

词条 coco rocha

Coco Rocha

Birth Date: September 10, 1988 Country of origin: Canada

One of the most popular models in recent memory, Coco Rocha is truly a model media darling. Her practice of Irish step dancing has endeared her to not only the jaded industry elite but to the general masses as well. See her official website: http://www.coco-rocha.com/






原名Michaila Rocha,于1988年9月10号出生于Richmond。

在搬到魁北克後母亲开始用Coco这个暱称叫她,后来就干脆改名为Coco Rocha。

4岁就一直接受舞蹈的训练,主要是爱尔兰舞,但也学了3年芭蕾舞2年爵士舞1年Hip Hop,完全没想到会成为model,一切的转变发生在她14岁那年。

Charles Stauart在温哥华的爱尔兰舞蹈比赛见到Coco後就极力游说她进入这行,当时Coco与朋友并不把Charles说的话当真,後来经过几次的游说,在隔年Coco终於答应放手一试.

但在进军纽约之前,Coco除了须应付学业外,还必须学习关於时尚的事物,因为她连Anna Wintour是谁都不晓得。



当时Coco正在为New York Fashion Week寻求走秀机会。摄影大师Steven Meisel相中了她并在NYFW前就定下她为VOGUE Itaila拍摄,而回到伸展台她也得到Anna Sui及Marc Jacobs等的青睐,据传这也是经过Steven Meisel的指点,Coco的模特儿生涯就此开始一帆风顺。


" I hope modeling hasn’t changed me in the sense that I think more of myself,

or better of myself,but I am more confident with who I am and what I can do with my life."

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