

词条 中国支付体系发展报告2006


出版社: 中国金融出版社; 第1版 (2008年1月1日)

平装: 117页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 9787504945907

条形码: 9787504945907

尺寸: 28.4 x 21.2 x 0.8 cm

重量: 481 g


《中国支付体系发展报告2006(英文版)》主要内容:China Payment System Development Report (2006. Report) is preparedby Payment and Settlement Department of PBC. Report consists of four parts:Part I Overview describes the concept and importance of payment system andbriefly reviews development history of China Payment System. Part II CurrentDevelopment focuses on development of payment systems, promotion of non-cash payment instruments, development of payment service providers andoversight of China payment system. Part Ill Outlook analyzes the new situationfacing and puts forward the overall objectives for payment system development,including expectations for 2007. Part IV Appendix includes a history of majorevents of China payment system development since ]983 and statistics on keypayment services in 2006. Report also includes several boxes that zoom in oncertain aspects of China payment system development.


Part Ⅰ Overview

l.Concept of Payment System

2.Importance of Payment System

2.l Payment system is an important component of the economic and financial system

2.2 Payment system is a prerequisite and basis for effective monetary policy transmission and financial stability

2.3 Payment system development helps promote economic growth and increase efficiency in the financial system

2.4 Payment system development brings better quality of life

2.5 Payment system development drives financial innovation

3. History of Payment System Development in China

Part Ⅱ Current Development

1. Improvement of Payment Systems Has Greatly Contributed to Socioeconomic Development

1.1 China National Advanced Payment System

1.2 Central Bank Computerised Account Booking System (ABS)

1.3 Cheque Image System (CIS)

1.4 Intra-bank payment systems

1.5 Bankcard payment system

2. Wide Application of Non-cash Payment Instruments Basically Meets the Need of Diversified Payment Services

2.1 Bill

2.2 Bankcard

2.3 New electronic payment (e-payment) instrument

3. Diversified Development Trend of Payment Service Providers Comes to the Fore;

Market-oriented Pattern for Payment Services Takes Shape

3.1 The People's Bank of China

3.2 Banking institutions

3.3 Payment and clearing organizations

4. Oversight System Has Been Established; Payment Risk Management Has Been Enhanced

4.1 Legal framework for payment system is getting completed

4.2 Payment system oversight: safety and efficiency are equally stressed objectives

4.3 Connotation of payment system oversight is identified

4.4 Payment system oversight has been strengthened

4.5 Banking institutions' capabilities in preventing payment risks are improved

Part Ⅲ Outlook

1. Situation and Challenges Facing China Payment System

1.1 National economic development has raised higher requirements on payment system

1.2 Technological development provides new opportunities for service innovation

1.3 Changing social environment influences personal need for payment services

1.4 Financial sector reform and development promote competition in and development of the payment service market

1.5 Increasing export and import trade requires a more open payment system

2. Overall Objectives for Payment System Development

3. Major Tasks for Payment System Development in the Future

3.1 Launch 2nd generation project of CNAPS

3.2 Develop Accounting Data Centralized System (ACS)

3.3 Develop domestic inter-bank foreign exchange (FX) payment system

3.4 Continue to improve banking institutions' intra-bank payment systems

3.5 Promote bill business

3.6 Develop bankcard business

3.7 Encourage electronic payment innovation and development

3.8 Improve payment environment and service quality in rural areas

3.9 Enhance payment system oversight

3.10 Enhance international communication and cooperation

4.Outlook for Payment System Development in 2007

Part Ⅳ Appendix

Appendix 1 Major Events in the History of Payment System Development Since the Reform and Opening Up

Appendix 2 Tables on Key Payment Services in 2006

1.Tables of payment instruments

2.Tables of payment systems

3.Tables of bank settlement accounts

4.The interpretation of main indicators of payment business tables





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