词条 | 王慧远 |
释义 | 基本情况姓名: 王慧远 性别: 男 职务: 副院长 职称: 教授 博士生导师 所在系别: 材料加工工程系 是否博导: 是 最高学历: 研究生 最高学位: 博士 详细情况所在学科专业: 材料加工工程 所研究方向: 强韧化与塑性变形;新型能源电池;第一性原理 讲授课程: 本科生课程:《冶金原理》、《液态金属成型研究新进展》; 硕士生课程《金属材料强韧化原理与技术》、《晶体生长》和《材料研究专题与学科最新进展》。 教育经历: 1994.09-1998.08 原吉林工业大学材料科学与工程学院焊接工艺及设备专业 获学士学位 学士 1999.09-2002.03 吉林大学材料科学与工程学院 材料加工工程专业 获硕士学位 硕士 2002.04-2004.12 吉林大学材料科学与工程学院 材料加工工程专业 获博士学位 博士 工作经历:2004年毕业于吉林大学获工学博士学位,学位论文获“2007年全国百篇优秀博士学位论文”(师从姜启川教授);2005年按照吉林大学“青年学术骨干人才”引进学校,并被特评特聘为教授。2006年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划;2007年获吉林省杰出青年基金;2007年入选第二批吉林省拔尖创新人才工程;2008年获得吉林省第十批突出贡献中青年专业技术人才称号。2009年被聘为博士生导师,同年担任材料科学与工程学院副院长,分管学院科研工作。作为项目负责人,完成国家自然基金面上项目2项,国家“863”计划项目1项;“新世纪优秀人才计划”项目1项、“全国百篇优秀论文作者专项基金”1项、吉林省杰出青年基金1项。申请发明专利9项,已授权7项。已发表SCI论文75篇;被SCI引用665次,SCI他引471次;单篇引用超过50次2篇、超过40次1篇。 科研项目: [1] 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),“变质高硅镁合金非平衡凝固过程中Mg2Si生长形态的选择规律”,批准号:50501010,经费:28.00万元,运行日期:2006.1-2008.12,负责人:王慧远。 [2] 国家自然科学基金(面上),“熔体内金属间化合物的燃烧合成与非平衡凝固”,批准号:50671044,经费:28.00万元,运行日期:2007.01-2009.12,负责人:王慧远。 [3] 国家科技部“863”计划,“高性能、低成本、可控陶瓷颗粒体积分数梯度增强金属基复合材料”,批准号:2006AA03Z566,经费:100.00万元,运行日期:2006.12-2009.11,负责人:王慧远。 [4] 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划,“铸造过程燃烧合成陶瓷颗粒梯度增强金属基复合材料的机制”,批准号:NCET-06-0308,经费:25.00万元,运行日期:2007.01-2009.12,负责人:王慧远。 [5] 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金,“镁-硅系合金中Mg2Si的变质机理”,批准号:2007B38,经费:42.00万元,运行日期:2008.1-2010.12,负责人:王慧远。 学术论文:[1] H.Y. Wang (王慧远), Q.C. Jiang, X.L. Li, J.G. Wang, “In situ synthesis of TiC/Mg composites in molten magnesium”, Scripta Materialia, 2003; 48: 1349-1354. [2] Q.C. Jiang, H.Y. Wang, Q.F. Guan, X.L. Li, “Effect of the temperature of molten magnesium on the thermal explosion synthesis reaction of Al-Ti-C system for fabricating TiC/Mg composite”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2003; 5: 722-725. [3] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, X.L. Li, J.G. Wang, Q.F. Guan, H.Q. Liang, “In-situ synthesis of TiC from nanopowders in a molten magnesium”, Materials Research Bulletin, 2003; 38: 1387-1392. [4] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, Y.Q. Zhao, F. Zhao, B.X. Ma, Y. Wang, “Fabrication of TiB2 and TiB2-TiC particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2004; 372: 109-114. [5] Q.C. Jiang, H.Y. Wang, J.G. Wang, P. Lu, Y. Wang, B.X. Ma, “Effect of TiB2 particulate on partial remelting behavior of Mg-11Al-0.5Zn matrix composite”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2004; 381: 224-230. [6] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, Y. Wang, B.X. Ma, F. Zhao, “Fabrication of TiB2 particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites by powder metallurgy”, Materials letters, 2004; 58: 3509-3513. [7] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, X.L. Li, F. Zhao, “Effect of Al content on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of Al-Ti-C system in molten magnesium”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004; 366: L9-L12. [8] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, Y.G. Zhao, F. Zhao, “In situ synthesis of TiB2/Mg composite by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of the Al-Ti-B system in molten magnesium”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004; 379: L4-L7. [9] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, B.X. Ma, Y. Wang, F. Zhao, “Fabrication of steel matrix composite locally reinforced with in situ TiB2 particulate using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of Ni-Ti-B system during casting”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2005; 7: 58-63. [10] H.Y. Wang, L. Huang, Q.C. Jiang, “In situ of TiB2-TiC particulates locally reinforced medium carbon steel matrix composites via the SHS reaction of Ni-Ti-B4C system during casting”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2005; 407: 98-104. [11] Q.C. Jiang, H.Y. Wang, Y. Wang, B.X. Ma, J.G. Wang, “Modification of Mg2Si in Mg-Si alloys with yttrium”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2005; 392: 130-135. [12] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, B.X. Ma, Y. Wang, F. Zhao, “Reactive infiltration synthesis of TiB2-TiC particulates reinforced steel matrix composites”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2005; 391: 55-59. [13] H.Y. Wang, F. Zhao, Q.C. Jiang, Y. Wang, B.X. Ma “Effect of Mg addition on the self-propagating high temperature synthesis reaction in Al-Ti-C system”, Journal of Materials Science, 2005; 40: 1255-1257. [14] H.Y. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, B.X. Ma, Y. Wang, J.G. Wang, J.B. Li, “Modification of Mg2Si in Mg–Si alloys with K2TiF6, KBF4 and KBF4+K2TiF6”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2005; 387: 105–108. [15] Q.C. Jiang, H.Y. Wang, Y.G. Zhao, X.L. Li, “Solid-state reaction behavior of Al-Ti-C powder mixture compacts”, Materials Research Bulletin, 2005; 40: 521-527. [16] C.L. Xu, H.Y. Wang, C. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Growth of octahedral primary silicon in cast hypereutectic Al-Si alloys”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2006; 291: 540-547. [17] L. Huang, H.Y. Wang, F. Qiu, Q.C. Jiang, “Synthesis of dense ceramic particulate reinforced composites from Ni-Ti-C, Ni-Ti-B, Ni-Ti-B4C and Ni-Ti-C-B systems via the SHS reaction, arc melting and suction casting”, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006; 422: 309-315. [18] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, Y.H. Liang, Q.C. Jiang, Effect of nickel addition on the exothermic reaction of titanium and boron carbide, Journal of Materials Research, 2007; 22: 169-174. [19] W.N. Zhang, H.Y. Wang, S.Q. Yin, Q.C. Jiang, “Effect of Ti/C ratio on the SHS reaction of Cr-Ti-C system”, Materials Letters, 2007; 61: 3075-3078. [20] H.Y. Wang, S.J. Lü, M. Zha, S.T. Li, C. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of Cu addition on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Ti5Si3 in Cu-Ti-Si system”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008; 111: 463-468. [21] H.Y. Wang, W. Wang, M. Zha, N. Zheng, Z.H. Gu, D. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of the amount of KBF4 on the morphology of Mg2Si in Mg-5Si alloys”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2008; 108: 353-358. [22] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, R.Y. Zhao, Y.H. Liang, Q.C. Jiang, “Reaction mechanism Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction in the Ni-Ti-B4C system”, Journal of Materials Research, 2008; 23: 2519-2527. [23] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Lattice parameter and stoichiometry of TiCx produced in alloyed Ti-C systems by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008; 91: 3813-3816. [24] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, J. Zhang, R.Y. Zhao, Y.H. Liang, Q.C. Jiang, “The lattice parameter and stoichiometry of TiCx produced in the Ti-C and Ni-Ti-C systems by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008; 91: 2736-2739. [25] H.Y. Wang, N. Zheng, W. Wang, Z.H. Gu, D. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Modification of Mg2Si in Mg-4Si Alloys with B”, ISIJ International, 2008; 48: 1662-1664. [26] M. Zha, H.Y. Wang, S.T. Li, S.L. Li, Q.L. Guan, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of Al addition on the products of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Al-Ti-Si system”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009; 114: 709-715. [27] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, R.Y. Zhao, Q.C. Jiang, “Effect of reactant particle size on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction behaviors in the Ni-Ti-B4C system”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2009; 40: 232-239. [28] M. Zha, H.Y. Wang, S.J. Lü, N. Zhang, D. Li, Q.C. Jiang, “Self–propagating high–temperature synthesis of Ti5Si3/TiAl3 intermetallics”, ISIJ International, 2009; 49: 453-457. [29] H.Y. Wang, M. Zha, B. Liu, D.M. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Microstructural evolution behavior of Mg–5Si–1Al alloy modified with Sr–Sb during isothermal heat treatment”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009;480 (2): L25-L28. [30] Q.L. Guan, H.Y. Wang, S.L. Li, C. Liu, Q.C. Jiang, “Microstructure characteristics of products in Ti–Si system via combustion synthesis reaction”, Journal of Materials Science, 2009; 44 (7): 1902-1908. [32] Y.F. Yang, H.Y. Wang, J.G. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Thermal explosion reaction in the Ti-C system under air atmosphere”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2009; 40: 2514-2518. [33] H.Y. Wang, B. Liu, W. Xiao, L.L. Jiang, M. Zha, Q.C. Jiang, “Influence of morphology and size of Mg2Si on microstructural evolution of Mg-6.2Si alloys during partial remelting”, IJIJ International, 2009; 49: 1932-1937. [34] H.Y. Wang, M. Zha, S.J. Lü, C. Wang, Q.C. Jiang, “Reaction pathway and phase transitions in Al-Ti-Si system during differential thermal analysis”, Solid State Sciences, 2010; 12: 1347-1351. [35] H.Y. Wang, W.P. Si, S.L. Li, N. Zhang, Q.C. Jiang, “First-principles study of the structural and elastic properties of Ti5Si3 with substitutions Zr, V, Nb and Cr”, Journal of Materials Research, 2010; 25 (12): 2317-2324. 获奖情况: 2007年获“全国百篇优秀博士学位论文”奖(师从姜启川教授); 2006年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划; 2007年获吉林省杰出青年基金; 2007年入选第二批吉林省拔尖创新人才工程; 2008年获得吉林省第十批突出贡献中青年专业技术人才称号。 治学格言: 一份付出,一分收获 |
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