词条 | 飞跃羚羊 |
释义 | 影片信息名字:飞跃羚羊导演 Director: 郑则仕 Kent Cheng 司徒立光 Liguang Situ 编剧 Writer: 司徒立光 Liguang Situ 谭锐铭 Ruiming Tan 国家/地区 香港Hong Kong 语言:粤语/国语 上映/发行日期 1986年10月10日 演员 Actor: 郑文雅 Olivia Cheng 罗明珠 Bonnie Law 郑则仕 Kent Cheng 黎姿 Gigi Lai 袁洁莹 Fennie Yuen 焦姣 Chiao Chiao 陈加玲 Charine Chan 柏安妮 Ann Bridgewater 楼南光 Billy Lau 林颖娴 Wing Lam 摄影 Cinematography: 陈孝明 Jimmy Chan 内容介绍扬威世界体坛、有「飞跃羚羊」之称的著名女田径家纪政,专程来港出席一暑期田径训练计划及代觅一名教练。黄教练曾是一名出色的短跑选手,因一次比赛意外,不能继续参赛,遂攻读教练课程,欲作育英才。初期,各选手自视过高,与黄比试,无人能胜,不禁对黄感佩服。集训期间,选手们参加一公开比赛,获得很好的成绩,各人因胜利而得意忘形,选手明争暗斗,最後败给新加坡队,教练一怒之下离去。众人终於明白教练的苦心,加强团结的精神,努力练习。集训期末,各人成绩都有显著的进步,并能一一胜过教练,在六角青年田径邀请赛中,团结的精神令各人将自己的潜能发挥出来,取得胜利。众人怀著信心代表香港参加世界青年运动会,希望夺标而回。 Alias "Springing Gazelle", the renowned athlete Miss Chi Cheung is helping to organize a training programme and hunting for a coach. Wong Tai Mui (Olivia Cheng), was a former brilliant sprinter who has to give up running after her injury in a competition. At the beginning, the girls despise Wong, until they find that Wong is beyond their challenge, they adore her. But after winning a contest, they feel hostility towards each other and behave proudly. After they lost in the competition, Wong is so furious that she decides to quit. The girls beg her to stay and promise to contribute their best efforts. When they finish their training course, all girls have great improvement. Their co-operative spirit enables them to win the open competition and to represent Hong Kong to attend the World Youth Athletic Game. |
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