词条 | Dangerous |
释义 | Dangerous,通常指美国著名摇滚歌星迈克尔·杰克逊于1991年发行的一张音乐专辑,自发行以来在全世界多个国家都获得了惊人的销量。这张专辑产生了7首畅销单曲,包括"Black or White"、"Remember the Time"等,其音乐创作水平堪称音乐界的极至,水平精湛无与伦比,奠定了Michael Jackson的歌王地位。 各曲目歌词(Jam 困境 In the Closet 密爱 She Drives Me Wild 她令我狂野 Remember The Time 铭记时刻 Can't Let Her Get Away 不能让她离去 Heal The World 拯救世界 Black or White 黑与白 Who Is It 它是谁 Give In To Me 向我屈服 Will You Be There 你会守候我身边? Keep The Faith 保持信念 Gone Too Soon 转瞬即逝 Dangerous 危险) 原意形容词a. 危险的;不安全的;招致危险的[+to-v] 例句:Shooting off firecrackers can be dangerous. 放爆竹有可能导致危险。 排行榜信息及销量《Dangerous》 专辑名称:Dangerous 演唱歌手:Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊) 专辑类别:英语专辑1CD 出版年月:1991年11月26日 最高排名: 英国 #1 美国 #1 美国流行专辑榜:#1 (6周),美国黑人专辑榜:(4周),英国专辑榜:#1 目前销量认证: 英国7白金 美国7白金 目前销量数据: 英国 210万+ 美国700万+ 最新官方公布的销量数据: 3200万 (直至2007年中期为止). 其他国家的销量状况: 澳大利亚: 630,000+ 巴西: 500,000+ 法国: 1,855,000+ 德国: 2,000,000+ 西班牙: 600,000+ 日本: 800,000+ (加上另外25,000套日本独家发售的混音版专辑) 英国 (Top 75) & 美国 (Top 200)排行榜单详情: 英国: Dangerous是世界百大畅销专辑榜第十六名 1,2,2,4,5,4,5,7,13,13,16,6,10,8,7,11,16,19,33,41,31,29,28,23,25,31,36,36,46,49,62,46,39,38,17,9,5,5,2,2,4,10,16,17,16,17,15,19,26,29,36,43,38,25,13,12,12,12,9,18,25,32,37,40,46,9,6,7,10,15,19,20,24,27,45,48,51,58,72,74,56,66,72,54,42,26,21,15,16,15,21,26,28,38,44,65,出榜 美国: 1,1,1,1,5,2,2,3,4,4,2,2,2,6,6,6,9,12,21,19,22,26,24,23,26,28,28,35,33,44,44,54,48,51,58,62,61,64,75,80,87,92,102,126,136,143,97,123,138,147,149,131,120,115,106,101,113,116,121,131,88,41,26,12,10,12,13,13,14,15,20,17,20,25,28,31,36,41,45,47,50,65,67,47,48,46,42,38,38,40,41,44,49,46,53,67,78,85,95,97,112,103,105,115,119,116,119,133,140,136,140,167,171,181,195,出榜2周,182,196,出榜 美国R&B榜(Top 100): 11,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,5,5,6,7,10,10,10,9,10,9,13,13,19,21,23,24,27,26,32,37,41,45,52,55,67,75,86,出榜2周,52,59,49,47,36,48,49,54,57,39,23,22,12,13,14,14,17,17,20,19,24,25,29,31,32,34,37,37,39,46,48,43,43,41,38,37,38,36,41,47,47,45,50,57,66,71,76,81,70,68,79,70,73,65,60,59,62,76,81,92,92,出榜4周,98,出榜 专辑介绍1991年末,在首支单曲"Black or White"的音乐录影带的发行之后不久,《Dangerous》专辑发行了。独占榜首7周后,"Black or White"成为继"Billie Jean"之后的杰克逊的最受欢迎的单曲。与《Thriller》和《Bad》一样,在《Dangerous》中同样产生了7首畅销单曲,除了"Black or White",还包括"Remember the Time"、"In the Closet"和"Will You Be There"等等 《Dangerous》是继《BAD》之后杰克逊四套专辑。也是杰克逊在《BAD》之后在歌坛沉寂三年之后的最新力作。杰克逊在1991年3月,终止了与哥伦比亚公司的合同,转而与索尼公司签订了一个超过10亿美元的合同! 《black or White》在美国排行榜连续七周折冠,而《heal the world》则在英国排行榜称霸,《Jam》也成为了1993年法国排行榜的冠军单曲,1995年杰克逊在MTV电视台的表演更是被誉为经典! 《Dangerous》中的首曲《Black Or White》MTV耗资400万,总长11分钟,歌曲的表面主题是反映种族和睦,MTV中迈克尔与非洲部族巴厘人以及美洲土著人欢天喜地的共舞,同时在MTV中还展现了两个可爱的婴儿穿着有利环保的尿布坐在巨大的地球仪上。其中一个镜头充分体现了迈克尔向往全世界各种族人民自由和平,他高踞自由女神像所举的火把上唱歌。不过其中的一个特技却更让人耳目一新,它每秒耗资 1万美元,经过电脑的精心处理,称为“变脸”。在开场白中,迈考利正在放硬摇滚乐,他的父亲叫他把音乐关小,而迈考利却搬来超级扩音器把父亲从屋顶震飞了出去;而后记中,一只黑豹突然变成迈克尔,发狂的跳舞,他跳起踢踏舞并把路边的汽车车窗砸得粉碎。最后变成黑豹跑开。MTV以一段动画片结束。《Black Or White》在任何意义上都是个轰动。 《Dangerous》于91年11月发行起初的销量创下了当时的销售记录。在英国取得单曲销售佳绩(9支发行的单曲中7支打入前10) 而“Dangerous”世界巡演更是帮助专辑保持稳定态势在榜上停留了2年(117周)之久并售出210万张。这使得《Dangerous》成为英国90年代最畅销的专辑之一。但显然成绩不如《Bad》的400万或《Thriller》340万的销量。《Bad》是有史以来英国本土销量第2高的专辑,仅次于The Beatles的《Sgt. Pepper》专辑,后者售出了450万张。 在美国《Dangerous》里的单曲成绩表现同《Bad》里发行的单曲相比显得差强人意。专辑发行的7支单曲中只派生出4支Top 10。《Bad》有6支Top 10,其中5支是冠军单曲。尽管如此,《Dangerous》仍旧在榜上停留了近2年,而且还在93年年初因得益于Michael Jackson在当年超级碗橄榄球联赛开幕式的表演以及接受名嘴Oprah Winfrey的采访而获得了一次销量大反弹。最终《Dangerous》在美国本土售出700万,紧跟《Bad》的800万销量。考虑到Michael Jackson并没有在美国本土举行“Dangerous”巡演的事实,该专辑还是可以称得上是成功的。 强劲而持久的销售生命使《Dangerous》成为90年代销售成绩第二高的专辑,并排在全球历史上最畅销专辑名单里的前15位。如果除去精选辑和电影原声带,该专辑可以名列世界最畅销的原创专辑的前10名。 《Dangerous》是Michael Jackson继《Thriller》之后最为成功的专辑,但很多人认为它还可以取得更好的成绩——为什么呢? 事实的关键出在93专辑宣传后期发生的性骚扰指控。媒体的反应比预想的还要糟糕,这成了历史上最大的丑闻之一。尽管Michael Jackson之后证明自己是清白的,但损害已经造成,巡演的第二阶段仍然不得不取消,而随后的单曲“Gone too Soon”也以失败告终。 如果“Dangerous”巡演可以得以完成,如果谣传中的第10支单曲“Dangerous”得以发行,有些人预测《Dangerous》还可能在美国本土再卖出400万到500万,而在其他地区再卖出300万到400万。最后的世界销量或许可以达到3500万到3600万。这足以让《Dangerous》成为当时世界第二最畅销唱片。 专辑曲目01. Jam(困境) 5:39 02. Why you Wanna Trip on Me(为何对我挑三拣四)5:25 03. In The Closet(密爱)6:32 04. She Drives Me Wild(她令我狂野) 3:42 05. Remember The Time(铭记时刻)4:00 06. Can't Let Her Get Away(不能让她离去)5:02 07. Heal The World(拯救世界)6:24 08. Black or White(黑与白) 4:16 09. Who Is It(它是谁) 6:35 10. Give in to Me( 向我屈服)5:28 11.Will you be there(你会守侯我身边?)7:40 12. Keep the Faith(保持信念)5:57 13. Gone too Soon(转瞬即逝)3:22 14. Dangerous (危险)7:00 现场表演现场发挥最精彩绚丽的Dangerous于1995年德国wetten das颁奖典礼上的表演,首先状态最佳最给力,身体之灵动,举手投足之优雅魅力诱人,气场之风起云涌霸气十足,此场Dangerous舞蹈给人一种酣畅淋漓,其舞技娴熟干练,动作迅猛干净利落,速度与美感的完美结合的完美无瑕,给观众一种美感与霸气十足的精美表演!也是前者无法比拟后者无法超越的一场Dangerous.毫不夸张的说是杰克逊诠释Dangerous的一场绝世表演。此曲的现场表演在历史之旅上得以延续,并成为了历史之旅的必备曲目。99年韩国德国慈善以及2002年的美国电台50周年都表演过。 各曲目歌词Jam 困境Nation to nation All the world Must get together Face the problems That we see Then maybe somehow we can Work it out I asked my neighbor For a favor She said later What has come of All the people Have we lost love Of what it's about I have to find my peace cuz No one seems to let me be False prophets cry of doom What are the possibilities I told my brother There'll be problems, Times and tears of fears But we must live each day Like it's the last Go with it Go with it Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to The world keeps changing Rearranging minds And thoughts Predictions fly of doom The baby boom Has come of age We'll work it out I told my brother Don't you ask me For no favors I'm conditioned by The system Don't you preach to me Don't scream and shout She pray to God,to Buddha Then she sings a Talmud song Confusions contradict The self Do we know right From wrong I just want you to Recognize me I'm the temple You can't hurt me I found peace Within myself Go with it Go with it Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Jam Jam Here comes the man Hot damn The big boy stands Movin' up a hand Makin' funky tracks With my man Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal That's the man Mike's so relaxed Mingle mingle jingle In the jungle Bum rushed the door 3 and 4's in a bundle Execute the plan First I cooled the fan Got with Janet Then with Guy Now with Michael Cause it ain't hard too... Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me too Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't to much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't too much stuff It ain't too much It ain't too much for me to Jam It ain't Don't you It ain't too much for me to Why You Wanna Trip On Me 为何对我挑三拣四 They say I'm different They don't understand But there's a bigger problem That's much more in demand You got world hunger Not enough to eat So there's really no time To be trippin' on me You got school teachers Who don't wanna teach You got grown people Who can't write or read You got strange diseases Ah but there's no cure You got many doctors That aren't so sure So tell me Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Stop trippin' We've got more problems Than we'll ever need You got gang violence And bloodshed on the street You got homeless people With no food to eat With no clothes for their back And no shoes for their feet We've got drug addiction In the minds of the weak We've got so much corruption Police brutality We've got streetwalkers Walkin' into darkness Tell me What are you doing To try and stop this Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Stop trippin' Yeah stop trippin' Everybody just stop trippin' Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Stop trippin' Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Why you wanna trip on me Stop trippin' Yeah stop trippin' Everybody just stop trippin' Stop trippin' Stop trippin' Stop trippin' Stop trippin' Stop trippin' Stop trippin' Stop trippin' Stop trippin' Why you wanna trip on me Stop trippin' Why you wanna trip on me Stop trippin' Why you wanna trip on me Stop trippin' Why you wanna trip on me Stop trippin' Stop trippin' Stop trippin' 1991 Donril Music,Zomba Enterprises Inc.,WB Music Corp.,B-Funk Music (ASCAP) In the Closet 密爱There's something I have to say to you If you promise you'll Understand I cannot contain myself When in your presence I'm so humble Just touch me Don't hide our love Woman to man She's just a lover Who makes me high It worth the giving It's worth the try You cannot cleave it Or put it in the furnace You cannot wet it You cannot burn it She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Dare me (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Yea (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) It's just a feeling You have to soothe it You can't neglect it You can't abuse it It's just a desire You cannot waste it Then,if you want it Then,won't you taste it She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Yea (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Yea (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) One thing in life You must understand The truth of lust Woman to man So open the door And you will see There are no secrets Make your move Set me free Because there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you I swear there's something About you baby Just promise me Whatever we say Whatever we do To each other For now we take A vow to just Keep it in the closet Just promise me Whatever we say Or do to each other For now we'll make a vow To just keep it In the closet If you can get it It's worth a try I really want it I can't deny It's just desire I really love it 'Cause it it's aching You have to rub it She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Yea (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Dare me (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Just open the door And you will see This passion burns Inside of me Don't say to me You'll never tell Touch me there Make the move Cast the spell Because there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you I swear there's something About you baby Just promise me Whatever we say Or do to each other For now we take A vow to just Keep it in the closet Because there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you Because there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you I swear there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you I swear there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you I swear there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you I swear there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you I swear there's something About you baby That makes me want To give it to you I swear there's something About you baby That makes me want Just promise me Whatever we say Or whatever we do to Each other For now we'll make a vow To just Keep it in the closet (She wants to give it) Dare me (Aahh) Keep it in the closet (She wants to give it) Dare me (Aahh) Keep it in the closet (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Dare me (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Dare me (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Keep it in the closet (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Dare me (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Dare me (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Dare me (She wants to give it) Keep it in the closet (She wants to give it) (She wants to give it) Keep it in the closet (She wants to give it) (Aahh,she wants to give it) Dare me She Drives Me Wild 她令我狂野She got the look She so fine And you know damn well The girl will be mine She got the breaks She the scene And you know damn well She gives it to me Black jeans and A turtleneck sweater I know the girl Is fakin' 'cause I've seen her look better She composition She statistical fact She got ready For the willing Got it sweaty in the back Come to the place Shock tacy And you know damn well You know what I mean Talk hot in the face One and 3. Like a pleasure trip Like you've never seen Satin lace And a paisley cut top The girl is waisting over And she knows What she's got She got position She got what it takes She got mojo In her pocket She got it ready Just in case © 1991 Mijac Music (BMI),Donril Music,Zomba Enterprises Inc. (ASCAP) Remember The Time 铭记时刻Do you remember When we fell in love We were so young And innocent then Do you remember How it all began It just seemed like heaven So why did it end? Do you remember Back in the fall We'd be together all day long Do you remember Us holding hands In each other's eyes We'd stare (Tell me) Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time When we first met Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time Do you remember How we used to talk (Ya know) We'd stay on the phone At night till dawn Do you remember All the things we said like I love you so I'll never let you go Do you remember Back in the spring Every morning birds would sing Do you remember Those special times They'll just go on and on In the back of my mind Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time When we first met girl Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time Those sweet memories Will always be dear to me And girl no matter what was said I will never forget what we had Now baby Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time When we first met Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time When we first met Do you remember the time When we fell in love Do you remember the time Remember the times Ooh Remember the times Do you remember girl Remember the times On the phone you and me Remember the times Till dawn,two or three What about us girl Remember the times Do you,do you,do you Do you,do you Remember the times In the park,on the beach Remember the times You and me in Spain Remember the times What about,what about... Remember the times Ooh...in the park Remember the times After dark... do you,do you,do you Remember the times Do you,do you,do you,do you Remember the times Yeah yeah Can't Let Her Get Away 不能让她离去I thought she had to have it Since the first time she came Who knows the situation Mysteries remain And now I wonder why I breakdown when I cry Is it something I said Or is it just a lie (Is it just a lie) I try so hard to love you Some things take Time and shame I think the whole world Of you Your thoughts of me remain I'll play the fool for you I'll change the rules for you Just say it and I'll do Just make this thing Come true (Make this dream come true) If I let her get away Though I'm begging On my knees I'll be crying everyday Knowing the girl That got away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I tried to mastermind it By saying let it be But everytime I did it The hurt came back at me I told you that I need you A thousand times and why I played the fool for you And still you said goodbye (Still you said goodbye) If I let her get away Then the world will Have to see A fool who lives alone And the fool who Set you free I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away Can't let go Can't let go Can't let go Can't let go I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away Can't let go Can't let go I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away I can't let I can't let her get away Heal The World 拯救世界There's a place in your heart And I know that it is love And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow And if you really try You'll find there's no need to cry In this place you'll feel There's no hurt or sorrow There are ways to get there If you care enough for the living Make a little space Make a better place... Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place For you and for me If you want to know why There's a love that cannot lie Love is strong It only cares of joyful giving If we try We shall see In this bliss We cannot feel fear or dread We stop existing and start living Then it feels that always Love's enough for us growing So make a better world Make a better world... Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place For you and for me And the dream we were Conceived in Will reveal a joyful face And the world we Once believed in Will shine again in grace Then why do we keep Strangling life Wound this earth Crucify its soul Though it's plain to see This world is heavenly Be God's glow We could fly so high Let our spirits never die In my heart I feel you are all my brothers Create a world with no fear Together we cry happy tears See the nations turn their swords into plowshares We could really get there If you cared enough For the living Make a little space To make a better place... Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place For you and for me Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place For you and for me Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place For you and for me There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place For you and for me There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place For you and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me You and for me Black or White 黑与白I took my baby On a Saturday bang Boy is that girl with you Yes we're one and the same Now I believe in miracles And a miracle Has happened tonight But,if You're thinkin' About my baby It don't matter if you're Black or white They print my message In the Saturday Sun I had to tell them I ain't second to none And I told about equality And it's true Either you're wrong Or you're right But,if You're thinkin' About my baby It don't matter if you're Black or white I am tired of this devil I am tired of this stuff I am tired of this business Sew when the Going gets rough I ain't scared of Your brother I ain't scared of no sheets I ain't scared of nobody Girl when the Goin' gets mean Protection For gangs,clubs, And nations Causing grief in Human relations It's a turf war On a global scene I'd rather hear bother sides Of the tale See,it's not about races Just places Faces Where your blood Comes from Is where you space is I've seen the bright get duller I'm not going to spend My life being a color Don't tell me you agree With me When I saw you Kicking dirt in my eye But,if You're thinkin' About my baby It don't matter if you're Black or white I said if You're thinkin' of Being my baby It don't matter if you're Black or white I said if You're thinkin' of Being my baby It don't matter if you're Black or white Ooh,ooh Yea,yea,yea now Ooh,ooh Yea,yea,yea now It's black,it's white It's tough for them To get by It's black,it's white,whoo It's black,it's white It's tough for them To get by It's black,it's white,whoo Who Is It 它是谁I gave her money I gave her time I gave her everything Inside one heart could find I gave her passion My very soul I gave her promises And secrets untold And she promised me forever And a day we'd live as one We made our vows We'd live a life anew And she promised me in secret That she'd love me for all time It's a promise so untrue Tell me what will I do? And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortune Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm lying to myself And the reason why she left me Did she find someone else? (Who is it?) It is a friend of mine (Who is it?) Is it my brother? (Who is it?) Somebody hurt my soul (Who is it?) I can't take this stuff anymore I am the damned I am the dead I am the agony inside The dying head This is injustice Woe unto thee I pray this punishment Would have mercy on me And she promised me forever That we'd live our life as one We made our vows We'd live a love so true It seems that she has left me For such reasons unexplained I need to find the truth But see what will I do? And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortune Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm bothered everyday And she didn't leave a letter She just up and ran away (Who is it?) It is a friend of mine (Who is it?) Is it my brother? (Who is it?) Somebody hurt my soul (Who is it?) I can't take it 'cause I'm lonely And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm lying to myself And the reason why she left me Did she find someone else? And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm bothered everyday And she didn't leave a letter She just up and ran away And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm lying to myself And the reason why she left me Did she find someone else? And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm bothered everyday And she didn't leave a letter She just up and ran away And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm lying to myself And the reason why she left me Did she find someone else? And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm bothered everyday And she didn't leave a letter She just up and ran away And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm lying to myself And the reason why she left me Did she find someone else? And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm bothered everyday And she didn't leave a letter She just up and ran away And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortunes Still I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm lying to myself And the reason why she left me Did she find someone else? Give In To Me 向我屈服She always takes it with a Heart of stone 'Cause all she does is Throw it back to me I've spent a lifetime Looking for someone Don't try to understand me Just simply do the Thing I say Love is a feeling Give it when I want it 'Cause I'm on fire Quench my desire Give it when I want it Talk to me woman Give in to me Give in to me You always knew just how To make me cry And never did I ask you Questions why It seems you get your kicks From hurting me Don't try to understand me Because your words just Aren't enough Love is a feeling Quench my desire Give it when I want it Takin' me higher Love is a woman I don't wanna hear it Give in to me Give in to me It's all right But it's ok But it's ok You're always thinkin' That you know it's a lie But it's ok And I'd I'd never find Better peace of mind No Don't try to tell me Because your words Just aren't enough Love is a feeling Quench my desire Give it when I want it Takin' me higher Talk to me woman Love is a I don't want to hear it Quench my desire I'm on fire Give it to me woman I don't want to hear it Tell it to the preacher Love is a woman Love is a feeling Give in to me Give in to me Give in to me Love is a feeling I don't wanna hear it Quench my desire Takin' me higher Tell it to the preacher Satisfy the feeling Give in to me Give in to me Give in to me Give in to me woman Talk to me lady 'Cause I'm on fire Will You Be There 你会守候我身边?(Angel's Intro) (Piano's Intro) Hold me Like the River Jordan And I will say to thee You are my friend Carry me Like you are my brother Love me like a mother Will you be there? When weary Tell me will you hold me When lost will you find me? But they told me A man should be faithful And walk when not able And fight till the end But I'm only human Everyone's taking control of me Seems that the world's Got a role for me I'm so confused Will you show to me You'll be there for me And care enough to bear me (Hold me) (Lay you head lowly) (Softly then boldly) (Carry me there) (Hold me) (Love me and feed me) (Kiss me and free me) (I will feel blessed) (Carry) (Carry me boldly) (Lift me up slowly) (Carry me there) (Save me) (Heal me and bathe me) (Softly you say to me) (I will be there) (Lift me) (Lift me up slowly) (Softly then boldly) (Carry me there) (Need me) (Love me and feed me) (Kiss me and free me) (I will feel blessed) In our darkest hour In my deepest despair Will you be there? In my trials And my tribulations Through our doubts And frustrations In my violence In my turbulence Through my fear And my confessions In my anguish and my pain Through my joy and my sorrow In the promise of Another tomorrow I'll never let you part For you're always in my heart. Keep The Faith 保持信念If you call out loud Will it get inside Through the heart of your surrender To your alibis And you can say the words Like you understand But,the power's in believing So give yourself a chance 'Cause you can Climb the highest mountain Swim the deepest see,hee All you need is the will to want it And uhh,little self-esteem So keep the faith Don't let nobody turn you 'round You gotta know when It's good to go To get your dreams Up off the ground Keep the faith,baby,yea Because it's just A matter of time Before your confidence Will win out Believe in yourself No matter what it's gon' take You can be a winner But you got to keep the faith ...Gon' keep it brother You got it And when you think of trust Does it lead you home To a place that you Only dream of When you're all alone And you can go by fell 'Stead of circumstance But the power's in believing So give yourself a chance I know that you can Sail across the water Float across the sky,high Any road that you take Will get you there If you only try So keep the faith,ow Don't let nobody Take you down,brother Just keep your eyes On the prize And your feet Flat on the ground Keep the faith,baby,yea Because it's just A matter of time Before your confidence Will win out I told my brother how to Do the thing right Lift up your head and show The world you got pride Go for what you want Didn't let 'em get in your way You can be better But you gotta keep the faith You got it I know that keepin' the faith Means never givin' up on love But the power that love has To make it right Makes it Makes it right Keep the faith Don't let nobody turn you 'round brother You got to know When it's good to go To get your dreams up Off the ground Keep the faith Baby,yea Because it's just a matter of time Before your confidence Will win out Better stand up and act like You wanna do right Don't play the fool For the rest of your life Work on it brother And you'll make it someday Go for what you want And don't forget the faith Look at yourself And what you doin' right now Stand back a minute Just check yourself out Straighten out your life And how you're livin' each day Get yourself together 'Cause you got to keep the faith Uh,uh,uh Don't let nobody take you down,brother Just keep your eyes on the prize And your feet flat on the ground Keep the faith baby,yea Because it's just a matter of time Before your confidence will win out Lift up your mind Before your mind gets blown Some things in life You best leave them alone Go for what you want Don't let it get in your way You can make it happen But ya got ta keep the faith Gon' keep it brother You got to keep the faith Yeah keep the faith Gon' sister You got to keep the faith Now,now I'll show my brotha How to do the hing right Lift up your head And show the world you got pride Go for what you want Don't let 'em get in your way You can be a winner If you keep the faith Straighten out yourself And get your mind on track Dust off your butt And get your self-respect back You've known me long enough To know that I don't play Take it like you want it But you got to keep the faith Gon' Don't let nobody Take you down Just keep your eyes on the prize And get your feet Back on the ground Keep the faith,baby,yea Because it's just A matter of time Before your confidence Will win out But till that day I said you've got to Keep the faith Gone Too Soon 转瞬即逝Like a comet Blazing 'cross the evening sky Gone too soon Like a rainbow Fading in the twinkling of an eye Gone too soon Shiny and sparkling And splendidly bright Here one day Gone one night Like the loss of sunlight On a cloudy afternoon Gone too soon Like a castle Built upon a sandy beach Gone too soon Like a perfect flower That is just beyond your reach Gone too soon Born to amuse,to inspire,to delight Here one day Gone one night Like a sunset Dying with the rising of the moon Gone too soon Gone too soon Dangerous 危险The way she came into the place I knew right then and there There was a something different about this girl The way she moved Her hair Her face Her lines Divinity in motion As she stalked the room I could feel the auraof her presence Every head turned feeling passion and lust The girl was persuasive The girl I could not trust The girl was bad The girl was dangerous I never knew But I was walking the line Come go with me I said I have no time She said don't you pretendwe didn't talk on the phone My baby cried She left me standing alone She's so dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you're no damn good for me She came at me in sections With the eyes of desire I fell trapped into her web of sin A touch A kiss A whisper of love I was at the point of no return Deep in the darkness of passion's insanity I felt taken by lust's strange inhumanity This girl was persuasive This girl I could not trust The girl was bad The girl was dangerous I never knew but I was living in vain She called my house And said you know my name And don't you pretend you never did me before With tears in her eyes My baby walked out the door She's so dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you're no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous I have to pray to God 'Cause I know how lust can blind It's a passion in my soul But you're no damn lover or friend of mine I cannot sleep alone tonight My baby left me here tonight I cannot cope'til it all right You and your manipulation You hurt my baby And then it happened She touched me For the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb And her mouth was smoother than oil But her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged sword But I loved it 'Cause it's dangerous Dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you're no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you're no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous Take away my money Throw away my time You can call me honey But you're no damn good for me Dangerous The girl is so dangerous I have to pray to God 'Cause I know how lust can blind It's a passion in my soul But you're no damn lover or friend of mine My baby My baby Dangerous Special Edition《Dangerous》目前以母带重新处理的方式重新发行。可惜的是这次没有收录任何新素材。但由于Michael Jackson拥有坚实的歌迷阵营,以及《Invincible》和2003年电视特辑获得的公众效应,它将持续销售下去,并有可能最终击败主要对手成为史上最畅销专辑的前10名。可是《Bad》现在比《Dangerous》卖得要好,因此前者可能在近期内超越后者。《Dangerous》在英国舞曲榜上的表现更抢眼一些。自2001特别版发行以后,该专辑已经又在英国卖出了约5万张,在美国卖出了10万张,并在排行榜上最高拿到了第34位的名次。 《危险》专辑三首罕见曲目泄露这次泄露事件是MJHideout本来计划好的一次活动(MJHideout是一个专门挖掘MJ未发行歌曲、混音等下载的歌迷网站)。 他们计划这个月底上传《Dangerous》特别版的第二张盘的全部内容。 《Dangerous》2001特别版当时计划的是两张CD,一张原始曲目,一张加赠曲目。后来这个计划取消,只换了个封面就发行了。但是第二张盘是存在过的,有人拥有着的。内容包括下面图片中的这些。 MJHideout的人是想用这三首之前从来没有曝光过完整版的罕见歌曲来和其他某些歌迷交换另外一些罕见曲目(因为一些歌迷们是用高价买了一些罕见的曲目,他们不会免费和网友分享),然后一起在月底上传给大家下载。现在被提前泄露,我们就只听得到这三首罕见曲目,而不能听到更多的罕见曲目。机会失去了。 《生日快乐,丽莎》(Happy Birthday Lisa):发行在1997年辛普森卡通系列的特别专辑《春田镇的键盘之歌》中。这首歌最初出现在《辛普森家庭》动画片的《刻板疯爸》一集里,Michael本人也在那一集里客串(配音)。多年来,动画片里的这首插曲《生日快乐,丽莎》究竟有没有MJ的参与,一直是谜。但是这张专辑的附页上注明了歌曲的版权属于MJ的音乐版权公司Mijack Music。这首歌是于1991年9月在美国版权办公室里注册的。最终,消息确认,Michael当时使用John Jay Smith的化名,完成了配音,但是《生日快乐,丽莎》,却是另有其人——其实,是艺人Kipp Lennon模仿MJ演唱的这首歌,他来自一个名叫“威尼斯”的家族乐队。当他演唱的时候,MJ也在现场。据他说,“感觉真有点古怪,他就在我旁边,而我却要在所有人面前,被命令扮作是他!”Michael自己的真声版原来计划发行在《危险》加长版的附赠CD上,但后来取消,直到今天才浮出水面。 Dangerous – The Short Film危险之旅:短片(英文:Dangerous The Short Film)是流行乐天王迈克尔·杰克逊为Dangerous专辑发行的一个珍藏短片,全长1小时52分22秒(112分钟),于1993年在沃尔特·迪斯尼工作室家庭娱乐公司下发布年,DVD发布于2001年。 曲目列表介绍振作自己Black or White的反映Black or WhiteBlack or White(幕后)1993年格莱美传奇奖Heal the World(第27届超级碗中场版)Remember The Time(幕后)Remember The TimeWill You Be ThereIn the Closet(幕后)In the Closet瑞安·怀特Gone Too Soon有色人种协会形象奖Jam(幕后)JamHeal The World序言Heal The WorldGive In To MeI'll Be There(百事可乐公司美国商务)Who Is ItDangerous(幕后)Dangerous片尾 认证澳大利亚 2倍白金 30,000 德国 白金 50,000 墨西哥 3倍白金 100,000 西班牙 黄金 10,000 美国 3倍白金 300,000 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