

词条 cop


COP(Coefficient Of Performance),即能量与热量之间的转换比率,简称能效比。






在冬季供热时,制热量(W)与输入功率(W)的比率定义为热泵的循环性能系数COP(coefficient of performance,W/W);

在夏季制冷时,制冷量(W或Btu/h)与输入功率(W)的比率定义为热泵的能效比EER(energy efficiency ratio,W/W 或Btu/W.h)



其计算公式为 :εs=Q0/Ne=Q0/N0·ηs=ε0·ηs 。









COP:Common on-chip processor 标准片上处理器




(Acronym Definition 只取首字母的缩写词定义):

COP Constable On Patrol

COP Calgary Olympic Park

COP Canada Olympic Park

COP Car Operating Panel (elevators)

COP Cargo oil pump (tanker)

CoP Carousel of Progress (Disney attraction)

COP Carry Over Parts (automotive)

COP Cash Operating Profit

COP Center of Pressure

COP Center on Philanthropy

COP Central Oregon & Pacific (railroad)

COP Certificate of Participation

COP Certification of Process

COP Certified Outsourcing Professional (International Association of Outsourcing Professionals)

COP Cessation of Production (oil)

CoP Chains of Promathia (gaming)

COP Change Of Plan

COP Change of Plea (court term)

COP Changeover Point

COP Character Oriented Protocol

COP Chief Of Police

COP Cholesterol Oxidation Product

COP Circle of Protection

COP Circle of Protection (Magic; The Gathering)

COP Citizen Observer Patrol (Florida)

COP Citizens On Patrol

COP Class of Property

COP Clean Out of Place

COP Close Observation Patrol

COP Close of Play

COP Co-Orbiting Platform

COP Co-Processor

COP Coalition for Outsourcing and Privatization

COP Coast-Out Point

COP Coastal Ocean Program

COP Code of Practice

COP Code of Procedure

COP Coefficient Of Performance

COP Coil on Plug (automotive ignition)

COP Col·lectiu Olla a Pressió (Catalan countries)

COP Colegio de Obstetrices del Perú

COP Colegio de Odontólogos del Perú

COP Collective of Popular Organizations (Dominican Republic)

COP College of Pharmacy (Xavier University of Louisiana)

COP College of the Pacific (University of the Pacific; Stockton, CA)

COP Colloid Osmotic Pressure 胶体渗透压

COP Colombian Peso (ISO currency code)

COP Columbus Outdoors Pursuits

COP Combat Outpost

COP Command Observation Post

COP Command Operating Program

COP Command Operation Procedure

COP Commitment and Obligation Plan

COP Commitment, Obligation and Procurement

COP Committee of Principals

COP Common On-Chip Processor

COP Common Operating Picture

COP Common Operational Picture

COP Communication Order Process

COP Communication Output Printer

COP Community of Practice

COP Community Oriented Policing

COP Community Outreach Program

COP Company Of the Paraclete

COP Component Obsolescence Program

COP Computer Operating Properly

COP Computer Operations Parameters

COP Computer Optimization Package

COP Concept of Operation

COP Conditions of Participation (health care)

COP Conference of Parties

COP Conference of Presidents

COP Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC)

COP Conferencia de las Partes (French)

COP Configuration Overhaul Planning

COP Conformity of Product

COP ConocoPhillips (stock symbol)

COP Consistent Operating Picture

COP Constrained Optimization Problem

COP Constraint Optimization Problem

COP Contactable Off Premises

COP Contaminante Orgánico Persistente (persistent organic pollutant)

COP Contingency Operations Plan

COP Contingency Operations Procedure

COP Continuation Of Pay

COP Continuity of Operations Plan

COP Contractor Owned Property

COP Copper

COP Copulative

COP Copy

COP Crush of people(暗恋的人)

COP Copyright

COP Cost of Power

COP Cost of Product

COP Cost of Production (agriculture)

COP Cost Only Payment

COP Council of Presidents

COP Country of Payment (airlines)

COP CPU Overheating Protection

COP Creating Opportunities Program (Sprint)

COP Crossover Probability

COP Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia (aka bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia)

COP Crystal Originated Particles

COP Current Operating Plan

COP Current Operations Picture

COP Current Ops (US DoD)

COP Customer Oriented Process (ISO 9001:2000 procedures)

COP Customer-Oriented Process

COP Cut Off Post

COP Cutaneous Oncology Program

COP corporate(company)operation procedure 企业运作程序





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:15:10