词条 | 玉竹海参火锅 |
释义 | 中文介绍原料: 玉竹50克,水发海参500克,水发香菇、水发玉兰片、猪舌头各150克,午餐肉、牛毛肚各100克,黄豆芽、小白菜各200克,姜25克,葱15克,精盐6克,味精5克,麻油10克,鲜汤3000毫升。做法: 1.玉竹用水泡软,切片;水发海参淘尽涩水,沥干,切片;水发香菇去蒂,切为两半;水发玉兰片切片,沥水;午餐肉切片;毛肚片开,切块;猪舌头刮洗干净,入开水中煮至断生,去舌骨,切片;黄豆芽、小白菜择洗干净,沥水。以上各料分别装盘待用。[美食中国] 2.高压锅置火上,下玉竹片、海参片、香菇片、汤、姜、葱、盐,煮开加阀压10分钟,停火降温后舀入火锅中,撇去浮沫,入味精、麻油,便可烫食其它原料。 功效: 补肾益精、养血补气,适用于高血压、血管硬化、皮肤干燥、大便秘结,病后体虚等症。 服法: 佐餐并饮汤。 英文解说Material: Odoratum 50 grams, 500 grams of water, sea cucumber, mushrooms, water, fat, salt water, bamboo shoots, each 150 grams of pig tongue, luncheon meat, beef Maodu each 100 grams of bean sprouts, Chinese cabbage 200 grams each, ginger 25 grams, 15 grams of onion , 6 grams of salt, MSG 5 grams, 10 grams of sesame oil, fresh soup 3000 ml. Practice: 1. Odoratum Soak soft, sliced; water, sea cucumber Tao Jin astringent water, drained, sliced; water in mushrooms stalks, cut in two halves; water in bamboo shoots sliced Drain; luncheon meat slices; Maodu open it cut; pig tongue scraping clean, into the boiling water cook until broken health, to the hyoid bone, slice; yellow bean sprouts, cabbage choose clean Drain. Later use the above feed plate and serve separately. [Food in China] 2. Pressure cooker set on fire, the next Polygonatum films, cucumber slice, mushroom pieces, soup, ginger, onion, salt and boil for 10 minutes plus valve pressure, the cease-fire after the spoon into the pot of cool, skim floating foam, into the MSG, sesame oil and other raw materials can be hot water. Effectiveness: Bushenyijing, nourishing qi for hypertension, vascular sclerosis, dry skin, constipation, weak health embolism after illness. Directions: Gastronomic and Decoction and. |
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