词条 | 弦拓扑与环同调 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 弦拓扑与环同调 作 者:科恩 出版社: 科学出版社 出版时间: 2011年6月1日 开本: 16开 定价: 56.00元 内容简介《弦拓扑与环同调(影印版)》的两部分分别介绍StringTopology与CyclicHomology,都是十几年来代数拓扑学中的新发展,freeloopspace都在其中起着中心作用。属于“反映学术前沿进展的优秀学术著作”这一类。比较专门,对象是研究生。 作者简介作者:(美国)科恩(Ralph L.Cohen) (美国)Kathryn Hess (美国)Alexander A.Voronov 图书目录Foreword Ⅰ Notes on String Topology Ralph L.Cohen and Alexander A.Vronov Introduction l Intersection theory in loop spaces 1.1 Intersections in compact manifolds 1.2 The Chas-Sullivan loop product 1.3 The BV structure and the string bracket 1.4 A stable homotopy point of view 1.5 Relation to Hochschild cohomology 2 The cacti operad 2.1 PROPs and operads 2.1.1 PROP’S 2.1.2 Algebras over a PROP 2.1.3 Operads 2.1.4 Algebras over an operad 2.1.5 Operads via generators and relations 2.2 The cacti operad 2.3 The cacti action on the loop space 2.3.1 Action via cOrrespOndences 2.3.2 The BV structure 3 String topology as field theory 3.1 Field theories 3.1.1 Topological Field Theories 3.1.2(Topological)Conformal Field Theories 3.1.3 Examples 3.1.4 Motivic TCFTs 3.2 Generalized string topology operations 3.3 Open-closed string topology 4 A Morse theoretic viewpoint 4.1 Cylindrical gradient graph flows 4.2 Cylindrical holomorphic curves in T*M 5 Brahe topology 5.1 The higher-dimensional cacti operad 5.2 The cacti action on the sphere space 5.3 The algebraic structure on homology 5.4 Sphere spaces and Hochschild homology Bibliography Ⅱ An Algebraic Model for Mod 2 Topological Cyclic Homology Kathryn He88 Preface 1 Preliminaries 1.1 Elementary definitions,terminology and notation 1.2 The canonical,enriched Adams-Hilton model 1.2.1 Twisting cochains 1.2.2 Strongly homotopy coalgebra and comodule maps 1.2.3 The canonical Adams-Hilton model 1.3 Noncommutative algebraic models of fiber squares 2 Free loop spaces 2.1 A simplicial model for the free loop space 2.1.1 The general model 2.1.2 Choosing the free loop model functorially 2.2 The multiplicative free loop space model 2.2.1 The diagonal map 2.2.2 The path fibration 2.2.3 The free loop space model 2.3 The free loop model for topological spaces 2.4 Linearization of the free loop model 3 Homotopy orbit spaces 3.1 A special family of primitives 3.2 A useful resolution of CU*ES1 3.3 Modeling S1 homotopy orbits 3.4 The case of the free loop space 4 A model for mod 2 topological cyclic homology 4.1 The pth-power map 4.2 Topological cyclic homology Bibliography |
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