词条 | 唐卡牛人 |
释义 | 唐卡牛人(Taunka)--魔兽世界新资料片-巫妖王之怒里将出现的新怪物. 唐卡牛人是一个顽强和坚韧的种族,在很久以前他们就被这块荒凉虚无,充满致命毒物的大地上的各种生物所熟知。 Taunka 是一个相当古老的种族,且具有强韧坚毅的天性,因此在很久以前,他们即克服了外在的逆境,定居在诺森德大陆这片天候环境恶劣、且充满了致命废弃物的不毛之地。长久以来,他们被认为是牛头人的近亲,但是却有着更强的意志力。 虽然外人看起来他们严酷而冷漠,但是只要多加了解就会知道他们在敌人的围困面前拥有强大不可动摇的决心,拥有幸存者的特质。 暴雪官方文字: This tenacious, stoic race knows all too well the rigors of living in the harsh and often deadly wastes of Northrend. Over time, the taunka - whom many believe to be ancestral cousins of the tauren - have adapted, but only by forcing the land and the elements to yield to their will. The taunka's relationship with nature, unlike that of their tauren brethren, has been one of constant struggle and grim perseverance. Although the taunka may seem dour or even cold to outsiders, those who come to know them will soon recognize an embattled race of survivors characterized by colossal hearts and unshakable resolve. |
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