

词条 赵美训

赵美训:男,1959年11月生,中国海洋大学“筑峰人才工程”特聘教授、博士生导师。1982年毕业于山东海洋学院(现名中国海洋大学),获学士学位。1991年获得美国加州大学Scripps海洋研究所博士学位。1991-1994在英国的Bristol大学有机地球化学实验室任博士后研究员。历任美国麻州州立大学研究员,美国常春藤名校Dartmouth College助理教授、副教授。台湾大学客座教授,台湾成功大学客座教授,德国Oldenburger访问教授。2005年10月回国,任同济大学特聘教授、博士生导师。现任中国海洋大学“筑峰人才工程”特聘教授、博士生导师。长期从事海洋有机地球化学/同位素地球化学专业的教学、科研工作,研究方向包括海洋有机地球化学、海洋生态系统演变记录与机制、海洋碳循环、古海洋及古环境重建、稳定同位素地球化学、海底冷泉区生物地球化学。研究区域遍布世界各大洋,在海洋生态环境重建、气候演变、极端海洋下的生物地球化学等方面做出了国际一流的成果。先后主持和参加了美国国家自然科学基金委、美国国家航空航天局和美国环境保护局等多项研究项目,为美国国家自然科学基金委和美国国家航空航天局项目评审专家,SCI期刊Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology和Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences的特邀编辑。目前为国家973项目"我国陆架海生态环境演变过程、机制及未来变化趋势预测(2010CB428900)"首席科学家,并主持国家自然科学基金委重点项目一项,面上项目二项,参与其它国家级项目三项。在国际著名学术刊物上发表论文40余篇,其中在《Nature》上发表论文3篇。论文已被SCI引用800余次。


项目名称 所属计划 项目经费 起止年月 项目负责人

南海冷泉区甲烷通量及其对海底环境与生态系统影响的生物地球化学研究(40730844) 国家自然科学基金重点项目 175万元 2008.01-2011.12 赵美训

利用一种新的生物标记物指标(TEX86)重建过去2400 万年南海表层水温度记录(40776029) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 52万元 2008.01-2010.12 赵美训

过去十万年北太平洋表层水温与冰盖关系的空间和时间变化(40676032) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 44万元 2007.01-2009.12 赵美训

我国陆架海生态环境演变过程、机制及未来变化趋势预测(2010CB428900) 科技部973 2900万元 2010.1-2014.8 赵美训


Li L., H. Wang, J. Li, M. Zhao, P. Wang, Changes in sea surface temperature in western South China Sea over the past 450ka, Chinese Science Bulletin, 54, 3335-3343, 2009.

Zhou B., C. Shen, H. Zheng, M. Zhao,Y. Sun,Vegetation evolution on the central Chinese Loess Plateau since late Quaternary evidenced by elemental carbon isotopic composition, Chinese Science Bullentin, 54, 2082-2089, 2009.

He, J., M. Zhao, L. Li, H. Wang, and P. Wang, Biomarker evidence of relatively stable community structure in the Northern South China Sea during the last glacial and Holocene, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), 19, 377-387, 2008, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2008.19.4.377 (IMAGES).

He, J., Zhao, M., Wang, P., Li, L., Sea surface temperature and terrigenous biomarker records of the last 260 kyr for core MD05-2904 from the Northern South China Sea over the last 35,000 Years, Chinese Science Bullentin, 53, 2376-2384, 2008.

Xing Lei, Zhao MeiXun, Zhang HaiLong, Liu YanGuang & Shi XueFa. Biomarker reconstruction of phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the middle Okinawa Trough during the last15 ka.Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008,53(16): 2552 -2559.

Zhang, Z., Zhao, M., Lu, H., Eglinton, G., Huang, C.Y.. Leaf wax lipids as paleovegetationa and paleoenvironmental proxies for the Chinese Loess Plateau over the last 170 kyr.Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 575-594, 2006.

Zhao, M., Mercer, J., Eglinton, G., Higginson, M., Huang, C.Y.. Comparative molecular biomarker assessment of marine productivity of ODP Site 658 off Cap Blanc, N.W. Africa overthe last 160 kyr.Organic Geochemistry, 37, 72-97, 2006.

Zhao, M. X., Huang, C. Y., Wang, C. C., and Wei, G. J.. A millennial-scale sea-surface temperature record from the South China Sea (8 degrees N) over the last 150 kyr: Monsoon andsea-level influence. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 236, 39-55. 2006.

Zhao, M. X., Mercer, J. L., Eglinton, G., Higginson, M. J., and Huang, C. Y.. Comparative molecular biomarker assessment of phytoplankton paleoproductivity for the last 160 kyr off Cap Blanc, NW Africa. Organic Geochemistry 37, 72-97. 2006.

Zhang, Z., Zhao, M., Yang, X., Wang, S., Jiang, X., Oldfield, F., Eglinton, G.. A hydrocarbon biomarker record for the last 40 kyr of plant input to Lake Heqing, southwestern China.Organic Geochemistry, 35, 595-613, 2004.

Zhang Z., Zhao. M., Lu, M., Faiia, A..Lower temperature as the main cause of C4 plant declines during the glacial periods on the Chinese Loess Plateau.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, 467-481, 2003.

Zhao, M., Dupont, L., Eglinton, G., Teece, M.. n-Alkane and pollen reconstruction of terrestrialclimate and vegetation for N.W. Africa over the last 160 kyr. Organic Geochemistry, 34, 131-143, 2003.

Huang, C.Y., Zhao, M., Wei, G., Wang, C.C., Cooling of the South China Sea by the Toba eruption and correlation with other climate proxies ~71,000 years ago, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 3915-3918, 2001.

Zhao, M., Eglinton, G., Haslett, S.K., Jordan, R.W., Sarnthein, M., Zhang, Z.. Marine and terrestrial biomarker records for the last 35,000 years at ODP site 658C off NW Africa.Organic Geochemistry, 31, 919-930, 2000.

Harris, P.G., Zhao, M., Rosell-Mele, A., Tiedemann, R., Sarnthein, M., Maxwell, J.R..Chlorinaccumulation rate as a proxy for Quaternary marine primary productivity.Nature, 383, 63-65, 1996.

Zhao, M., Beveridge, N.A.S., Shackleton, N.J., Sarnthein, M., Eglinton, G..Molecular stratigraphy of cores off Northwest Africa: Sea surface temperature history over the last 80 ka. Paleoceanography, 10, 661-675, 1995.

Zhao, M., Bada, J.L.. Extraterrestrial amino acids in Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediments at Stevns Klint Denmark. Nature, 339, 463-465, 1989.

Bada, J.L, Zhao M,Steinberg S.Isolecucine stereoisomers on the Earth. Nature,319,314-316,






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