词条 | 英语专业学术论文写作教程 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 华中科技大学出版社; 第1版 (2010年12月1日) 丛书名: 高等学校英语专业规划教材 平装: 156页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 7560965644, 9787560965642 条形码: 9787560965642 尺寸: 25.6 x 18 x 1 cm 重量: 299 g 内容简介《英语专业学术论文写作教程》主要围绕三条主线展开。这三条主线分别是《英语专业学术论文写作教程》题目中的三个关键词:学术、论文、写作。掌握基本的英语写作技巧是提高学术论文写作能力的基础,熟悉英语论文框架结构和写作步骤是提高英语学术论文写作能力的核心,而了解学术性写作特点是提高英语学术论文写作能力的必备条件。 目录Unit 1 What is research ? 1.1 Definition of research 1.2 Characteristics of research 1.3 Research process Unit 2 What is a research paper ? 2. 1 Definition of a research paper 2.2 The basic criteria of a research paper 2.3 Misconceptions to avoid 2.4 The importance of writing a research paper 2.5 Structure of a research paper Unit 3 Features of effective writing 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Purpose 3.3 Audience 3.4 Focus 3.5 Organization 3.6 Support and elaboration 3.7 Style 3.8 Conventions Unit 4 Features of academic writing 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Complexity 4.3 Formality 4.4 Objectivity 4.5 Explicitness 4.6 Hedging 4.7 Responsibility Unit 5 Steps in writing a research paper 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Selecting a research topic 5.3 Narrowing down the topic 5.4 Developing a research question 5.5 Finding sources 5.6 Evaluating sources 5.7 Taking notes 5.8 Developing a research thesis 5.9 Creating an outline 5.10 Writing the first draft 5.11 Revision Unit 6 Developing an outline 5.1 Functions of an outline 6.2 Beginning an outline 6.3 Four features of an outline 6.4 Form of the outline 6.5 Two sample outline that illustrates many of the above-mentioned points Unit 7 Writing academic paragraphs 7.1 Topic sentences and their suppos in a paragraph 7.2 Building a paragraph 7.3 Incorporating sources within paragraphs 7.4 Different types of paragraphs in a research paper 7.5 Developing paragraphs Unit 8 What is an abstract ? 8.1 Definition of an abstract 8.2 Functions of an abstract 8.3 Some misconceptions of an abstract 8.4 Abstracts and others types of summaries 8.5 Differences across disciplines 8.6 Major elements in an abstract 8.7 When to write the abstract 8.8 How to write an abstract Unit 9 Introduction for a research paper 9.1 What is the purpose of the introduction ? 9.2 What questions, will be answered in the introduction ? 9.3 How research introductions are organized 9.4 Language used in the introduction 9.5 Summary Unit 10 Writing a literature review 10. 1 What is a literature review ? 10.2 Purpose 10.3 Reasons for writing a literature review 10.4 Questions a literatttre review should answer 10.5 Structure of a literature review 10.6 Steps in writing literature review 10.7 Examples Unit 11 Conclusion 11.1 What is a conclusion and what is its purpose ? 11. 2 What should you do when writing a conclusioa ? 11. 3 Things to avoid in the conclusion 11.4 Sample conclusions Unit 12 Summary 12.1 Reasons for writing summaries 12.2 Definition of summary 12.3 Preparations 12.4 How to write summaries 12.5 How to include summaries in your text 12.6 Examples Unit 13 How to paraphrase ? 13.1 What is paraphrase ? 13.2 Why to paraphrase ? 13.3 Length of paraphrases 13.4 How to paraphrase a source 13.5 Paraphrase or quote ? 13.6 Examples Unit 14 Expressing your voice in a research paper 14.1 What is voice ? 14.2 The features of voice in academic writing 14.3 Factors that influence the effective use of voice 14.4 Appropriate use of voice in academic writing 14.5 Editing and revising for voice Unit 15 How to synthesizing information 15.1 What is a synthesis ? 15.2 Synthesis and your writing purpose 15.3 Two types of syntheses 15.4 Using synthesis in your writing 15.5 Examples of using synthesis in your writing Unit 16 Reporting verbs 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Different reporting verbs 16.3 Reporting verbs and your point of view 16.4 Reporting verbs and the author's point of view 16.5 Usage patterns of reporting verbs 16.6 Language points to be considered when using reporting verbs Unit 17 Argument in research papers 17.1 Introduction 17.2 What is an argument ? 17.3 Evidence 17.4 Relationship between argument and evidence 17.5 Counterargument 17.6 The role of audience and language in argument 17.7 An example of argument in an essay Unit 18 The Harvard st,fie of referencing 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Citing references in text using the Harvard system 18.3 Compiling the reference list and bibliography 18.4 Websites 18.5 The Harvard and APA referencing systems Keys Bibliography |
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