词条 | Dreamhouse |
释义 | 英国90年代末的舞曲组合,成员为一男一女,女生是主唱、男生负责说唱。因为年代久远,有关资料较少。 主要作品dreamhouse曾在97年出过专辑《SHA LA LA》其中最为大家所熟知的就是《SHA LA LA》,也是传唱最广的,但经常有人将《SHA LA LA》与卡朋特乐队的《YESTERDAY ONCE MORE》弄混(因为都有sha la la这一句)英国的Dream House,三个成员Paul Barry, David Riley, and Jules Tulley。本土牙买加人David Riley是混音师,在遇到其他两位前已同R. Kelly以及Fu Schnickens等名流合作过,遇到其他二位时,一个是酒吧侍从,一个是公交车清洁员,够怪的。在即兴表演过Maurice Williams的经典单曲Stay后(随后作为单曲发行),三人组终于羽翼长成,并签到Trauma Records创伤唱片旗下,并于98年7月发布同名专辑《Dream House》。 《SHA LA LA》曾风靡一时,此歌一出,不管是英国还是中国的大街小巷到处都在播放此歌。 这首歌也被无数人翻唱过其中比较出名的是VENGABOYS(复仇男孩)翻唱的版本,因为翻唱的很好所以经常有人吧VENGABOYS当作《SHA LA LA》的原唱,其实真正的原唱是Walkers ,是一队丹麦"GlamRock" 组合于1974首唱. 专辑曲目01.Stay 02.Let's Live for Today 03.Sha La-La 04.Walk Like a Man 05.Forever 06.Lightnin' Bar Blues 07.Sherry 08.Hay Que Linda 09.Baby I Need Your Lovin' 10.9,999,999 Tears 11.Just As Long As I Got You 12.There Goes My Baby 13.Walking In Shadows 14.Stay (Extended Mix) 15.Sha La-La (Ragga DJ Mix) 16.Sha La-La (Female Vox Mix) 17.Let's Live for Today (Female Vox Mix) 影响力2003艾回音乐出了一套两张唱片,记录的都是1993--2003的经典DISCO,一共40首歌,这个组合的歌曲竟被选上三首,可见当时影响力之大,它们是 《Stay》 《Sha La-La》 《Let's Live for Today》 SHA LA LA歌词Dreamhouse - Sha La La There's a boy on my mind and he knows I'm thinking of him All my way through the days and the nights The stars shine above me He's been gone for sometimes but I knows I truly love him And I'm singing a song hoping he'll be back when he hears it Chorus: My heart goes sha la la la la Sha la la in the morning Oh oh oh sha la la la la Sha la la in the sunshine Sha la la la la Sha la la in the evening Sha la la la la..sha la la la la just for you If your love's gone away just like mine.You feel like crying Sing alone maybe once , may be twice. Let's try it together Some sweet day no one knows he'll return and you'll be happy. Shout it sweet in a song.Listen to your heart it is singing |
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