

词条 雅思口语正经3


出版社: 科学出版社; 第1版 (2008年9月9日)

丛书名: 环球雅思考试系列丛书

平装: 152页

开本: 16

ISBN: 7030200640, 9787030200648

条形码: 9787030200648

尺寸: 25.6 x 18.4 x 1 cm

重量: 340 g






第一单元 雅思口语考官第一阶段考什么及如何作答

第一章 第一阶段特点及应试技巧

第一节 一般雅思口语应试技巧

第二节 四步口语法

第三节 第一阶段实战演练方法

第二章 第一阶段十大考官必考问题、必备练习和高分范文

第一节 题型1:个人信息(PersonalInformation)

第二节 题型2:兴趣爱好(Interests&Hobbies)

第三节 题型3:音乐艺术(Music&Ans)

第四节 题型4:工作学习(Occupation&school Life)

第五节 题型5:城市建筑(Cities&Buildings)

第六节 题型6:时尚饮食(Fashion&Diet)一

第七节 题型7:花鸟颜色(Flowers,C010r&Birds)

第八节 题型8:气候环境(CIimates&E1wironment)

第九节 题型9:交通旅游(Transportation&Trip)

第十节 题型10:朋友家庭(Friends&Family)

第二单元 雅思口语考官第二阶段考什么及如何作答

第一章 巧用“四步口语法”战考官

第二章 向高分进军——“逆向口语法”

第一节 “逆向口语法”真经

第二节 逆向口语实战操作

第三章 雅思口语高频卡片42张详解及优秀范文

1.Describe a school you studied in wlaen you were a child

2.Describe a Kind of subjectyou like

3.Describe the restaurant that you 1ike best:

4.Describe a shop

5. Describe your favorite room/house

6. Describe an interesting park to visit

7. Describe a child you know

8. Describe one of your best friends

9. Describe a famous person in China

10. Describe an old man who influenced you

11. Describe what type of clothing ( or jewelry) you will choose for a special time

12. Describe something expensive you want to buy

13. Describe a product which is made in your country

14. Describe a toy

15. Describe a help you got from others

16. Describe something you made by yourself

17. Describe a kind of old thing

18. Describe a book you read when you were a child

19. Describe yourfavorite (wild) animal

20. Describe a method of relaxation

21. Describe your ideal job

22. Describe the most important thing in your life

23. Describe the most popular food in your hometown

24. Describe a positive change in your life

25. Describe your favorite city, town or village

26. Describe a visit from others

27. Describe an exciting trip you made

28. Describe a technology of communication you prefer to use

29. Describe your favorite way of transport

30. Describe a party you attended which stayed in your mind

31. Describe a TV program that you like

32. Describe a kind of newspaper or magazine you like to read

33. Describe one of the best movies you have ever seen

34. Describe your favorite sport./Describe a sports event

35. Describe a music group, band or singer in your country

36. Describe the music which you like very much

37. Describe an advertisement that you have seen or heard

38. Describe your favorite photograph

39. Describe the part of day you like most

40. Describe a lake, river or sea

41. Describe the weather in your city


第三单元 雅思口语考官第一阶段考什么及如何作答






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