

词条 苏州同里国际青年旅舍


“隔岸青樟指曲巷,当门碧水通画船。” 坐在同里青年旅舍临河的小木窗下,抬头所见的便是“太平桥”。桥下碧水粼粼画船欸乃,对岸古墙斑斑,曲巷幽长。古镇同里以“一园二堂三桥”最为著名,其中太平桥便位于古镇最有名的“三桥景区”(太平桥、吉利桥、长庆桥)之内。这三座桥均建于明清时期呈三足鼎立状位于古镇中心。同里人每逢生子、结婚、做寿,都有过三桥的习俗,取其“一生太平;大吉大利;永远长寿”之美意。而如今走三桥也早已是游客到此必不可少的项目之一,也使得三桥成为同里人气最旺的桥。 “一园”——退思园和“二堂”——崇本堂和嘉荫堂都近在咫尺。 走下太平桥,踏入同里青年旅舍,你便仿佛进入了范仲淹跌宕而又悠长的故事中......范仲淹,吴县(今江苏苏州望亭)人,北宋伟大的改革思想家、军事家、文学家。曾任苏州知州,造福一方。他的“先天下人之忧而忧,后天下人之乐而乐”的名句千古流传,至今苏州天平山上仍存有范仲淹纪念馆。后来范仲淹后裔苏州支一部分迁居同里,住在如今已改名为同里青年旅舍的两层小楼。这座小楼面桥临水,朴旧的木窗似乎仍在向后人喃喃诉说着“先忧后乐”的道理......在这里您可以体验到“茶香殷勤留客,琴音悠扬动心”。当您在旅舍的小木窗边坐下来,泡上一壶飘香的绿茶,侧耳倾听身旁抚琴者絮絮琮琮的琴声,望着路上的行人从容而又安详走过,看着桥下的轻巧的小船轻轻的划过,细细品味江南烟雨古镇里那一抹飘渺而又青苍的情思…,你的思绪仿佛随着这幽静沧桑的古镇又回到了从前......


Tongli International Youth Hostel, part of the old private residence of the Mr. Renlanshen, full of characters from traditional Chinese buildings with a history of centuries, oriental-style and traditional caved bed. , is located within the peaceful and harmonious dwellings area , and also beside the Tuisi garden----(famous for world cultural heritages.).

Our rooms vary from economic dormitory to traditional suit, equipped with modern facilities in suit, clean and comfortable.

We offer the warmest service to meet you need at the best.

The front desk is open 7:00 AM – 23PM. At the front desk, you may check in/out, and can get all kinds of free tourist information. We also provide services including reserving rooms for other hotels and issuing YH membership cards.

Please inform us your arrival time if it will be later than 16:30,so that we could keep the bed for you efficiently! Please inform us in advance if there is something changed in your booking such as date change or cancel, via mail or phone. Please inform us your new arrival time by phone if you arrive later than 16:30, or else your booking would be cancelled automatically.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to mail or phone us. Note your name or telephone number in your mail!





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更新时间:2025/3/4 16:41:18