

词条 徐明良

徐明良,男,教授,博士生导师,1964年2月出生, 籍贯宁波。1984年于浙江农业大学获农学学士学位;1987 年于原江苏农学院获农学硕士学位,同年留校;1996年于复旦大学获理学博士学位;1997年初以交流学者身份赴德国Hohenheim大学交流访问一年、继以博士后身份工作一年;1999年初到美国Illinois大学作为期三年半的博士后研究;2002年回扬州大学工作;2003年调入中国农业大学。 新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,国家杰出青年基金获得者。

主要从事玉米、水稻和苹果等作物的功能基因克隆工作。自1997年以来共发表论文40余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者身份在国际主流杂志(SCI收录)上发表论文12 篇,总影响指数接近30,SCI引文次数近百次。现主持国际合作项目一个,国家高科技“863”项目二个,国家自然科学基金一项,总经费达300万。为本科生开设《植物基因工程》,为硕士生开设《分子遗传学》、《植物基因工程》、《遗传学进展》,为博士开设《植物分子生物展》等课程。本人指导博士生2名,硕士生16名。


1964年2月出生, 籍贯宁波。







2003年- 中国农业大学,教授,博士生导师










“玉米、小麦雄性不育杂种优势利用和群体改良基础理论研究”,1992, 江苏省科学技术进步三等奖,第三完成人。





基于BAC库的水稻线粒体结构分析及不育相关片段的分离。霍英东青年科学基金,1.8 万美元,1997.1-2000.12,主持人。

2. 玉米抗甘蔗花叶病毒基因的分离。中国-丹麦政府间科技合作项目,2002.1-2004.12,主持人。

3. 基于水稻基因序列的品质性状主效QTL克隆。中国科技部,“863”项目,160万,2002.1-2005.12,主持人。

4. 基于片段互换的苹果抗斑点病基因功能域研究及体外“超级”抗病基因的构建。国家自然科学基金会,23万,2004.1-2006.12,主持人。

5. 水稻功能基因克隆。中国科技部,属“863”重大专项“功能基因组与生物芯片”中的子课题,约150万,2002.1-2005.12,主持人。



Xu ML, Li X and Korban SS, 2004. DNA methylation alterations and exchanges during in vitro cellular differentiation in rose (Rosa hybrida L.). Theor Appl Genet 109:899-910.

Xu ML and Korban SS, 2004. Somatic variation plays a key role in driving the evolution of the Vf gene family that confer resistance to apple scab disease. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32:57-65.

Huaracha, E.M., Xu ML, K. Gasic, E. Pauwels, A. van den Putte, J.W. Keulemans, and S.S. Korban. 2004. Phenotypic reaction and genetic analysis using AFLP-derived SCARs for resistance to apple scab. J. Phytopathology 152:260-266.

Han YP, Xu ML, Liu XY, Yan CJ, Korban SS, Chen XL and Gu MH.2004. Genes coding for starch branching enzymes are major contributors to starch viscosity characteristics in waxy rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Science 166:357-364.

Liu XY, Gu MH, Han YP, Ji Q, Lu JF, Gu SL, Zhang R, Li X, Chen JM, Korban S S and Xu ML. 2003. Developing gene-tagged molecular markers for functional analysis of starch-synthesizing genes in rice (Oryza Sativa L.). Euphytica 135:345-353.

Xu ML and Korban SS. 2003. Positional cloning of the apple scab resistance gene Vf. Proc. XXVII Intl. Hort. Cong. Acta Hort. 625:79-87.

Carr J, Xu ML and Korban SS. 2003. Estimating genetic diversity in New Guinea impatiens. Proc. XXVII Intl. Hort. Cong. 623:161-168.

Du?le C, Quin M, Melchinger AE, Xu ML and Luebberstedt T, 2003. Saturation of two chromosome regions conferring resistance to SCMV by targeted BSA. Theor Appl Genet 106:485-493.

Carr, J., Xu ML, J.W. Dudley, and S.S. Korban. 2003. AFLP analysis of genetic variability in New Guinea impatiens. Theor Appl Genet 106: 1509-1516.

Huaracha E, Xu ML, Pauwels E, Keulemans W and Korban SS, 2002. Comparison of marker-assisted selection and phenotypic selection for apple scab resistance in a set of apple progenies Theor Appl Genet 108:274-479.

Li XQ, Xu ML and Korban SS, 2002. DNA methylation profiles differ between field- and in vitro-grown leaves of apple. Journal of plant physiology 159:1229-1234.

Xu ML and Korban SS, 2002. A cluster of four active receptor-like genes reside in the Vf locus that confers resistance to apple scab disease. Genetics 162:1995-2006.

Du?le CM, Quint M, Xu ML, Melchinger AE and Luebberstedt T, 2002. Conversion of AFLP fragments tightly linked to SCMV resistance genes Scmv1 and Scmv2 into simple PCR-based markers. Theor Appl Genet 105: 1190-1195.

Quint M, Mihaljevic R, Du?le CM, Xu ML, Melchinger AE and Luebberstedt T, 2002. Genetic mapping of candidate genes for SCMV resistance in maize and conversion into RGA-CAPS markers. Theor Appl Genet 105:355-363

Xu ML and Korban SS, 2002. AFLP-derived SCARs facilitate construction of a 1.1 Mb sequence-ready map of a region that spans the Vf locus in the apple genome. Plant Mol Biology 50: 803-818.

Korban SS and Xu ML, 2002. Going after the scab resistance gene. Trans. Ill. Hort. Soc. 134:15-20.

Xu ML, Korban SS, Song JQ, and Jiang JM 2002. Constructing a bacterial artificial chromosome library of the apple cultivar GoldRush. Acta Hort. 595:103-112.

Xu ML, Song JQ, Cheng ZK, Jiang JM and Korban SS, 2001. A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Malus floribunda 821 and contig construction for positional cloning of the apple scab resistance gene Vf. Genome 44:1104-1113.

Xu ML, Huaracha E and Korban SS, 2001. Development of sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCARs) from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers tightly linked to the Vf gene in apple. Genome 44:63-70.

Xu ML, Li XQ and Korban SS, 2000. AFLP-based detection of DNA methylation. Plant Mol Biol Rep 18: 361-368.

Xu ML and Korban SS, 2000. Saturation mapping of the apple scab resistance gene Vf using AFLP markers. Theor Appl Genet 101: 844-851.

Xu ML, Melchinger AE and Luebberstedt T, 2000. Origin of Scm1 and Scm2 - two loci conferring resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV)in maize. Theor Appl Genet 100: 934-941.

Luebberstedt T, Xia XC, Xu ML, Kuntze L, Melchinger AE, 1999. Inheritance of resistance to SCMV and MDMV in European maize. In: Proc. of the XVth EUCARPIA 1998 General Congress: Genetics and breeding for crop quality and resistance, G.T.S. Mugnozza (ed.), pp. 241-250 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

Xu ML, Melchinger AE, Xia XC and Luebberstedt T, 1999. High-resolution mapping of loci conferring resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus in maize using RFLP, SSR, and AFLP markers. Mol Gen Genet 261: 574-581.

Xu ML, Melchinger AE and Luebberstedt T, 1999. Species-specific detection of the maize pathogens Sporisorium reiliana and Ustilago maydis by dot blot hybridization and PCR-based assays. Plant Dis 83: 390-395.

韩月澎,徐明良,严长杰,陈秀兰,顾铭洪,2004,水稻糯性突变对淀粉理化特性的影响。中国水稻科学 18:125-129。


陈建国、秦太辰、邓德祥、徐明良, 2001, 玉米抗小斑病生理小种T的遗传模型。分析玉米科学 9:70-72.

秦太辰、徐明良、邓德祥、陈若雷、卞云龙, 2001, 玉米雄性不育性研究VIII:对玉米YII-1不育胞质线粒体DNA的RFLP分析. 作物学报 27:185-189。

邓德祥、盖钧益、秦太辰、卞云龙、徐明良, 2000, 玉米对黄曲酶菌抗性的遗传控制. 作物学报26:731-736.

徐明良、杨金水, 1997. YAC 克隆-复杂基因组分析技术. 农业生物学报 5: 1-13.

秦太辰、张亚兵、邓德祥、徐明良、卞云龙. 1997,用胞质线粒体电泳分析对玉米YII-1 不育胞质归群. 江苏农业学报 13: 146-148.

程宁辉、杨金水、高燕萍、徐明良, 1996. 玉米杂种一代与亲本基因表达差异的初步研究. 科学通报 41: 451-454.

杨金水、程宁辉、高燕萍、徐明良、葛扣麟、谈家桢, 1996. Molecular basis of heterosis in hybrid rice and hybrid maize revealed by mRNA amplification. International Rice Research Notes 21: 12.

徐明良、邓德祥、秦太辰,1996. 玉米雄性不育性研究II:恢复性与同功酶关系. 江苏农学院学报 17:17-21。

徐明良、杨金水, 1996. 植物转基因的整合机制. 植物生理通讯 32:234-240.

徐明良、杨金水, 高菘、钱酩、葛扣麟, 1996. 部分酶解酵母高效电击转化研究. 微生物学报 36 :428-432.

王广清、杨金水、徐明良, 1996. 谷类作物基因组研究进展. 遗传18: 增刊, 1-5.

徐明良、杨金水, 葛扣麟, 1996.水稻原生质体高频分裂及基因转化. 复旦学报 35: 637-642.

徐明良、杨金水, 1995. 玉米T型不育胞质感病性与雄性不育的分子基础, 遗传 17: 增刊.





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