词条 | 外语教学法丛书·英语教学成功之道 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 上海外语教育出版社; (影印版) (2002年1月1日) 外文书名: Success in English Teaching 丛书名: 外语教学法丛书 平装: 221页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 32 ISBN: 9787810806107, 7810806106 条形码: 9787810806107 尺寸: 20.6 x 14.6 x 1.2 cm 重量: 240 g 内容简介《外语教学法丛书?英语教学成功之道》共分十二章。第一章阐述了英语教学的基本原理和必须注意的关键问题。第二章到第七章讲述了课堂教学的各个步骤,如讲解新的语言内容、组织学生操练、词汇的教学和操练、发展耳听会意和口头交际的能力、发展阅读理解和写作的能力、复习巩固阶段的教学工作等。作者介绍了在实施以上各个教学步骤中的相关理论、有效策略和实例。第八章到第十一章涉及英语教学的其他方面,分别探讨了教学计划制订与课堂管理,教材与教具的使用,评估与测试的实施等。本书的最后一章回顾了英语教学的发展,并提出了提高在职英语教师业务水平的几种途径,很值得借鉴与参考。本书的阐述深入浅出,富有启发性。许多章节设有相关的任务和问题供读者思考和讨论。而附在每一章末尾的实践方案更是起着画龙点睛的作用,这些方案都紧扣每一章所陈述的主题,旨在指导英语教师把相关理论和教学方法应用到实践中去。为方便读者查询,作者在书末提供了教学术语表,并列举了一些相关的重要学术著作,供读者进行深入的研究。 目录introduction. 1 a general approach to teaching english introduction recognizing success in teaching english teachers and teaching co-ordination of english language departments establishing goals and objectives in teaching english variations in course goals communication first and last english as the main classroom language routine communicative activities a general model of english teaching creating conditions for learning learner participation motivation summary project 2 presenting new language items introduction new items in an english language course .what you need to know about new items functional-grammatical items presenting new functional-grammatical items teaching analysis and planning presentation procedures coursebook material the place of writing in presentation writing for clarification and consolidation from presentation to practice summary project 3 organizing language practice introduction the difference between accuracy and fluency practice practice and communication oral accuracy practice language patterns and substitution accuracy practice and communication information gaps elicitation in accuracy practice interactions topics and activities oral fluency practice types of fluency activity feedback and correction in oral practice feedback and correction in accuracy work feedback and correction in fluency work written practice summary project 4 handling vocabulary introduction vocabulary in language teaching and learning dealing with new vocabulary meaning and use in communication pronunciation and spelling grammar working on vocabulary remedial work summary project 5 developing spoken communication skills introduction communication communication outside the classroom communication in the classroom the four skills listening classroom listening recorded texts speaking classroom speaking speaking activities summary project 6 developing written communication skills introduction spoken and written language reading comprehension ways of reading reading activities reading outside the classroom writing writing activities integrating skills summary project 7 review and remedial work introduction the need for review and remedial work the language learning process input, imitation, and cognitive hypotheses subconscious and conscious processes errors and learning pedagogical and natural syllabuses variables implications for review and remedial work review activities remedial work personalized remedial work summary project 8 planning and managing dasses introduction long-term planning the course syllabus syllabus units short-term planning work plans lesson planning class management getting attention and participation giving and checking instructions managing pair and groupwork teacher and learner roles discipline different teaching situations children's courses large groups summary project.. 9 working with a coursebook introduction ways of using a coursebook what coursebooks can offer the syllabus language presentation material language practice material skills development material a sequence of work recycling and review of language additional material what a coursebook cannot provide preparing to use a new coursebook exploiting a coursebook using language presentation material using language practice material using skills development material using review and clarification material lesson planning around coursebook material choosing a coursebook summary project 10 teaching aids and materials introduction different teaching contexts using the board writing and general organization board drawing designing and using prepared visual materials wall-charts cue-cards real and imaginary objects realia mime and gesture audio-cassettes materials and activities video selecting material summary project 11 testing and evaluation introduction teaching, testing, and evaluation teaching and testing testing and evaluation basic aspects of testing types of test validity and reliability balancing validity and reliability writing and evaluating achievement tests comparing tests test exercises and tasks improving tests evaluating learning, teaching, and courses evaluating learning evaluating teaching evaluating courses summary project 12 development in teaching english introduction teachers and ways of teaching approach and method a survey 0fapproaches and methods the grammar-translation method the direct method situational language teaching the audiolingual method alternative methods communicative language teaching the 'course design approach' current developments learner-centred teaching task-based learning developing as a teacher self-development co-operative development formal development summary project a project b glossary sources and further reading index |
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