

词条 发作性运动诱发性运动障碍

发作性运动诱发性运动障碍(Paroxysmal Kinesigenit Dyskinesia,PKD)又称发作性运动诱发性舞蹈手足徐动症,由Kertesz(1967)首先报道并命名,是发作性运动障碍中最多见的一种类型,以静止状态下突然随意运动诱发短暂、多变的运动异常为特征。PKD可为遗传性或散发性,有遗传家族史的病例约占60%,遗传方式大多为常染色体显性遗传,有外显不全现象。致病基因定位于16p11.2-q12.1、16p11.2-q11.2和16q13-q22.1,这种基因定位的不重叠,提示PKD可能存在遗传异质性。PKD虽已有初步的基因定位,但迄今为止PKD的致病基因尚未知。具发病机制不明,Menkes(1995)认为PKD是介于运动障碍与癫痢之间的一类疾病,目前倾向于是—种离子通道病,认为本病与癫痫可能有共同的生物学基础和离子通道缺陷,其病理生理机制之一很可能与Na+通道缺陷有关。



Familial paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia 家族性运动诱发运动障碍


Familial paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia (referred to as familial PKD in this entry) is characterized by unilateral or bilateral involuntary movements precipitated by other sudden movements such as standing up from a sitting position, being startled, or changes in velocity; attacks include combinations of dystonia, choreoathetosis, and ballism, are sometimes preceded by an aura, and do not involve loss of consciousness. Attacks can be as frequent as 100 per day to as few as one per month. Attcks are usually a few seconds to five minutes in duration but can last several hours. Familial PKD has been associated with infantile- but not adult-onset seizures. Severity and combinations of symptoms occur. Age of onset is typically in childhood and adolescence, but ranges from four months to 57 years. Familial PKD is predominantly seen in males.


The diagnosis of familial PKD is based on the clinical findings of attacks of dystonia, chorea, ballismus, or athetosis triggered by sudden movements that occur many times per day and can be prevented or reduced in frequency by phenytoin or carbamezepine. The gene/s associated with PKD have not been identified. Linkage of familial PKD to chromosome 16q has been established in several families. Linkage testing is available on a research basis only.


Attack frequency is reduced or prevented by the anticonvulsants phenytoin or carbamezepine, typically given at lower doses than are used to treat epilepsy. Other effective anticonvulsants include oxcarbazepine, ethosuximide, and lamotrigine.


Familial PKD is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. More than 90% of individuals with familial PKD have an affected parent.

The proportion of cases caused by de novo mutations is unknown. Offspring of affected individuals with familial PKD have a 50% chance of inheriting the gene mutation. Because familial PKD demonstrates incomplete penetrance, a clinically unaffected parent may still have a gene mutation, placing the sibs of the proband at a 50% risk of inheriting the mutation. Prenatal testing is not available.


2011年,Nature Genetics上发表文章,发现大多数家族性PKD均由PRRT2基因的突变引起,该基因编码一种跨膜蛋白,突变后的蛋白无法定位于细胞膜。






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