

词条 Edguy


风 格:Heavy Metal(重金属) Prog-Rock/Art Rock(前卫/艺术摇滚)

国 籍:德国

专 辑:



Tobias Sammet (keyboards, vocals), Jens Ludwig (lead guitar), Dirk Sauer (rhythm guitar) and Dominik Storch (drums) start the band Edguy and play their first gigs.托比亚斯扎梅特(键盘,主唱),延路德维希(主音吉他),德克索尔(吉他手)和多米尼克斯托奇(鼓)乐队Edguy开始发挥他们的第一音乐会。


Tobias quits playing keyboards and starts to play bass as it's better to have a bass guitarist in your band than a keyboard player.托比亚斯放弃键盘转而使用贝,因为在乐队中一个贝司手要比键盘好得多。


Edguy release their first demo tapes "Evil Minded" and "Children Of Steel". Edguy发行他们的第一个音乐样本“罪恶论”和“钢铁儿童”。


Edguy release their self-produced Demo-CD "Savage Poetry". Edguy推出他们自己生产的演示光碟“野蛮诗”。


Edguy sign their record deal with a small German label called AFM Records. Edguy签约德国一个称为AFM Records的小唱片公司称为原子力显微镜记录。


In January the official debut album "Kingdom Of Madness" gets released.今年1月正式首张专辑“疯狂王国”开始发售。 Edguy play a few live shows only and get first press reviews. Edguy进行了一些现场表演,并获得唯一的第一次新闻评论。 Horst Odermatt ("who will pay a lot of money one day, to have the band headlining his Bang Your Head Festival", annotation of the band) predicts that Edguy will have no future.霍斯特Odermatt(“谁支付了很多钱一天,有乐队领衔,他帮你的头节”,乐队的注释)预测,Edguy将没有前途。

Dominik Storch leaves the band and is replaced by Frank Lindenthal for just one studio record before skinsman Felix Bohnke joins in permanently.多米尼克斯托奇离开了乐队,由弗兰克林登塔尔取代了前skinsman只是一个菲利克斯博恩克工作室一起永久记录。 Tobias quits playing bass to focus on vocals only and Tobias "Eggi" Exxel joins the band on bass guitar.托比亚斯退出比赛低音集中和托拜厄斯只是主唱“Eggi”还有Exxel加入乐队的贝司吉他。


In January Edguy's Vain Glory Opera album gets released.今年1月Edguy的立碑光荣歌剧专辑开始发售。 Mixed by Timo Tolkki of Stratovarius, featuring guest vocalist Hansi Kuersch of Blind Guardian and followed up by a five week Europan support tour the album receives great press reactions all over the world, especially in Japan.由蒂莫混合的Stratovarius托尔基,具有住客歌手汉斯Kuersch盲监护及随后5周Europan支持参观专辑收到世界各地的伟大的记者反应,特别是日本,增长。 For the first time Edguy plays the prestigious Wacken Open Air, being the opening act on the smallest stage.首次Edguy了著名的瓦肯露天,作为最小的舞台上开放的行为。


Theater Of Salvation gets released in January and for the first time Edguy show up in Germany's official album charts.拯救剧院在1月获得释放,并首次Edguy显示在德国的官方专辑排行榜了。 The band tours for almost three months all over Europe, supporting Hammerfall, then Gamma Ray and then Angra in France.近3个月超过欧洲所有乐队旅游,支持落锤,然后伽玛射线,然后安格拉在法国。 Edguy plays Wacken again, being the opening act on the main stage. Edguy次瓦肯再次,作为主舞台开幕行为。


In summer Edguy release a re-recorded version of their unofficial debut called "The Savage Poetry".夏天Edguy发行重新录制的非官方版本的推出被称为“野蛮人的诗”。 The album hits the charts again.这张专辑再次点击图表。 This summer Edguy just focus on making festival appearances instead of a tour, ao sharing the bill with Iron Maiden for some of their "Metal 2000" stadium shows.今年夏天Edguy只集中于制造节露面,而不是旅游,岙分享他们的“金属2000”体育馆展示了一些与铁娘子法案。


In January Tobias Sammet releases his first solo project "Avantasia The Metal Opera part 1" which unexpectedly becomes a big hit and even gets Edguy the recognition amongst press and fans alike, the band had deserved for years.今年1月托比亚斯扎梅特发行他的首张个人项目“Avantasia部分的金属歌剧1”出人意料地成为一个巨大打击,甚至会Edguy之间媒体和球迷都承认,乐队多年来一直当之无愧的。 In September the new Edguy album "Mandrake" goes straight to number 19 in the German album charts upon its release and the band embarks on the first ever world tour of their own, leading the band to 23 countries in North-, Central- and Latin America, Europe, Asia and Australia. 9月,新的Edguy专辑“Mandrake的”直奔人数在德国专辑排行榜19后,其释放有史以来的第一个自己的世界巡演,乐队出发,带领乐队至23日在北美国家,中亚和拉丁美洲美国,欧洲,亚洲和澳大利亚。


The second leg of the Mandrake tour climaxes in a prime time show at Wacken Open Air's main stage in front of more than 40.000 fans.在Mandrake的旅游高潮迭起的第二站,在一个瓦肯露天在超过40.000球迷面前的主舞台的黄金时段节目。 In late summer Tobias Sammet's second Avantasia album "The Metal Opera 2" gets released and climbs up to #17 of the official album charts in Germany.在夏末托比亚斯扎梅特的第二Avantasia专辑“金属歌剧2”得到释放,爬上来#官方专辑排行榜17日在德国。


With the double live album "Burning Down The Opera" Edguy part ways with their long time record label AFM records and sign with giant label Nuclear Blast Records.随着双现场专辑“下的歌剧”Edguy与他们长时间唱片原子力显微镜记录和巨大的核爆记录标签标志分道扬镳燃烧。


Edguy's newest album "Hellfire Club" gets released on NB-records. Edguy的最新专辑“地狱之火俱乐部”获得释放铌记录。 It's their biggest and heaviest album to that point, featuring the German Film-orchestra Babelsberg and containing two single hits "King Of Fools" and "Lavatory Love Machine".这是他们的最大最重的专辑到这一点,采用了德国电影,管弦乐队巴伯尔斯贝格和含有两个单点击“愚人之王”和“卫生间爱机”。 "Hellfire Club" rockets to the charts world wide and makes the band embark to another very successful headlining tour featuring more than 80 shows around the globe, climaxing in festival appearances at "Rock am Ring" and "Rock im Park". “地狱之火俱乐部”火箭图表世界各地,并使得乐队走上另一个非常成功的巡演有超过80个全球显示的,在艺术节上露面高潮“摇滚上午环”和“摇滚即时公园”。


The band plays the second leg of the "Worldwide Hellfire Tour", that gets them over to the USA for the third time to play their first extended coast-to-coast US tour.在乐队演奏的“海尔全球之旅”,这将使他们获得了第三次来发挥其首先岸至太平洋岸的美国之行的美国的第二站。 In autumn Edguy release their EP / DVD "Superheroes" which goes Top 10 in Sweden's single charts.秋天Edguy释放他们的环氧树脂/影碟“超级英雄”,这正好在瑞典的一个图表前10。


In January the album "Rocket Ride" is being released and hits the charts all over the world again, peaking at #8 in Germany and Sweden.今年1月,专辑“坐着火箭”被释放,点击图表世界各地再次,在#在德国和瑞典8峰值。 Edguy set off for their third consecutive world tour, their biggst to date; both: in terms of attendance figures and show elements. Edguy为他们的连续第三次世界巡演,至今他们biggst小康,既:在参观人数,并显示要素条件。


Edguy continue their tour in support of their "Rocket Ride" album. Edguy继续在他们的“坐着火箭”专辑巡回演出。 In summer they are special guest on the German tour of American Rock giants Aerosmith and support the Scorpions in Slovakia, before they embark on another 4 week North American coast-to-coast-trip in October.在夏天,他们是在美国摇滚巨头史密斯飞船德国旅游特别嘉宾和支持斯洛伐克的蝎子,在另一前4周开始,北美海岸至海岸之旅10。


After Tobias Sammet successfully releases a new album of his all star project Avantasia in January, Edguy catch up in the rehearsing room to start working on their new studio album.托比亚斯扎梅特成功后释放了他的全明星计划Avantasia今年1月,Edguy捕获的排练,房间内,开始其新的录音室专辑工作的新专辑。 The first ever Avantasia festival tour is followed by another North American Edguy tour prior to the album release of the new Edguy album "Tinnitus Sanctus" on November 14th.首次Avantasia民族节日接下来是另一北美Edguy参观之前Edguy新专辑“十一月耳鸣众神”专辑的发行第14位。

评 价

在新生代Power Metal团中包括Edguy,谁都不会否认Helloween〝七把钥匙〞的强大影响力,在成军初期Edguy有如得到Helloween真传的表现的确令人惊艳,如今Edguy已逐渐将各Metal大佬的精华融为自己的风格,在发行了三张极为成功的专辑之后,尤其是第三作〝Theater Of Salvation〞里包办大部分词曲创作的主唱Tobias Sammet,在卸下Bass演奏工作之后开始专任主唱一职,使乐团整体感提升,在获得耀眼亮丽的成绩之后,使得Edguy逐渐登上金属舞台的最高峰。

代表德国Power Melodic/Speed Metal新希望的乐团Edguy,承袭了Helloween、Heaven Gate及Blind Guardian等德国speed metal大团的优良血统,并彻底将德意志式的优美旋律发挥到极致,而令人难以置信的是,此乐团竟是由一群平均年龄还不到十九岁的年轻小伙子所组成的(97年),实在吓人,看来speed的势力又将再度肆虐!

97年所发表的<Kingdom Of Madness>为他们的第二张专辑,许多段落都让我回想起Helloween的<Keeper of the Seven Keys>,甚至连主唱的声音也很像Michel Kiske,专辑风貌完全是优美导向的标准speed metal,每首乐曲都是由优美的双吉他旋律所主导,而鼓手厚实的双大鼓能力和吉他的搭配也表现出色,然而或许是年纪尚轻,这张专辑在编曲上稍嫌欠缺原创性,且技巧性还有些不足,不过整体顺畅的编曲,加上悦耳的旋律铺陈,仍然可称得上是一部佳作。

专辑末尾长达18分钟多的<The Kingdom>,彷佛名曲<Keeper of the Seven Keys>的再现!此曲充份表露了年轻的Edguy向大团们看齐的决心,同时也是将乐团实力完全发挥的最佳表现,专辑概念尽在于此。全曲由多个段落所组成,庄严的气氛、略带古典味的旋律与优美和声,都让人十分动容,顺畅的speed metal曲式一气呵成,最精彩的部份在中段时,一阵阵阴冷的寒风声中,老人念着一段嘲讽的口白,接着一阵狂笑后,双吉他再次奏起优美的旋律,清脆的教堂钟声穿捘其间,使气氛更显凄凉!在一段吉他solo之后,沉重的keyboard衬底下,主唱低声地吟唱着,接着更加哀美的双吉他与键盘旋律将全曲带上另一个高峰!真是每一个音符都强烈地拨动我的心弦,全曲在keyboard的烘托之下,成功地营造出中古帝国那种神圣而庄严的气势!

年轻人不愧是精力旺盛,98年Edguy继续推出了第三张专辑<Vain Glory Opera>,相较于上一张专辑来说,明显地可以听出Edguy的进步!整体表现显得成熟许多,乐曲不仅更heavy且更具Power,在技巧上亦精进不少,而优美感则丝毫未减,并且加重了keyboard的运用,虽然少了长篇大作,但在编曲上则札实不少!同时Stratovarius的吉他手Timo Tolkki与Blind Gardian主唱Hansi Kursch在专辑中的跨刀演出,更增添了这张专辑的光彩,使专辑可说未演先轰动!

专辑开始,1分半钟的<Overture>,以华丽的交响衬底及歌剧式合唱做为序曲,一股古典气势彷佛迎面而来,接续的<Until We Rise Again#4:27>,立即就是毫不客气的双吉他疾走与双大鼓狂奏!振奋人心的日耳曼大合唱(Alan说),背后不时出现symphonic键盘,中段的双吉他对弹solo更是让人不由地跟着甩起头来!Edguy会在欧洲大放异彩绝对不是没有道理的!

<How Many Miles#5:39>又是首爽爽歌,双吉他快速riff,火力十足,中段的华丽键盘衬底加上双吉他协奏solo让人大呼过瘾!

<Scarlet Rose#5:10> (深红色的玫瑰)是首凄凉番石榴曲,叙述分手后的后悔与思念佳人,

「nothing is forever in life

but a memory - it's true

and when I gaze in the rain

I'm crying just for you...」


<Out of Control#5:03>是专辑的注目曲,因为Timo与Hansi都在此曲出现,一开始又是交响式键盘的intro,接着,以宛如进行曲般的吉他刷扣,挟着强大的气势豋场!庄严的曲调让人为之震慑,最精彩的当然是中段时三把吉他的对飙加上狂踩的双大鼓,果然是有明日大团的气派!

接着第6首的同名曲<Vain Glory Opera#6:08>,是专辑中我相当喜欢的一首,开头以优美的keyboard旋律带入这首充满诗意之曲,悠扬的旋律与高雅的气质,加上Edguy惯用的大合唱让我深深陶醉,中段时吉他有精彩solo。



01 superheroes 02 vain glory opera 03 down to the devil 04 out of control 05 deadmaker 06 another time 07 theater of salvation 08 land of the miracle 09 steel church 10 angel rebellion 11 babylon 12 fucking with fire

专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

hellfire club 2004-04-06 英语

唱片公司:Nuclear Blast Americ
专辑曲目(11)01 down to the devil 02 forever 03 king of fools 04 lavatory love machine 05 mysteria 06 mysteria (feat. mille petrozza) 07 navigator 08 rise of the morning glory 09 the piper never dies 10 the spirit will remain 11 under the moon





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