGonagall: When I call your name, you will come forth. I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger. 9. 由分院帽唱的歌中我们得知萨拉查?斯莱特林来自大沼泽(火焰杯第12章),因此他很有可能来自这片地区。 According to one of the Sorting Hat's songs (GF12), Salazar Slytherin came from fen, suggesting that he was most likely from this area. 10. 在集合时,他们每个人都要坐到一张凳子上,戴上一顶巨大的打着补丁的旧帽子——分院帽,它能决定学生该进哪个学院。 Each of them sits on a stool in the midst of the assembly and puts on a large, battered, old hat—the Sorting Hat, which decides which of the four houses the student will enter. 11. 关于分院帽在这本书中比前六本中有更多的情节;我们会发现它在第七本书中“变成了什么”(难不成又是一个魂器??!!) There is "more to the Sorting Hat" than what was presented in the first six books; we will "find out what it becomes" in book seven. 12. 分院帽:很困难,非常困难。勇气很足够,心地也不坏,也很有才华,没错,和一股想急于证明自己的欲望。但我该把你分到哪儿呢? Sorting Hat: Difficult, very difficult. Planty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind ,either. There's talent, oh, yes. And a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you? 13. 在欢迎宴会上,哈利和他的伙伴们将见到他们的新黑魔法防御术教师,查明费伦泽和特里劳妮会不会一同教占卜课,还会听到新的分院帽之歌。 At the Welcoming Feast, Harry and his friends will meet their new DADA teacher, find out if both Firenze and Trelawney will teach Divination, and hear a new Sorting Hat song. 14. 在不寻常的长时间思索后,分院帽把哈利分到了格兰芬多,这让哈利松了一口气,不过分院帽也告诉他如果他去斯莱特林,他会有真正伟大的成就。 After unusually long reflection, the Sorting Hat, to Harry's great relief, puts him in Gryffindor, but not before telling him that he could achieve real greatness in Slytherin. 15. 哈利不光在魔法与非魔法世界自由来去,而且在他身上,还同时拥有斯莱特林的继承人(因为伏地魔的阿瓦达索命咒反射到哈利身上,使哈利有了蛇佬腔的能力)和格兰芬多继承人(在《密室》里,邓不利多说过“只有真正的格兰芬多”才能从分院帽里抽出宝剑)的品质。 Not only does Harry stride both in magical and non-magical worlds, but within him also resides essence of the heir of Slytherin (due to LV's reflected AK, as indicated by his status as a parseltongue), and that of Gryffindor (Dumbledore says that "only a true Gryffindor" could have pulled the sword from the sorting hat in CoS). 分院帽与格兰芬多宝剑分院帽是格兰芬多的遗物,而格兰芬多宝剑只有真正具有格兰芬多所特有品质的人,在有需要的时候才能拿到它。(这里不包括简单的用手拿起,而是从分院帽里抽出这样的方式。)从整个系列来看,只有哈利·波特和纳威·隆巴顿曾经这样获得过它,都是从分院帽里面抽取的。 在哈2中,哈利在与日记中的少年伏地魔战斗时,从分院帽中取出了格兰芬多宝剑,在此之前,哈利一直怀疑自己不属于格兰芬多,也借此证明自己是真正的格兰芬多的人。在哈7中,格拉芬多之剑本来已经被拉环拿走,但在第三十六章《百密一疏》中,纳威却把它从分院帽中取了出来,并借此砍死了纳吉尼。 由此我们可以知道,格兰芬多之剑并不是像我们原先(或者说是我们原先)想的那样,是隐藏在分院帽里的。实际上,分院帽是通过类似与召唤的方式把剑从任何的一个地方转移过来,再给那位“出色的的格兰芬多学生”。 |
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