

词条 达纳·德拉尼



外文名:Dana Delany

别名:Dana Welles Delany


出生地:美国 纽约








从90年代中期开始,Delany和她的朋友Haron Monsky已经在“Scleroderma Research Foundation”这家公司中工作了。她和导演Bob Saget一起工作,Dana在电视剧For Hope (1996)中出演角色,那个角色的原型就是导演Bob Saget死于疾病的姐姐。

利用这个新来的声望,她在一些电影中出演了一些角色,例如 “Light Sleeper (1992)”、Housesitter (1992)”、“Tombstone (1993)”,和“Fly Away Home (1996)”,加上一些电视剧,如 “ Promise to Keep (1991) ”和“ Wild Palms (1993)”。她还扮演过一些颇具争议的角色,比如她在电视剧Choices of the Heart (1995)中扮演的角色Margaret Sanger ,在1994年在“ Exit to Eden ”中扮演的Mistress Lisa,还有在系列电视剧“Family Law (1999)”中扮演的拥有枪支的母亲(这个角色获得了Emmy的提名)。

Delany在1993利用自己年轻的声音做Andrea Beaumont的旁白,并为华纳兄弟公司的Phantasm和Lois Lane配音,在电影“超人”中她为观众提供了生动的旁白,她在90年代中期开始一直到2005年都做声优。并在华纳兄弟的另一个作品“Animaniacs”中演唱主题曲。

从90年代中期起,她已经在万维网上“出席”了很多次,她参加过多个网上聊天的节目,这些节目提供各种各样的信息。她个人的网站开始于1996年,这个网站有一个专门为Dana戏迷设置的“guestbook”,来自世界各地的戏迷都可以在这里发表一切关于Dana的言论。她在1988年到1991年间在“china beach“中饰演Colleen McMurphy,就因为这部电视剧使媒体对这位女演员产生了强烈的兴趣。这个角色不仅使她得到了两项Emmy Awards奖项,同时也得到了两项Emmy和两项金球奖的提名。

在90年代的末期和20世纪末,她集中精力在系列电影的角色上,就好像 short-lived Pasadena (2001),Presidio Med (2002),还有一些电影,就好像“True Women (1997)”,"Resurrection (1999)"A Time to Remember (2003),Baby for Sale (2004) 等,并包括 indie film公司出品的电影,好像The Outfitters (1999), Mother Ghost (2002), and Spin (2003)等。

在这一段时间,使她有了重回舞台的机会,她出演过的舞台剧有---“Translations (1995, Broadway)”,“Dinner With Friends (2000, New York City, Los Angeles, Boston)” 还有“Much Ado About Nothing (2003, San Diego).”

在2004到2006年间,Delany在很多电视剧中出演过很多客串的角色,好像“Law & Order”,“The L Word”, 还有“Battlestar Galactica”,Dana还在系列短剧“Kidnapped (2006)”中扮演角色.

在2007年,Delany参演电影“A beautiful Life”,“ Camp Hope”和“Multiple Sarcasms”,接着她参演了电视系列剧“Desperate housewives”的 第四季,她本来是要演Bree Hodge那个角色的,但是后来还是没有演成,原因是她在之前已经扮演过太多这样的角色了。Delany在绝望的主妇中扮演的角色被证明是非常受欢迎的。Delany本来以为自己只是在”绝望的主妇“的第四季中出演,但是拜 Nicolette Sheridan所赐,Dana已经演完第六季呢!

2011年 《人物》评选“2011年世界最美丽的人”达纳-德拉尼被评为第九名,远远高出曾与她同为《绝望的主妇》的主演——只有36岁的伊娃·朗格利亚。达纳-德拉尼认为美丽是一种源自自身的态度以及一些好的习惯,55岁的达纳在饮食上非常节制,她坚持只吃蔬菜和鱼肉,每周做五次瑜伽,她自称自己是享乐主义者,所以她最大的弱点是偏好美酒。长期坚持换来的是什么结果呢?达纳说道:“我只知道我在《逝者之证》(Body of Proof)中饰演的角色设置的年龄是35岁。”


达纳有一个家族生意,名叫Coyne & Delany,始创于1879年,主要是生产铅制的沐浴器,浴缸,后来他们转移方向,发展生产自动冲洗的马桶和尿壶。标有“Delany Flush Valves”生产标志的产品能经常在洗手间看到。Dana曾经在工厂工作了一个夏天,但是着并不代表她要继承家族事业。



时间 电影/戏剧/电视剧/配音 扮演 注释

1974South Pacific Nellie Forbush musical at Phillips Academy

1978Ryan's Hope Ryan's bar patron 

1979Love of Life Amy Russell 

1980A Life nic Broadway play

1981The Fan Saleswoman in record store 

1981As the World Turns Hayley Wilson Hollister 

1983 Wisk detergent lady in an elevator TV commercial (opposite Tom McBride)

1983 Blood Moon Innocent pre-med student Off-broadway production by Nicholas Kazan

1984 Almost You Susan McCall 

Threesome Laura Shaper fan 

The Streets Jeannie 

1985Moonlighting Jillian Armstrong "Knowing Her," Episode 206

Magnum, P.I. Cynthia Farrell Episodes 7.1, 7.2, 7.19 

1986 A Winner Never Quits Nora 

Where the River Runs Black Sister Ana 

Liberty Moya Trevor bie 

1987 Sweet Surrender Georgia Holden 

1988Patty Hearst Gelina 

Masquerade Anne Briscoe 

Moon over Parador Jenny 

thirtysomething Eve South by Southeast season 1, episode 10 

China Beach Colleen McMurphy 62 episodes 1988–1991 

1990 A Promise to Keep Jane Goodrich 

1992Light Sleeper Marianne 

Housesitter Becky Metcalf 

Cheers Susan Metheny Season 11, Episode 11 

1993Wild Palms Grace Wyckoff 

Donato and Daughter Lieutenant Dena Donato 

Tombstone Josephine Marcus nike 

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Andrea Beaumont voice 

1994 The Enemy Within Betsy Corcoran 

Exit to Eden Lisa Emerson 


1995Choices of the Heart: The Margaret Sanger Story Margaret Sanger 

Live Nude Girls' Jill 

Fallen Angels Helen Fiske 

Translations Maire Broadway play (short-lived) 

1996Superman: The Animated Series Lois Lane voice (43 episodes 1996–2000)

Fly Away Home Susan Barnes 

The Adventures of Mowgli Bagheera (voice) English version 

For Hope Hope Altman 

Wing Commander Academy Gwen Archer Bowman (voice) 13 episodes 

1997 True Women Sarah Ashby McClure 

Spy Game Honey Trapp Season 1, episode 4 

Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man Dr. Susan Fox (voice) 

1998Wide Awake Mrs. Beal 

The Curve Dr. Ashley 

Rescuers: Stories of Courage — Two Couples Johtje Vos 

The Patron Saint of Liars Rose Cleardon Abbott 

The Batman/Superman Movie: World's Finest Lois Lane voice 

Louise Brooks: Looking for Lulu 

1999 Outfitters Cat Bonfaim 

Sirens Sally Rawlings 

Resurrection Clare Miller 

Shake, Rattle and Roll: An American Love Story Elaine Gunn 

2000 The Right Temptation Anthea Farrow-Smith 

Dinner With Friends Beth Stage; Pulitzer-prize script 

2001 Final Jeopardy Alexandra Cooper Delany was actor, co-executive producer

Family Law Mary Sullivan 

Pasadena Catherine McAllister 13 episodes (2001–2002) 

2002 Conviction Martha 

Mother Ghost Karen Bennett 

Superman: Shadow of Apokolips Lois Lane (voice) 

Presidio Med Dr. Rae Brennan 2 episodes 

2003Intimate Portrait: Dana Delany Herself 

Justice League Lois Lane voice (10 episodes 2003–2005) 

Spin Margaret Swift-Bejarano 

A Time to Remember Britt Calhoun aka "Turning Homeward" 

Much Ado About Nothing Beatrice stage, San Diego 

2004 Baby for Sale Nathalie Johnson 

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Carolyn Spencer "Obscene," Episode 603 

Justice League Unlimited Loana (voice) "For the Man who has Everything" 

Boston Legal Samantha Fleming 1 episode 

2005Related Francesca Sorelli Season 1, episodes 7,18

Getting to Know You Marla 

Kojak Kate McNeil 

2006Battlestar Galactica Sesha Abinell 

Superman: Brainiac Attacks Lois Lane voice 

The Woman with the Hungry Eyes Theda Bara voice 

Kidnapped Ellie Cain 13 episodes (2006–2007) 

The L Word Senator Barbara Grisham 

Vietnam Nurses with Dana Delany Host Documentary 

2007 Drunkboat Eileen 

The Batman Lois Lane voice (2 episodes) 

Life on the Refrigerator Door Narrator audio book by Alice Kuipers 

2007–2010Desperate Housewives绝望的主妇 Katherine Mayfair Series Regular (2007–2010)

2008 Route 30 Amish Martha 

2008 Flying Lessons Jeanne 

2009Multiple Sarcasms Annie 

2009 A Beautiful Life Anne 

2009 Camp Hope Patricia 

2010Castle灵书妙探 Agent Jordan Shaw 2 episodes; Season 2, Episodes 17–18

2010Body of Proof 逝者之证 Dr. Megan Hunt TV Series Fall 2010-


德拉尼 在 1989 获艾美奖 Emmy Awards, holding the award she won for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series

Year Result Award Category Film or series

1989 Won Emmy Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama SeriesChina Beach

1990 Nominated Emmy Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama SeriesChina Beach

1991 Nominated Emmy Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama SeriesChina Beach

1992 Won Emmy Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama SeriesChina Beach

2001 Nominated Emmy Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama SeriesFamily Law

1990 Nominated Golden Globe Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-series dramaChina Beach

1991 Nominated Golden Globe Best Performance by an Actress in a TV-series dramaChina Beach

1989 Won Q Best Actress in a Quality Drama SeriesChina Beach

1990 Won Q Best Actress in a Quality Drama SeriesChina Beach

1991 Won Q Best Actress in a Quality Drama SeriesChina Beach

2009 Won Prism Best Performance in a Comedy SeriesDesperate Housewives

2008 Nominated Screen Actors Guild Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy SeriesDesperate Housewives

2009 Nominated Screen Actors Guild Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy SeriesDesperate Housewives

1998 Won Lone Star Film & Television Best TV Actress True Women

2007 Nominated TV Land Award Lady you love to watch fight for her life in a movie of the week Movie of the week





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