

词条 董星龙


1983.9-1987.7,吉林大学物理系, 本科











Appl. Phys. Lett., Mater. Sci. Eng. B, Mater. Lett., Surf. Coat. Tech., Electrochemi. Acta, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology, Cata Comui, Slide State Comm., Langmuir, JMST, Acta Metall. Sinica, Plasma Sci. Tech, Rare Metals, 金属学报,材料科学与工艺,材料研究学报,化学学报,无机材料学报,中国有色金属学报,应用化学等刊物审稿人.《应用物理》国际中文期刊AAP编委。


1. “稀土过渡金属碳化物R2Fe14C的磁性研究”,国家自然科学基金(No. 59001452),1991.1-1993,主要参加者;

2. “含碳1:12型稀土过渡金属化合物的结构与磁性”,国家自然科学基金(No. 59371015),1994.1-1996,主要参加者;

3. 优秀中青年人才基金”,国家自然科学基金(No. 59421001),1995.1-1997,主要参加者;

4. “国家杰出青年基金”,(No. 59725103),1998.1-2000.12,主要参加者;

5. “新型稀土化合物”,中国科学院,1994.1-1996.12,主要参加者;

6. “磁性与磁性材料青年实验室筹建”,沈阳市科委,1995.1-1998.12,主要参加者;

7. “稀土过渡金属合金超微颗粒的结构与磁性”,辽宁省教委,1998.1-2000.12,负责人;

8. “功能纳米粉体粒子控制技术”,韩国科学技术部(2亿韩元/年),1999.1-2003.12,主要参加者;

9. “纳米晶NdFeB粉末的制备及成形技术开发”,韩国通商产业部(5亿韩元/年),2000.1-2004.12,主要参加者;

10. “金属纳米材料制备分级技术的研究开发”,企业委托横向课题,2003-2004,负责人;

11. “直流电弧等离子体金属纳米粉生产设备技术设计”,韩国机械研究院委托,2003-2004,负责人;

12. “碳/金属复合纳米粒子及其功能涂层的电磁响应特性”,国家自然科学基金(No. 50371012),负责人;

13. “碳/镍复合纳米粒子填充高分子电磁屏蔽材料制备与特性”,辽宁省自然科学基金(No.20032125),负责人;

14. “等离子喷涂法组装WC/Co纳米结构涂层研究”,武器装备预研基金项目(No.51461070304JW0901),负责人;

15. “金属纳米材料自动化生产技术”,大连市科委/大连理工大学,负责人;

16. “纳米功能复合材料的特性研究”,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(NSFC-KOSEF)(No. 50611140546) ,2006-2008,中方负责人;

17. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,(No. NCET-05-0283),2006-2008,负责人;

18. 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助,(2011CB936002,纳米材料的水处理器件化方法及其应用基础研究,吸附/过滤-电化学分解功能性纳米材料与器件),主要参加者;

19. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20100041110032),负责人;

20. “十二五”国防基础科研项目(2011.01-2014.12),主要参加者;




2、中国专利: CN1559729(一种自动控制直流电弧金属纳米粉生产设备及方法)(申请人:董星龙,孙维民,王维,李志杰)。


X. F. Zhang, P. F. Guan and X. L. Dong, Transform between the permeability and permittivity in the close-packed Ni nanoparticles, Appl. Phys. Lett., 97,033107 (2010)

X. F. Zhang, P. F. Guan and X. L. Dong, Multidielectric polarizations in the core/shell Co/graphite nanoparticles. Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 223111 (2010)

Jung-GooLee, Pu Li, Chul-JinChoi and Xing-Long Dong, Synthesis of Mn–Al alloy nanoparticles by plasma arc discharge. Thin Solid Films, 519, 81–85 (2010)

B Lu, H Huang, X L Dong, and J P Lei. Catalytic pyrogenation synthesis of C/Ni composite nanoparticles: controllable carbon structures and high permittivities. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 105403 (2010)

J.P. Lei, H. Huang, X.L. Dong, J.P. Sun, B. Lu, M.K. Lei, Q. Wang, C. Dong, G.Z. Cao. Formation and hydrogen storage properties of in situ prepared Mg–Cu alloy nanoparticles by arc discharge. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34, 8127 – 8134 (2009).

J. P. Lei, X. L. Dong, F. G. Zhao, H. Huang, X. F. Zhang, B. Lu, and M. K. Lei. Synthesis and thermodynamic evaluation of the intermetallic Mg-Ni/Mg-Cu nanoscale powders. J. Mater. Res. 24(8), 2503-2510 (2009).

J.P. Lei, X.L. Dong, X.G. Zhu, H. Huang, B. Lu and M.K. Lei. Oxidation and corrosion behaviors of core/shell type Mg-based nanoparticles. Special Issue of Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) on 19 March (2009).

H. Huang, B. Lu, J. P. Lei and X. L. Dong. Low-temperature nitridation of Fe nanoparticles precursor. Special Issue of Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) on 19 March (2009).

Bo Lu, Hao Huang, Xing Long Dong, Xue Feng Zhang, Jun Peng Lei, Jian Peng Sun, and Chuang Dong. Influence of alloy components on electromagnetic characteristics of core/shell-type Fe–Ni nanoparticles, J Appl. Phys. 104, 114313 (2008)

B. Lu, X.L. Dong, H. Huang, X.F. Zhang, X.G. Zhu, J.P. Lei, J.P. Sun, Microwave absorption properties of the core/shell-type iron and nickel nanoparticles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 320, 1106–1111(2008).

X.L. Dong, X. F. Zhang, H. Huang, and F. Zuo, Enhanced microwave absorption in Ni/polyaniline nanocomposites by dual dielectric relaxations, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 013127 (2008).

X.F. Zhang, X.L. Dong, H. Huang, B. Lv, J.P. Lei, S. Ma, W. Liu, Z.D. Zhang, Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of B2O3/H3BO3-coated Fe nanocapsules, Materials Science and Engineering B 143, 76–80(2007).

J.P. Lei, X.L. Dong, X.G. Zhu, M.K. Lei, H. Huang, X.F. Zhang, B. Lu, W.J. Park, H.S. Chung, Formation and characterization of intermetallic Fe-Sn nanoparticles synthesized by an arc discharge method, Intermetallics 15, 1589-1594 (2007).

H. Huang, X.F. Zhang, B. Lv, J.P. Lei, J. P. Sun, X.L. Dong, and C.J.Choi, Characterization and Microwave Absorption of “core/shell”-type Nanoparticles, Materials Science Forum Vols. 561-565, pp. 1097-1100 (2007).

X F Zhang, X. L. Dong, H Huang, B Lv, J P Lei and C J Choi, Microstructure and microwave absorption properties of carbon-coated iron nanocapsules, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40, 5383–5387 (2007).

X F Zhang, X. L. Dong, H Huang, D K Wang, B Lv and J P Lei, High permittivity from defective carbon-coated Cu nanocapsules, Nanotechnology 18, 275701(2007)

X. F. Zhang, X. L. Dong, H. Huang, Y. Y. Liu, W. N. Wang, X. G. Zhu, B. Lv, J. P. Lei and C. G. Lee, Microwave absorption properties of the carbon-coated nickel nanocapsules, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 053115 (2006)

X. F. Zhang , X. L. Dong, H. Huang, B. Lv, X. G. Zhu, J. P. Lei, S. Ma, W. Liu, Z.D. Zhang. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of SiO2 coated Fe nanocapsules, Materials Science & Engineering A 454–455, 211-215 (2007)

X. F. Zhang, X. L. Dong, H. Huang, B. Lv, X. G. Zhu, J. P. Lei, S. Ma, W. Liu, Z. D. Zhang, Synthesis, growth mechanism and magnetic properties of SiO2-coated Co nanocapsules, Acta Materialia 55,3727–3733 (2007).

Y.Y. Liu, J. Yu, H. Huang, B.H. Xu, X.L. Liu, Y. Gao, X.L. Dong, Synthesis and tribological behavior of electroless Ni-P-WC nanocomposite coatings. Surf. & Coat. Tech., 201, 7246-7251 (2007).

X.L. Dong, C.J. Choi and B.K. Kim, Structural and magnetic characterization of Fe nanoparticles synthesized by chemical vapor condensation process, J. Appl. Phys. 92(9),5380-5385(2002)

Z.J. Li, G.H. Wen, J.L. Yu, X.L. Dong, X.X. Zhang and Z.D. Zhang, Magnetic properties of Ni nanoparticles and Ni(C) nanocapsules, J. Mater Sci. Technol., 18(2),99 (2002)

X.L. Dong, C.J. Choi and B.K. Kim, Chemical synthesis of Co nanoparticles by Chemical Vapor Condensation, Scripta Mater. 47, 857-861 (2002).

C.J.Choi, X.L.Dong, B.K.Kim and J.H.Ahn,Properties of Fe and Co nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Condensation, Material Science Forum, 386-388, 485-490 (2002).

Sun XC, Reyes-Gasga J, Dong XL, Formation and microstructure of carbon encapsulated superparamagnetic Co nanoparticles, MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 100 (19): 3147-3150 (2002).

Sun XC, Dong XL, Magnetic properties and microstructure of carbon encapsulated Ni nanoparticles and pure Ni nanoparticles coated with NiO layer, Mater. Res. Bulletin, 37 (5): 991-1004(2002)

C.J. Choi, X.L. Dong and B.K. Kim, Characterization of Fe and Co nanoparticles synthesized by chemical vapor condensation, Scripta Mater. 44, 2225 (2001).

Zhang ZD, Zheng JG, Skorvanek I, Wen GH, Kovac J, Wang FW, Yu JL, Li ZJ, Dong XL, Shell/core structure and magnetic properties of carbon-coated Fe-Co(C) nanocapsules, J. Phys: Condensed Mater, 13, 1921 (2001).

Zhang ZD, Yu JL, Zheng JG, Skorvanek I, Kovac J, Dong XL, Structure and magnetic properties of boron-oxide coated Fe nanoparticles prepared by arc discharge in diborane, Phys. Rev. B64(2),0244044(2001).

Sun XC, Dong XL, Toledo JA, Superparamagnetic properties of carbon encapsulated Ni nanoparticle assemblies, J. NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1 (3): 291-294(2001).

Zhang ZD, Zheng JG, Skorvanek I, Kovac J, Yu JL, Dong XL, Li ZJ, Jin SR, Zhao XG, Liu W, Synthesis characterization and magnetic properties of carbon- and boron-oxide-encapsulated iron nanocapsules, J. NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 1(2): 153-158(2001)

C.J. Choi, X.L. Dong and B.K. Kim, Microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe nanoparticles synthesized by chemical vapor condensation, Mater. Trans., JIM, 42(10),2046-2049 (2001).

X.L. Dong, B.K. Kim, C.J. Choi, K.S. Park and Z.D. Zhang, Synthesis of Nd2Fe14B powder by spray-drying and reduction –diffusion processes, J. Mater. Res. 16 (4), 1083(2001).

X.L. Dong, Z.D. Zhang, S.R. Jin, B.K. Kim. Characterization and Magnetic Properties of Ultrafine Fe-Co Particles, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 210, 143 (2000).

X.C. Sun, A. Gutierrez, M. Jose Yacaman, X.L. Dong and S.R. Jin, Investigations on magnetic properties and structure for carbon encapsulated nanoparticles of Fe, Co, Ni, Materials Science and Engineering, A286, 157(2000).

X.L. Dong et al. The preparation and characterization of ultrafine Fe-Ni particles, J. Mater. Res., 14, 398 (1999).

X.L. Dong et al. Carbon-coated Fe-Co(C) nanocapsules prepared by arc-discharge in methane, J. Appl. Phys. 86(12) 6701 (1999).

X.L. Dong, Z.D. Zhang, S.R. Jin, W.M. Sun, Z.J. Li and Y.C. Chuang. Characterization of Fe-Ni(C) nanocapsules synthesized by arc-discharge in methane, J. Mater. Res. 14 (5) 1782 (1999).

X.L. Dong, Z.D. Zhang, S.R. Jin, and Y.C. Chuang. Characterization of ultrafine Fe-Co particles and Fe-Co(C) nanocapsules, Phys. Rev. B, 60, 3017 (1999).

X.L. Dong, Z.D. Zhang, S.R. Jin, W.M. Sun, X.G Zhao and Y.C. Chuang. Characterization of ultrafine ?-Fe(C), ?-Fe(C) and Fe3C particles synthesized by arc-discharge in methane, J. Mater. Sci., 33(7), 1915 (1998).

X.L. Dong, Z.D. Zhang, S.R. Jin, W.M. Sun, Z.J. Li and Y.C. Chuang. Mossbauer effect in ultrafine particles with ?-Fe(C), Fe3C and ?-Fe(C) phases, J. Mater. Sic. & Tech., 14(5), 441 (1998)

X.L. Dong, Z.D. Zhang, S.R. Jin, W.M. Sun and Y.C. Chuang. Surface characteristic of ultrafine Ni particles, Nanostr. Mater. . 10, 585 (1998).

X.L. Dong, Z.D. Zhang, X.T. Kim, D. Zhang Y.C. Chuang. Structural and magnetic properties of arc-melted RFe10V2 (R=Y, Sm) carbides, J. Physics: Condensed Mater, 8, 6079 (1996).


2005年 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”

2006年 大连市高校系统2003-2006年度 “优秀共产党员”

2005年 大连理工大学优秀党员

2004年 大连理工大学先进工作者

2004年 辽宁省“新世纪百千万人才工程”(千人层次)

2003年 大连理工大学“教学质量优良奖”

2003年 辽宁省自然科学成果一等奖(学术论文类,独立获奖人)

2000年 沈阳市科技三等奖1项

2000年 沈阳工业大学科技工作功献奖(独立获奖人)

1999年 沈阳工业大学优秀论文特等奖3项、一等奖2项、三等奖1项





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